Don't request help with the overhead locker and avoid asking about delays: The ten things you should NEVER say to a flight attendant revealed

  • Being polite goes a long way when it comes to flying, and you're likely to get far better service as a result of it
  • Don't refer to a flight attendant as a 'stewardess', or pester them about delays that are out of their control
  • If you're struggling to fit your heavy bag into an overhead locker, chances are the cabin crew will as well 

Looking after an entire plane full of passengers is no easy task. 

So a little consideration goes a long way when it comes to flying - both in making the cabin crew's lives easier and ensuring you get the best service. 

From being overly demanding in your requests, to pestering flight attendants over matters out of their control, here are ten things you should avoid doing next time you fly.

Politeness goes a long way when it comes to flying - both in making the cabin crew's lives easier and ensuring you get the best service (stock image)

When it comes to those infernal airport delays, it's worth remembering that waiting around is just as irksome for the cabin crew as it is for you.

According to the following infographic put together by Silverdoor, asking repeatedly for the cause of the delay won't help anyone, and it's often the case that staff won't know much more about it than you do. 

Similarly, asking your flight attendant what drinks are available is an unnecessary waste of their time. In most cases, the list will be in your seat pocket. 

Heaving bags into overhead lockers isn't part of their job description either, so if you're struggling to lift your gear, chances are they will too.

Heaving bags into overhead lockers isn't part of a flight attendant's job description, and 'stewardess' is no longer a suitable term

Another annoying habit common of many passengers is disregarding the staff's instructions to switch their phones to airplane mode.

Additionally, making feeble excuses such as 'they let me last I flew' doesn't fly. You might find the regulations silly but it's their job to enforce them.

Other no-nos include addressing a flight attendant as a 'stewardess', since it's now an archaic term; asking to use the bathroom just before take off and expecting cabin crew to look after your children. 

Asking your flight attendant what drinks are available is an unnecessary waste of their time - in most cases, the list will be in your seat pocket

When it comes to airport delays, it's worth remembering that waiting around is just as irksome for the cabin crew as it is for you

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