Now THAT’s one way to pass the time waiting for a flight! Astonishing video shows female passenger doing the limbo under airport seats

  • Shemika Charles from New York was limbo dancing at Philadelphia airport
  • The 23-year-old  is a two-time Guinness World Record holder for limbo dancing 
  • The self-anointed 'Limbo Queen'  started practising her skill when she was 14

A passenger has found an ingenious way to pass the time at the airport and keep flexible before a plane journey - by doing the limbo under the seats.

Shemika Charles, who hails from Trinidad and Tobago but now lives in Buffalo, New York, has become an online hit after a video surfaced of her slipping under a bank of chairs at Philadelphia airport.

The 23-year-old, who is also a two-time Guinness World Record holder for limbo dancing, made fellow passengers' jaws drop when she completed the move earlier this week as they waited to board a flight to Wisconsin. 

Shemika Charles has become an online hit after a video surfaced of her slipping under a bank of chairs at Philadelphia airport 

The 23 year old, who is also a two-time Guinness World Record holder for limbo dancing, made fellow passengers' jaws drop when she completed the move

After posting the clip on Twitter, the footage has since been picked up by several television stations.  

Shemika, who calls herself the 'Limbo Queen', started practising her skill when she was 14. 

She took after her mother Sherrie, who was a limbo dancer for 16 years - though Sherrie could only ever get down to three feet.

'I saw that I had a really unique talent for it,' Shemika said. 

She continued to improve as she got older, which has involved practicing for 'around six hours a day' for the past four years.

Shemika Charles visits the Live With Regis And Kelly television show in 2010 

In 2010, she set the Guinness World Record during an appearance on Live! With Regis and Kelly, where she limboed eight and a half inches from the floor - which is about the height of a beer bottle

In 2010, she set the Guinness World Record during an appearance on Live! With Regis and Kelly, where she limboed eight and a half inches from the floor - which is about the height of a beer bottle.

In 2016, she set her second world record for The Farthest Distance to Limbo under 12 inches.

She previously made headlines around the world after managing to bend herself enough to walk under a car. 

Though the bottom of the car was measured at about nine inches above the ground, unlike a limbo bar, its surface is not even and the height is not consistent.

'It does take a lot of concentration, a lot of balance, a lot of breath control,' she said, adding that she was proud of herself for reaching her goal. 

Onlookers began to film the flexible move while waiting to board a flight to Wisconsin 

The young woman is seen surfacing on the other side of the bank of chairs 

She can spin circus plates in both of her hands and from her mouth while limboing, as well as limbo blindfolded with her hands full.

The performer said that when people see what she can do, they are both amazed and intrigued - but perhaps no one is more in awe than her chiropractor, who she sees once a week to have her hips realigned.

'She really is amazing - like a freak of nature,' said Dr. John Przybylak, though he warned that if she is not careful about sticking to her strict training routine, she could get 'a little bit hurt'. 


Shemika Charles  is a two-time Guinness World Record holder for Limbo Dancing.

Her first world record title was claimed in 2010, when she became the lowest limbo dancer in the world for bending under a marker that was 8.5 inches off the floor.  

In 2016, she won her 2nd Guinness World Record for The Farthest Distance to Limbo under 12 inches, in Beijing -  a distance of 12 feet. 

Shemika is a native of Trinidad and Tobago, which is the birthplace of the Limbo Dance, but she now resides in Buffalo New York. 

Following the announcement of her 2010 world record, the Mayor of Buffalo declared October 8th 2010, Shemika Charles Day.  

She has performed on numerous TV shows, including America’s Got Talent, Wendy Williams Show, Bill Cunningham Show, as well as several local news programmes.  

Work is currently underway to develop a line of merchandise including an official limbo dance kit, fitness books and a line of athletic wear. 

She performs at NBA halftime shows around the country and hopes to one day have a residency in Las Vegas.  

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