From a milkman on skis to sledding nuns: Stunning vintage photos of frozen Britain capture the thrill of snow days in the past

  • MailOnline Travel has compiled a collection of snowy snaps from yesteryear showing British winters
  • Dating between the early 1900's and 1960s, they capture scenes in Welwyn, Oxford and south Wales
  • In many, Brits appear to be welcoming the freezing snow with open arms excited by its novelty 

It is often said that Brits tend to overreact when it comes to snow.

And according to last week's flood of memes and general mockery, this winter season has proved no different. 

But peek back into the nation's archives and you'll find Brits - in some cases at least - positively revelling in the white stuff.

One particularly devoted milkman was snapped in 1962 delivering his wares on New Year's Eve by way of skis - poles and all.

Another image sees a duo of nuns having a whale of a time as they fly past on an on-fashioned toboggan. 

This collection of wintry shenanigans, assembled by MailOnline Travel, offers a glimpse into how the UK handled its annual dose of snow from the late 19th century onwards.

A resourceful milkmen delivers a glass bottle of milk using skis on a snowy New Year's Eve in London, 1962

A pair of nuns clearly having a jolly good time tobogganing in this undated snap, published by the Manchester Daily Express

After heavy snowfall, workmen in central London clear the roads using hosepipes

In 1962, this car found itself buried under a whopping eight feet of snow in Elburton, Devon

After a blizzard in March 1947, villages in South Wales, pictured, were cut-off from main roads

This sled is bringing much joy to one winter reveller on London's Hampstead Heath in December 1938

Durham's Ushaw College, once a seminary for the training of Roman Catholic priests - seen here ice skating during the winter - is now a university college

In this photo, taken in the early 1900's, a crowd forms around some horse-drawn carriages on the frozen River Thames in Oxford

In 1904, people even took to sailing on the frozen river, pictured here in Henley-on-Thames

A band plays despite the freezing temperatures during the opening of Oxford's new Churchill Hospital by the Duchess of Kent in February 1942

A London and North Eastern Railway (LNER) steam train chugging its way over the snowy Welwyn Viaduct in Hertfordshire, 1938

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