A nation of foodies! Britons rate good cuisine as an essential part of any holiday

Forget nice beaches, sunny weather and a great hotel, 63 per cent of British travellers have said  good food is an essential part of a perfect holiday.

It seems we are a nation of foodies at heart, with 26 per cent of Britons keen to try unusual dishes when abroad, and 45 per cent saying they like to mix old favourites with a few local specialities. 

The survey, carried out by travel search site momondo, found just 15 per cent of people stick to familiar food when on holiday and a nominal 4 per cent prefer to cook their own dishes.

Dining out: Food was voted an essential part of any great holiday by British travellers

Eating out seems to be a necessary luxury for holidaymakers, with 65 per cent saying that heading to a restaurant with their spouse or family is one of their preferred activities.

Tasty morsel: Britons are happy to be adventurous and try new foods when on holiday

Even those holidaying alone enjoy sampling the local restaurants during their trip, with 19 per saying its one of their favourite activities.

And around a third of Britons choose their hotel based on whether or not it has a restaurant.

Enjoying the local cuisine is so important to holidaymakers that 65 per cent list good food as an essential travel experience, just behind 'good opportunities for relaxing', which is important for 70 per cent of those questioned.

Unfortunately our love of food isn't as strong in the UK, with just 8 per cent listing it as one the things they like most about Britain.

Most of those questioned rated the UK's people, weather, culture and nature above our culinary expertise.

Julie Pedersen, travel spokesperson at momondo said: 'The Brits are culinary curious people - both when it comes to travel destinations, and experiences whilst away. This study reflects how food is the focal point for many of us when we travel.'

She added: 'Food is a natural part of the sensory experience, so it follows that travellers want to taste different things when in new and exciting places. Cooking is so often an expression of culture and travellers can experience something closer to the local experience, by eating local cuisine.'

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