
Updated: 22:41 EST

Trump’s immigration ban HALTED by Federal court

The federal court for the Eastern District of New York issued the stay on Saturday evening after only two of 12 refugees held at JFK airport were released, after 14 and 24 hours in detention respectively. The ACLU had filed a petition on their behalf, but the stay is effective nationwide, meaning none of the travellers held at airports across the nation can be sent back. Earlier on Saturday, Donald Trump defended his new immigration bans, which prompted outrage as migrants were barred from entering the United States - including families of refugees, legal permanent residents and Ivy League students. The president denied that his executive order, which bars refugees and citizens of seven predominantly Muslim countries from entering the US, was a Muslim ban. He maintained that the ban was 'working very nicely' while chaos broke out in airports as migrants were stopped and some non-American citizens realized they were now barred from the country where they were studying or had lived, perhaps for years. Reports of dozens of people being stopped from entering the US or booted off airplanes have been pouring in. Protesters rallied throughout Saturday at New York City's JFK airport, where 12 refugees were detained. Demonstrators also gathered around the country, including in San Francisco, Chicago and Minneapolis, to speak out against the ban. 

Prince William and Prince Harry commission Diana statue

Princes William and Harry have announced plans for a new permanent memorial to their mother, Princess Diana, to be built twenty years after her death. The statue, which could look like the image inset, is to be built at Kensington Palace where the princes were raised, so both William and Harry can see the new memorial from their apartments. The princes have already appointed a star-studded committee to oversee the project and choose a sculptor, as well as to raise funds for the project. Chairing the committee is former Private Secretary, Jamie Lowther-Pinkerton, who is also Prince George's godfather. Diana's elder sister, Lady Sarah McCorquodale, will also be on the committee panel. The sculpture is hoped to be in place by the end of the year, as well as a memorial garden, which work has already started on. 

Documents from the US defence department reveal more than £1.4billion has been spent since 2011 repairing faults in Trident missile guidance systems and another failure was hidden that year.

Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi was found guilty in 2001 of planting the bomb which destroyed a Pan-Am jumbo jet (pictured) over southern Scotland in 1988 - killing 270 people.

All that remains of Kim Kardashian's jewellery is the £3.5million engagement ring given to her by Kanye West, according to the man behind the Paris heist of last October.


A news story said about 250,000 people die in Britain each year from pulmonary embolism. In fact the figure, in 2012, was 2,300.

Youngest twins ever recorded in Britain survive

James and Claire Weir from Paisley, Scotland, thought their twins Annabelle (left) and Imogen (right) would die. The identical sisters were born three days under the 24-week legal limit for abortion - making them the youngest twins ever recorded in Britain. They were so tiny they couldn't even wear clothes for fear their delicate skin might tear. However, they are now home in Paisley with their parents James and Claire - and still amazing doctors with their progress. Mrs Weir, 31, admitted there were times that she felt 'guilty' for keeping them alive. But watching the ten-month-olds grin and kick with excitement at the sight of their favourite cuddly toy, and holding hands when they nap, she knows she made the right choice.

Thames Valley Police have told the army to change the timetable for the Changing of the Guard at Windsor Castle due to security fears. The famous tradition will take place three times a week.

Heart surgeon, Nihal Weerasena, 63, has been found guilty of serious misconduct in relation to six cases, two involving the death of a child. On child, Eve Burton, died after a botched operation.

New plans announced by Health Secretary, Jeremy Hunt, will see law firms no longer being able to claim extortionate fees for clinical-negligence cases that only result in modest compensation.

The former EastEnders star, 52, was in Libya investigating human trafficking and violent extremism for a new documentary when he was trapped inside a building by an armed tribe.

Fancy dress wigs, hand-painted bongos and clothes from a lingerie website are among the items bought by English councils using Government Procurement Cards.

An increasing number of people in the UK are now 'wardrobing' - buying clothes online, wearing them once and then returning them by post for a refund.

Israeli diplomat, Shai Masot, was caught making threats against the pro-Palestinian, Foreign Office Minister, Sir Alan Duncan earlier this month. Now a group of MPs are to investigate the scandal.

The British Medical Association has issued advice to its members saying they should call people 'pregnant people' instead of mothers to avoid alienating transgender people.

An estimated two million people across Britain went teetotal for a month for Dry January. Now supermarkets are bracing themselves for a rush on alcohol as shoppers break the fast a day or two early.

PICTURE EXCLUSIVE: Double tragedy of Madonna twins

Mother of four-year-old twins, Esther and Stella, died in childbirth last August and the pair were taken into an orphanage at one-day-old. They were cared for by Estelina Kalumpha who they regarded as their birth mother. But now her sister, Gladys, says she'd be horrified to know girls may be taken to US, saying: 'I fear I may never see them again' after hearing Madonna wants to adopt them and taken them back to America.

The 45-year-old admitted to The Sun that she was 'embarrassed' to tell anyone of her troubles, so forced herself to spend several nights on a park bench in North London at rock bottom.

The politician posed for a selfie with member of the far-right English Defence League, Andy Edge. He's seen with his arm round Edge and giving a thumbs up. Edge was convicted of a violent disorder in 2014.

The British Army have ordered 45 veteran dogs to be put down even though they did not have serious medical conditions. Between 2013 and 2016, 231 dogs have been put down.

Theresa May held Trump's hand because of his stairs fear

An explanation of the picture of Trump and May holding hands at the White House has emerged - hat he was clinging on to Mrs May for support because he has a morbid fear of stairs and slopes. A senior Government source suggested that the President suffers from a condition known technically as bathmophobia. Mr Trump has already publicly admitted to being a 'germaphobe' with a compulsive need for cleanliness.

As the PM's motorcade swung through the White House gates on Friday, the low Washington winter sun briefly picked out her expression through the window of her official car: tense and lost in thought.

Sir Mo is originally from Somalia, one of the countries Donald Trump has included on his banned list of immigrants into the USA for 90 days Sir Mo could be banned from re-entering his home.

Following May's meeting with President Trump at the White House on Friday DAN HODGES says not since Churchill pledged to oppose Hitler has a British PM been this isolated on the global stage.

The former deputy Labour leader has said that harassment from her former University lecturer made her a feminist, after he said he would raise her grades if she slept with him.

Detectives investigating lurid abuse allegations against Sir Edward Heath have interviewed key figures at Private Eye - because the satirical magazine joked about his sexuality 40 years ago.

Beckham has a touch of Imelda Marcos about him. The former Philippines first lady famously amassed thousands of pairs of shoes, while Beckham has an equally impressive collection of football boots.

Exclusive interview with Rory McGrath's wife

Nicola McGrath insists her husband is a 'flawed human being but not a monster' after being given a 5-year restraining order and 10 week suspended jail sentence for harassing a former mistress of 5 years, on Thursday. Mrs McGrath spoke of the 'hurt' he caused her but said she is 'optimistic' about their future together rebuilding their marriage.

David Lytton left the UK for Asia in 2006 before returning to seemingly end his life, but spent most of his days London where a neighbour revealed nobody called in to visit in more than three decades.

David Lytton left the UK for Asia in 2006 before returning to seemingly end his life, but spent most of his days London where a neighbour revealed nobody called in to visit in more than three decades.

Oleg Erovinkin served as a general in the KGB and was a key aide to a former prime minister named in the explosive dossier and a security expert believes he was murdered for his role in the leak.

Kate v Meghan: Who wears the cool crown?

They're both gorgeous, glamorous and adored by royal brothers, but how does glossy good girl the Duchess of Cambridge (left) measure up against sassy Suits star Meghan Markle (right)? Lucy Lawrence pits the princes' partners against each other to see whether future King of England Prince William (left inset) or his brother Harry (right inset) have the stand-out significant other. Kate and Meghan square off over their style, girl power, pets, family and social media status.

On 6 February, Britain's longest lived, longest reigning monarch will have been on the throne for 65 years - marking her Sapphire Jubilee.

Health managers could save more than £50 million a year on paracetamol, aspirin and ibuprofen alone if they simply bought the drugs from Asda or Superdrug.

The device is placed in the upper thigh, in order to create a channel between the main artery and a vein. It results in some of the blood flow in the leg being diverted back up into the body and heart.

When Sophie Sabbage was diagnosed with 'incurable' lung cancer at 48, it would have been easy for her to slip into depression. Instead, she became a UK bestselling author.

When I got a letter from my local hospital calling me in for a mammogram, just 12 months after my previous breast scan, I almost didn't go, writes BBC presenter Kirsty Lang.

Former Formula 1 boss, Max Mosley, 76, has donated £1.2m for drugs research by controversial scientists who have advocated the use of drugs to treat medical problems.

Following the President's tragic death, the grief his old friend Lord Harlech shared with Jackie (pictured together) cemented their own close friendship.

President Trump's trip to Britain is currently being planned but was hit by a diplomatic row after he said he did not want to meet with Prince Charles because of climate change differences.

KATIE HIND reveals the tales behind the BBC's new thriller

The BBC's new thriller Apple Tree Yard, which is back on tomorrow night at 9pm, is a sexually charged show with two protagonists with a penchant for dangerous liasons, writes KATIE HIND. The Mail on Sunday spoke to the creators to get to the truth behind some of the big questions left hanging in the air by the show which has left its six million viewers a little hot under the collar.

When Alex Shulman announced last week that she was stepping down as editor of Vogue after 25 years, I started to feverishly search online for names rumoured to be in the mix as her successor.

Scientists at Stanford University in California are working on study that can use information gathered on a smartwatch to determine if you are about to fall ill - before you feel sick.

Russian spin doctor and Putin confidante Maria Zakharova, who has called the Foreign Secretary 'shameful', is guest of honour at a reception at the Commons Terrace Pavilion, London.

From March, drivers caught using phones while driving will be slapped with a £200 fine and six points. But police chiefs say they want to spare the harsh punishments and offer courses instead.

HMS Putin Hunter: May sends Royal Navy ship to Black Sea

In a dramatic show of strength by Theresa May, HMS Diamond, a Type 45 destroyer equipped with the latest anti-aircraft rockets, will set sail for Ukraine carrying up to 60 Special Boat Service and Royal Marine commandos. The move is part of the biggest British military build-up on Russia's borders for decades, and comes after the Prime Minister told US politicians that Britain and America should stand up to President Vladimir Putin.

Refugee Ammar Sawan, who fled worn-torn Syria and dreamed of living in the United States with his family, is among those who have spoken out following Trump's immigration ban.

In 2012, Trump blasted the stream of 12 executive orders and presidential memorandums Obama signed within his first seven days of office. President Trump has signed 14 actions.

Theresa May was dragged into the furore around Donald Trump's 'Muslim migrant ban' while on a trip to Turkey to meet President Erdogan, in which he backroom team took centre stage.

Major General Jonathan Shaw said nothing could be done to stop the attacks which may lead to top-secret information being read by Vladimir Putin. Shaw suggests keeping less info on computers.

Iraqi refugees Hameed Khalid Darweesh (pictured) and Haider Sameer Abdulkhaleq Alshawi walked free at New York's JFK airport on Saturday after being held for 14 and 24 hours.

Cook sent an email to staff at the Cupertino company saying they 'wouldn't exist' without immigration and insisted the firm does not support the policy.

Friends of Sir John Hurt say he was not always so decipherable as he was haunted by the death of one of his life's great loves, Vogue model Marie-Lise Volpeliere Pierrot, who died in 1983 in Oxford.

Still reeling from the Luftwaffe blitz that had shattered the city and claimed so many lives, Londoners were haunted by a different kind of killer.

British rock star Rick Parfitt death on Christmas eve was mourned widely by fans. While his widow Lyndsay Parfitt endures her own grief she also feels betrayed and bewildered.

Ryan's great-great-grandfather, George Edward Gosling (bottom left), was a musician and war hero from London who volunteered for the British Army as a bugler, at the tender age of 15.

Forget handbag dogs, Britain goes barmy for SAUSAGE CATS

Known as Munchkin cats (pictured top and bottom left), they have become a sought-after pet, with demand fuelled by online videos of their antics, and by high-profile owners such as Paris Hilton, who named hers Shorty. But their distinctive appearance is down to a defective gene which means they cannot run or jump properly, and which can lead to other serious health problems. The Governing Council Of The Cat Fancy, the leading body for registering cats in Britain, has refused to recognise the breed. Other experts insist that the deformity does not create worrying health risks, although they acknowledge that the breed has an odd way of walking compared to normal breeds (pictured top and bottom right).

Alexander Chancellor, died yesterday aged 77 after a short illness. Highly regarded as a writer and editor, he launched two newspaper magazines at The Independent and Sunday Telegraph.

The Brexit Secretary issued the tough message as he defiantly vowed to push ahead with the timetable for leaving the EU despite the government being dealt an humiliating legal blow.

Nicola Sturgeon, pictured today, said today's judgement raised 'fundamental issues' for Scotland and said it is now 'ever clearer' that Scotland should decide on its own future in a referendum.

David Blunkett said he was a champion of representative democracy and encouraged politicians to bring their judgement to the process as well as following voters' instructions.

Lindsay Lohan meets with Turkish President Erdogan

US actress Lindsay Lohan met Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and seven-year-old Syrian girl blogger Bana al-Abed in Ankara on Friday. Lohan later wrote on Instagram: 'What a dream it is for Mr. President Erdogan and The First Lady to invite me to their home. Their efforts in helping Syrian Refugees is truly inspiring.' Lohan had previously expressed support for Turkey's efforts to host nearly three million Syrians fleeing their nation's five-year war.

In failing to wait for his wife before scaling the White House steps for the first time, Donald Trump made history. Every president in US history has waited for his wife before greeting his predecessor.

President Trump's Cabinet is worth a combined $14 billion. They have taken flak for confessing an inability to keep track of their wealth, including Steve Mnuchin, who missed declaring $100m.

The fighter jet (pictured) was unveiled in a ceremony at the MiG factory in Lukhovitsy, Moscow on Friday and test flights with the Russian air force will begin this month.

A garage full of wooden replicas was discovered in Eastern Mosul by Iraq's Federal Police. This is the second set of fake military vehicles officers have found during raids on IS hide outs.

The case was referred to the Regional Review Committee. It concluded that the female doctor had effectively acted in good faith. The Netherlands introduced the euthanasia law 17 years ago.

The 85-year-old, who oversaw an easing of tensions with the West that helped to end the Cold War in the early 1990s, said reversing a 'ruinous' global arms race must be the world's 'top priority'.

Tourists dragged the mammal out of the water on Sunday in the seaside city of San Bernardo, south of Buenos Aires. The harrowing event was captured on camera and posted on Twitter.



Following May's meeting with President Trump at the White House on Friday DAN HODGES says not since Churchill pledged to oppose Hitler has a British PM been this isolated on the global stage.

The Prime Minister has done far better in Washington than she could have hoped. There was a great risk that she might have been dangerously upstaged, rudely brushed aside or embarrassed.

If Trident missile launches are so secret, why was I invited by the British Embassy in Washington to go and watch one in 1994?, asks PETER HITCHENS