NCRI - On Friday morning, October 28, thousands of people from various Iranian cities took part in a protest against the clerical regime’s policies in Pasargade, the site of the tomb of Cyrus the Great. The gathering took place on the occasion of his birthday. The protestors described Cyrus as the pride of every Iranian and a foundational figure in the establishment of human rights principles.

The protestors chanted: “freedom of thought cannot happen with beards expressing the belief that Iran’s fundamentalist, theocratic regime is averse to freedom of thought). The crowd chanted slogans including, “Iran is our country, Cyrus is our father,” and “clerical rule is synonymous with only tyranny, only war.”

Due to the regime’s anxiety towards this gathering, authorities took extensive measures in recent days to limit its reach and its impact. Tours of Pasargde were called off. Subsequently, rumors spread that Passargade was entirely closed down and that nobody could go there. Internet service in the area has been shut off since October 26 and nearby residents have been told that they are not allowed to have guests during the period.

All the roads leading to Pasargade were sealed off from Friday morning and a large number of intelligence and security agents in plain clothes were stationed near the tomb and the streets leading to it.

Yet none of these schemes could prevent the gathering from taking place. The long line of vehicles and the large scope of the participants were clear indications of the Iranian people’s hatred towards the regime. This regime is incapable of standing up against the Iranian people’s desire and will to achieve democracy and popular sovereignty.


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