The Speaker, Iraqi Turkmen Bloc discuss situation in Kirkuk

The Speaker Dr. Saleem al-Jubouri met on Tuesday a delegation of the Members of the Turkmen bloc headed by MP Hassan Turan.

During the meeting, they di...

Sheikh Hamoudi calls for allocating job grades for outstanding students in Iraqi universities

In a speech delivered during his meeting with a group of Iraqi graduate students, the First Deputy Speaker Sheikh Dr. Humam Hamoudi called the Ministries and state institutions to allocate job...

The Speaker, Allawi discuss latest security and political updates

The Speaker Dr. Saleem al-Jubouri met in his office on Monday the Vice president Dr. Ayyad Allawi. During the meeting, they discussed the latest security and politica...

The Speaker urges the Mayor to harness all available source of energy to the service of people

The Speaker Dr. Saleem al-Jubouri met in his office Ms. Thekra Alloosh the Mayor of Baghdad. During the meeting, they discussed the efforts exerted to provide service...

The Speaker chairs meeting of the presidency board of the COR and heads of political blocs

The Speaker Dr. Saleem al-Jubouri chaired a meeting of presidency board of the COR and the heads of political blocs. During the meeting, they identified and discussed...

Sheikh Hamoudi: We will hold accountable those who fail to implement council of Ministers’ decisions concerning local product support

The First Deputy Speaker Sheikh Dr. Humam Hamoudi lauded the decision of the Council of Ministers to renew emphasis on the campaign of national product support and to...

Sheikh Hamoudi: Iraqis prove through their blood sacrifices the depth of their national unity

The First Deputy Speaker Sheikh Dr. Humam Hamoudi blessed the launch of the Mosul liberation operations and stressed that Iraqis with all their denominations proved t...

Sheikh Mohammad blesses the launch of Mosul operations

Deputy Speaker Aram Sheikh Mohammad blessed the start of Mosul offensive against ISIS and stressed his full support for the troops that are involved in the ongoing op...

Sheikh Mohammad condoles Iraqis on the martyrdom of Imam Hussein

The Deputy Speaker Aram Sheikh Mohammad paid condolences to the Iraqi people and the Islamic nation on the martyrdom of Imam Hussein on 10th of Muharram. Sheikh Moham...

Sheikh Mohammad meets families of Karrada martyrs

Deputy Speaker Aram sheikh Mohammad met on Sunday September 25, 2016 a delegation of families of the martyrs of Karrada. During the meeting, the delegation members th...

Secretary General receives Mozambican delegation participating in OIC Conference

The ICOR Secretary General Mr. Iyad Namik received on Tuesday, 19 January   2016 the Parliamentary delegation of the Republic of Mozambique that is participating...

Secretary General receives Secretary General of OIC

The ICOR Secretary General Mr. Iyad Namik received on Tuesday, 19 January   2016 the Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Prof. Dr....

Secretary General receives Turkish delegation participating in OIC Conference

The ICOR Secretary General Mr. Iyad Namik received on Tuesday, 19 January   2016 the Parliamentary delegation of the Republic of Turkey that is participating in ...

Secretary General receives Ivory Coast delegation participating in OIC Conference

The ICOR Secretary General Mr. Iyad Namik received on Tuesday, 19 January   2016 the Parliamentary delegation of the Ivory Coast that is participating in the 11t...

Bahr al-Ulloum receives Red Cross delegation participating in OIC Conference

The MP Ibrahim Bahr al-Ulloum the head of the Supreme Preparatory Committee   received   on   Tuesday, 19 January 2016 the Re...

Bahr al-Ulloum receives Palestinian delegation participating in OIC Conference

The MP Ibrahim Bahr al-Ulloum the head of the Supreme Preparatory Committee   received   on   Tuesday, 19 January   2016   the   Parliam...

Bahr al-Ulloum receives Jordanian delegation participating in OIC Conference

The MP Ibrahim Bahr al-Ulloum the head of the Supreme Preparatory Committee   received on Tuesday,19 January 2016 the Parliamentary delegation of the Hashemite K...

Bahr al-Ulloum receives Algerian delegation participating in OIC Conference

The MP Ibrahim Bahr al-Ulloum the head of the Supreme Preparatory Committee   received on Tuesday, 19 January   2016 the Parliamentary delegation of the Rep...

Bahr al-Ulloum receives Somali delegation participating in OIC Conference

The MP Ibrahim Bahr al-Ulloum the head of the Supreme Preparatory Committee   received   on   Tuesday, 19 January   2016   the   Parliam...

Bahr al-Ulloum receives Chadian delegation participating in OIC Conference

The MP Ibrahim Bahr al-Ulloum the head of the Supreme Preparatory Committee received on Sunday, 17 January 2016 the Parliamentary delegation of the Republic of Chad t...

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