WA News

'Not Australia Day' event in Fremantle draws crowd of 15,000

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About 15,000 people gathered on Saturday at Esplanade Reserve for 'One Day in Fremantle', the local councils' multicultural celebration hosted in place of the usual Australia Day celebrations. 

Following a Welcome to Country by Marie Taylor, Herbert Bropho, Dr. Richard Walley OAM and event MC Gina Williams, people picnicked on the grass to live performances by John Butler, Dan Sultan and Mama Kin, and attended art workshops and children's activities. 

A highlight was the performers joining forces to cover Paul Kelly's From Little Things Big Things Grow.

The council caused outrage and angered both the Barnett and Turnbull governments in August 2016 when it cancelled its traditional Australia Day fireworks in favour of a culturally-inclusive alternative event on January 28.

The move was intended to recognise that for many Aboriginal people, the day is one that represents dispossession and pain. 

The federal government forbade the moving of citizenship ceremonies, and local businesses banded together to put on a fireworks show on the 26th for the sake of "vibrancy".


Fremantle Business Improvement District, in conjunction with the FremantleHarbour Traders Group, estimated a crowd of 20,000 in Fremantle and surrounds attended its Freo Fiesta and fireworks show on the 26th. The Fiesta continued on Sunday - see more events here

The City Council still feels it has made its point. 

"We're proud to have contributed to the emerging national conversation around how we might be able to create a day of celebration that's inclusive for all Australians in the future," said Mayor Brad Pettitt.