Belfast Telegraph

UK Website Of The Year

Theresa May

Just who will get what job in this crazy summer of celebrity stepping-down, political meltdown, exit and Brexit? 

The Tory succession battle is finally sorted and a new party leader and Prime Minister is in place. Chris Evans, isn't it? Or Tom Hiddleston? Or maybe Angela Eagle? Roy Hodgson? I'm finding it hard to keep up. There's been so much chopping and changing in important roles in public life this last while, I'm beginning to review my firm conviction that astrology is a load of oul' guff.

Make believers: former Bucks Fizz members Cheryl Baker, Mike Nolan and Jay Aston will be singing for a Leave

If even Bucks Fizz can't keep the Brexit debate popping what chance have we of making our mind up? 

Brexit. Don't let your indecision take you from behind. Trust your inner vision. Don't let others change your mind. The immortal, inspirational message from the lyrics of the song Making Your Mind Up by Eurovison winners Bucks Fizz. Who better, then, to headline the Leave campaign's answer to Glastonbury - an eve-of-poll concert in Birmingham also starring an Elvis impersonator plus Nigel Farage, Liam Fox and Kate Hoey?