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Ethiopian embassy denies arrests after protest in Melbourne earlier this year

Ethiopian embassy denies arrests after protest in Melbourne earlier this year

Former Ethiopian judge Shukri Shafe tells Lateline's Kerry Brewster that his relatives back home are still being targeted after he attended an anti-government protest in June this year.

Late Debate: Pete Goss, Ruben Meerman, Jennifer Buckingham

Late Debate: Pete Goss, Ruben Meerman, Jennifer Buckingham

The Grattan Institute's Pete Goss, Dr Jennifer Buckingham from the Centre for Independent Studies and scientist and author Ruben Meerman join Matt Wordsworth to discuss Australia's fall in the world rankings for maths and science education.

PNG villager takes six year logging fight to world stage

PNG villager takes six year logging fight to world stage

Paul Pavol's battle to stop logging around his home has won him an international human rights award. Now his efforts have helped pressure Papua New Guinea's Prime Minister Peter O'Neill to cancel the controversial leases that have been allowing Asian logging companies to clear traditional land.

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