• P-8A Poseidon acquisition

    7pm TV News:  On February 21, in a story about the Australian Defence Force purchasing P-8A Poseidon aircraft, the ABC reported that the acquisition process commenced under the former Labor Government.  In fact, the process has spanned no fewer than five Governments, commencing under Prime Minister John Howard.

  • Cowan conviction

    News Breakfast:  On March 13, News Breakfast was reporting on the case of Daniel Morcombe. When referring to Brett Peter Cowan the program incorrectly ran an image of convicted child sex offender Douglas Jackway.   The error is regretted and was corrected on air on March 14.

  • Hoddle Street massacre

    Victoria 7pm TV News: On February 18, in a story about Victorian incarceration laws, the ABC reported that "Army Cadet Julian Knight" was the perpetrator of the Hoddle Street massacre.  In fact, although Mr Knight was previously a cadet at school and an Army Officer Cadet he was not holding a military role at the time he committed the murders.

  • Keating interviews

    Episode 4:   When questioning Mr Keating about his relationship with Indonesian President Suharto, the interviewer stated that President Suharto "personally led a bloodbath against the Chinese Communists in 1965, which ended with the slaughter of more than half a million Chinese people; men, women and children". In fact, the bloodshed was not isolated to Chinese Communists; the victims were principally non-Chinese Indonesians.  Further, the phrase “personally led a bloodbath” did not mean to imply that President Suharto presided over each of the many killings.

  • Attribution to Mercedes Corby

    News Online:  On 11 February 2014, the ABC published a story about Schapelle Corby’s recent release from prison which featured a photograph of Schapelle Corby celebrating her release.

    The ABC acknowledges that Mercedes Corby took and is the owner of that photograph.

  • NSW RSL clubs

    7.30:  On February 21, 2013, a complainant raised concerns that a story ‘RSL clubs face fight for future’ used footage of a community protest against a current 32-storey development proposal for a site in Rozelle, New South Wales.  The use of this footage had the potential to misleadingly link the former developer of the site, Winston Langley Burlington (WLB) to those protests.  WLB was no longer associated with the proposal and its original involvement was for a considerably smaller development.  To clarify, WLB had no involvement in the development that was the subject of the protests shown in the broadcast. View the report.

  • Employee safety

    Queensland 7pm TV News:  On November 26, in the wake of the murder of Eunji Ban, the ABC broadcast a story about the afterhours travel of workers.  The story included comments made by the Queensland Premier, however, his comments were referring to the need for everyone to be aware of their individual safety.  These comments were not addressing the question of whether employers should take more responsibility for the after-hours travel of workers.

  • Political donations

    AM, News Online, morning radio news bulletins:   On February 3, in reports about political donations during the last federal election, the ABC reported that “Gina Rinehart's Hancock Coal donated to Labor” and The Greens spokeswoman, Lee Rhiannon, was broadcast stating “Gina Rinehart gives $55,000 to the ALP”.  A spokesman for Mrs Hancock’s Hancock Prospecting Pty Ltd says she has not owned or controlled Hancock Coal Pty Ltd for two years, and had nothing to do with the donation. View related report.

  • Kerang level crossing

    7pm TV News, Victoria:  On 20 October, in a story about the Coroner's findings into an accident at the Kerang railway level crossing between a truck and a train, the ABC broadcast images of the train driver while naming the truck driver.  In addition, the error was the same as an error made when reporting the matter previously.  The ABC apologises for any distress caused by the lapse.

  • Sexual abuse

    AM:  On November 20, in a story about the sentencing of Former magistrate, Simon Cooper, the ABC reported that he had pleaded guilty to child abuse. In fact, the specific charges relate to offences that occurred when the victims were 17 and 18 years of age. View the report.



  • Armenian genocide

    Lateline clarification: On 15 November, 2013, Lateline broadcast a story about a function at Parliament House in Canberra at which controversial historian Justin McCarthy, who denies that the deaths of Armenians in what is now Turkey after WWI should be considered genocide, was scheduled to speak. In that story we also made reference to Dr Jennifer Lawless as being scheduled to speak at the same event. We wish to clarify that it was not our intention to suggest that Dr Lawless shares Professor McCarthy’s views or is a genocide denier. We accept that she had in fact been scheduled to speak about the experiences of Australian POWs in WWI but ultimately was not able to participate. We apologise to Dr Lawless if any viewer understood the story to imply otherwise. View the report.

  • Bjorn Lomborg

    National Press Club:  On December 3, during Bjorn Lomborg's address, the ABC incorrectly supered him as a "climate change scientist". In fact, he is Director of the Copenhagen Consensus Centre and is Adjunct Professor at Copenhagen Business School. View the report.

  • Navi Pillay

    Lateline: On 27 September, in an interview with  the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay, the presenter posed a question that inaccurately paraphrased the Prime Minister’s statements earlier that day, specifically: "Just today our very new Prime Minister Tony Abbott has expressed the hope that asylum seekers that arrive by boats would be no more than a passing irritant for his Government and for the Indonesians. How do you feel about a world leader describing asylum seekers as irritants?"

    The ABC acknowledges a question that better paraphrases Mr Abbott’s comments would have been:  "How do you feel about a world leader describing the boats issue as a passing irritant between Australia and Indonesia?".  View the interview.

  • Noel Pearson

    Radio National: On September 3, Radio National reported on a plan devised by Noel Pearson to give Aboriginal communities the power to direct government funding in a manner that he believed could result in tangible gains in and around the Cape York region. We reported the strong support on both sides of politics to Mr Pearson's plan prior to the election, as well as the strong opposition to the program from eight mayors in the region. The material broadcast may have implied to some listeners that Mr Pearson had misappropriated tax payer funds or had otherwise put the proposal forward out of self interest. This was no the ABC's intention and the ABC apologises unreservedly to Mr Pearson.

  • Chris Powney

    7pm TV News, Sydney: On January 2 Mr Chris Powney was described as the Artistic Director of the Royal Ballet. His correct title is the Artistic Director designate of the Royal Ballet School. The ABC apologises for the error.

  • Diane drug approvals

    7pm TV News:  On December 5, in a story about the anti-acne medication Diane 35, the ABC reported that a an investigation “is under way” by the Therapeutic Goods Administration into claims the drug's manufacturers Bayer have breached laws that prevent them marketing the drug as a contraceptive.  This is incorrect. The TGA investigation into Bayer had been completed the day before and Bayer’s website amended at the time of the broadcast.  View related report.

  • Occupy Melbourne

    Victorian 7pm TV News and Local Radio:

    On October 1, in a story about the break-up of the Occupy Melbourne protests, ABC News incorrectly reported that the Federal Court had ruled the Melbourne City Council's actions were “arbitrary and unlawful”.  In fact, the Federal Court found that the local laws and regulations used by the council to dismantle protest encampments were mainly valid.

    The court found that three of the total of eight council notices served on the protesters were invalid because they weren't appropriate for the purpose of removing the camps.  The court also found that arrests made by police as a consequence of council notices were lawful.

    In addition, our story featured vision of the occupy protest in the City Square when the case centred on protests in the Treasury and Flagstaff gardens.

  • V8 Supercars Sydney

    AM:  A story broadcast on 12 September 2013 suggested that former Minister Ian Macdonald, who commissioned the V8 Supercar event in Sydney, stood to make a profit from it and referred to evidence from the recent ICAC inquiry concerning a $30,000 payment to Mr Macdonald. The ABC wishes to clarify that the ICAC has made no findings of corruption in relation to Mr Macdonald’s involvement with the V8 Supercar event or any other tourism deal. In evidence before the ICAC, it was denied that Mr Macdonald was paid any amount in relation to the Supercar event. View the report.

  • Schapelle Corby

    Australia Network News:  On September 11 when reporting on the possible parole of Schapelle Corby from prison in Denpasar, the ABC incorrectly reported that Ms Corby's brother-in-law paid a $10,000 fine “for secondary indiscretions in gaol”.  In fact, the money was part of a condition of Ms Corby’s original sentence.  The ABC apologises for the lapse in standards.

  • Politics in Western Sydney

    The Drum:  An article “How Labor won the 'ethnic vote' in Western Sydney”, published on September 13, incorrectly said a Labor member was a sister-in-law of Eddie Obeid and was “recalcitrant” on the issue of finding burial grounds. The ABC acknowledges the member did not actively seek to prevent or frustrate the provision of burial plots for Islamic Australians in Sydney as implied by the original wording of the article.  The Drum regrets these errors. View the report.

  • Syrian aid

    News Online:  On June 15, in a story about the Syrian conflict, the ABC reported that “United States says it is only providing ‘non-lethal’ aid.” In fact, the US has moved to assist Syrian rebels by providing military support, which is understood to include the supply of some lethal materials. View the story.

  • NBN in Scottsdale

    7pm TV News Tasmania, Local Radio:  On 16 August, in a story about the National Broadband Network rollout in Scottsdale, the ABC reported that one of the contractors engaged by the Commonwealth Government to provide training for local businesses, 3pconsulting, was responsible for inadequate training. In response, 3pconsulting say they fulfilled all their obligations and were not responsible for any of the alleged inadequacies. The ABC apologises for not providing 3pconsulting a fair opportunity to respond.

  • Joe Rospars

    One Plus One:  On August 23, when introducing an interview with Joe Rospars, the ABC reported that he was a digital strategist for President Obama in 2008 and 2004. These dates should  be 2008 and 2012. View the story.

  • Prostitute murder

    Victoria 7pm TV News:   A clarification on our news coverage from 3 July concerning the murder of Mr Chartres-Abbott. A report wrongly stated that the former Director of Police Media Stephen Linnell had been accused of and pleaded guilty to tipping off two detectives implicated in the death of Mr Chartres-Abbott. ABC acknowledges that Mr Linnell was not accused of tipping off the police about the murder investigation and apologises to him.

  • Tasmanian serious crime

    7pm TV News, Tasmania:   On June 6, in a report about targets set by Tasmania Police, the ABC reported that “There’s no revenue in solving crime“ when referring to material provided by the Police Association alleging that Tasmanian Police had reduced targets for solving serious crime, but had increased targets for traffic-related offences.  This is incorrect.  The target for solving serious crime had been increased marginally.  The ABC compared the previous year’s results with the current year’s targets, however, the targets are derived from three year averages, not one previous year’s results.  ABC News apologises for this error.

  • Afghanistan visit

    Various ABC News broadcasts:  On 28 July when reporting on the Prime Minister’s visit to Afghanistan, the ABC reported that Therese Rein was the first spouse of a prime minister to visit a war zone. In fact, she is the second: Bettina Gorton, the wife of former Prime Minister John Gorton, visited Vietnam in 1968. View the report.

  • CT scans

    News Breakfast:  On June 3 the program featured a Melbourne University study that indicates that people that had CT scans in their early years have an increased risk of cancer. In discussion,  our presenter said that CT scans and magnetic resonance involve less radiation than x-rays.   In fact, our presenter was referring to MRI scans not CT scans, and the ABC notes that compared to x-rays, CT scans release a significantly higher amount of radiation.

  • Hobart home care

    Tasmanian TV News:  On June 18, in a story about the living conditions of a man with a disability, Gerard Stefaniw, the ABC broadcast the allegations made by a former Community Based Support carer about the levels of home care provided, but the ABC did not seek a response from the organisation itself. Specifically, that CBS clients have not been assessed for their care needs and CBS does not understand the conditions their clients live in. 

    CBS have advised the ABC that Mr Stefaniw’s case has been regularly assessed and reviewed and the organisation works collaboratively with other care providers.  Mr Stefaniw’s house is cleaned regularly, and he is consulted about regular domestic assistance. View the report.

  • Broome boat

    Classic FM News:  On 15 July, in a story about the arrival of a boat of asylum seekers arriving off the shores of Broome, the ABC reported that it was “an illegal vessel”.   In fact, the boat was carrying asylum seekers and the ABC notes that it is legal to seek asylum in Australia.

  • Batman MP

    News Online:  On May 29, in a story about the retirement of veteran Labor MP Martin Ferguson, the ABC reported that his Melbourne seat of Batman “is Labor's safest seat with a margin of 24.8 per cent”.   In the last election, the Greens candidate outpolled the Liberal candidate, complicating the traditional “two-party preferred” calculation. This is what the Electoral Commission calls a “non-classic” seat.  With the 2010 result in mind, it would have been more appropriate to describe Batman as “normally one of Labor’s safest seats”.  View the report.

  • Leader Newspapers

    On 5 June 2013, the ABC broadcast allegations that Leader Newspapers (owned by News Limited) has given some real estate agents in Melbourne loyalty payments so that they will do business only with News Limited publications.  It was alleged that the effect of this has been to the detriment of advertisers and competing newspapers.  News Ltd denies any wrong doing and the ABC accepts that it did not make reasonable efforts to corroborate the allegations. The ABC also broadcast that News Limited did not deny the practice, however the organisation had responded in writing that dealings with customers are perfectly appropriate.


    ABC News apologises for the errors identified in the story, and for the failure to provide a timely correction.

  • Birkdale fire

    Local radio: During the 6pm bulletin on June 18, the ABC reported that emergency services had advised that a nursing home in Birkdale in Brisbane's east had been evacuated due to a fire.  The owners of the nursing home have advised that the fire was contained to an independent living unit on the site and the nursing home was not evacuated.

  • Synthetic drugs

    7 pm TV News: On June 9, in a story about the death of Henry Kwan the ABC broadcast an image of The Happy Herb Company in Newtown. The ABC wishes to make clear that there is no association between Henry Kwan’s death and The Happy Herb Company.

  • Apology to the Sydney Dance Company

    News Online and ABC News 24: In some of its headlines yesterday concerning the sexual abuse allegations against dance instructor Grant Davies and the subsequent closure of the RG Dance company, the ABC referred to the controversy leading to the closure of "Sydney dance company". This was intended to be a reference to a Sydney dance company – specifically, RG Dance. The story has absolutely no connection whatsoever to the Sydney Dance Company. The ABC apologises for any confusion or distress caused by the headline and wishes to make it clear that the story has no connection whatsoever to the Sydney Dance Company or anyone associated with it.

  • Easter worship

    7pm TV News:  On March 30 in a story about Easter worship around the world, the ABC reported that Christians “flocked to the site in Israel where it’s believed [Jesus] was buried”.  In fact, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in East Jerusalem is part of the Palestinian Occupied Territories.

  • Crean on superannuation

    News Breakfast:  On April 1, during an interview with Labor MP, Simon Crean, the ABC incorrectly summarised his comments on screen, reporting that he “called on the Government to rule out tax increases on superannuation”.  In fact, Mr Crean was talking about the sustainability of the Commonwealth Superannuation scheme, and he was urging that “any changes to the scheme should not be made retrospectively”.

  • Turin Shroud

    7pm TV News:  On March 31 in a report about Pope Francis viewing the Shroud of Turin, the ABC incorrectly reported that “new carbon dating suggests the shroud could be from around the first century”.  In fact the new testing was using infra-red light and spectroscopy, not carbon dating. The only carbon dating carried out was done in 1988 and placed the shroud’s origin between the 13th and 14th Century.

  • Forest deal

    7pm News Tasmania: On May 1, in a story about the passage of the forest peace deal, the ABC reported that Australian Greens leader Christine Milne had expressed concern at state Greens Leader Nick McKim’s action to vote in favour of the deal. Rather Ms Milne was concerned at the peace deal process rather than her colleague’s actions. View the report.

  • Game Council

    Local Radio NSW:  On April 14, in a story about legalising hunting in New South Wales national parks, the ABC reported that a review of the Game Council had been ordered "after two senior members were charged with illegal hunting on a property in outback New South Wales”. In fact, the allegations are against one senior member of the Game Council and a volunteer.

  • Wanderers success

    7.30: On April 18, in a story about the success of the Western Wanderers, the ABC showed archival footage of violence between supporters and incorrectly stated it was between Croats and Bosnians.  In fact, the footage was of violence between Serbian supporters of Bonnyrigg White Eagles and Croatian Sydney United Supporters.  View the report.

  • Jill Meagher

    7.30:   On March 12, in a story about the murder of Jill Meagher, the ABC incorrectly reported that her body was crudely buried at Diggers Rest. It was in Gisborne South. View the report.

  • Lynas report

    The Business:  On April 3, in a report about the operations of the rare earth miner Lynas, the ABC incorrectly referred to the company's mine in Malaysia.  In fact, Malaysia is the location of the company’s processing plant, the mine itself is in Australia.

  • Ashby allegations

    News Breakfast: On March 25 in a story about legal proceedings against Peter Slipper, the ABC incorrectly reported that James Ashby was appealing the Federal Court’s decision to dismiss a sexual harassment complaint against Mr Slipper.  Mr Ashby’s lawyers have sought leave for an appeal and a decision on that will rest with the Federal Court.

  • Melbourne hospital

    Local Radio, Victoria: On January 23, in a number of radio news stories the ABC reported that job losses at Melbourne’s Royal Children’s Hospital were as a result of “Commonwealth budget cuts”.   This claim should have been more clearly attributed as the view of the hospital, and did not provide the further context that this view was disputed by the Federal Government.

  • Bruderhof death

    Local Radio and News Online: On March 4, when reporting on the death of a member of the Bruderhof movement, the ABC labelled the organisation as a “strict Christian sect” and one of the members, Chris Maendel as a “senior figure”.  The ABC acknowledges that our report should not have labelled the organisation and Mr Maendel was not a senior figure. View the report.

  • New Pope

    7.30: On March 15, in a story about the results of the Conclave, the ABC incorrectly reported that the decision was marked by “A puff of white smoke from the chimney over St Paul's in Rome”. It is in fact St Peter’s. View the report.

  • Match fixing

    News Breakfast and Newsline: On February 15, in reports about match fixing allegations by South East Asian bookmaker, the ABC reported that they had taken took $49 million dollars on a game between Adelaide United and Melbourne Victory on December 7.  This figure has been revised down to around $5 million.  View the report.

  • Indian crime

    News Online:  When reporting on the rape and death of a woman in New Delhi, several News Online articles stated “Official figures show that 228,650 of the total 256,329 violent crimes recorded last year were against women".  However, this was wrong, as not all of the 228,650 crimes against women were categorised as “violent” crimes. View.

  • Fiji capital

    Victoria 7PM TV News: On December 16 in a report about Tropical Cyclone Evan approaching the north of Fiji, the ABC stated that our correspondent was reporting from the capital, Nadi. The capital is Suva.

  • Sydney to Hobart

    7pm TV News:  On December 28, when reporting on the victory of Wild Oats during the Sydney to Hobart race, the ABC reported that the yacht “crossed the line in 18 hours, 23 minutes and 12 seconds”.  It was 1 day, 18 hours, 23 minutes and 12 seconds.

  • PM Victoria visit

    On 29 January in an ABC News Online story, a photo appeared with a misspelling of the Prime Minister’s name in the caption. The mistake was a typographical error and was corrected as soon as it was noticed. View the corrected image.

  • GrainCorp AGM

    ABC News Facebook and PM:  On 20 December, in a story about the GrainCorp AGM, the ABC reported that “GrainCorp is the last listed agricultural business on the stock exchange”.  To clarify, it is the sole remaining grain trader on the Australian stock exchange.  View the report.

  • Asylum processing

    ABC News Breakfast:  On November 22, in a conversation about asylum seeker policy a presenter stated that “countries like Malaysia and Indonesia are not signatories to the refugee convention, so it’s impossible for them to apply in these countries”.  Although processing and resettling of refugees occurs in Malaysia and Indonesia through the International Organization for Migration and the UN refugee agency UNHCR, the presenter was referring to the extended application periods and challenging conditions many face.

  • Biggest emitter

    News Breakfast: In an item on News Breakfast on June 30, the presenter referred to Australia having the highest per capita emissions of CO2 in the developed world. In fact, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg has a higher per capita rate than Australia, according to the latest international measurements.

  • Feral deer

    7.30:  On December 27 in the introduction to a story about feral deer culling in NSW, the ABC incorrectly reported that feral deer are controlled by professional hunters, and that recent law changes will allow amateur shooters to cull as well.   In fact, both professional and amateur hunters have been permitted to hunt feral deer, rather the changing conditions facing professional hunters will significantly affect their approach.  View the story.

  • Eastern Barred Bandicoot

    7:30:  On December 2, in a story about a breeding program for the Eastern Barred Bandicoot, the ABC reported that there were only 40 of the bandicoots left in the wild.  In fact, there are wild populations in Tasmania, but the program was referring the population on the mainland. View the report.

  • Liberal National Coalition

    7pm TV News: On December 29, in a piece summarising the political year, the ABC reported that "Two more Labor dominos fell in 2012, with the Coalition prevailing in Queensland and the top end." To clarify, the relationship between the National and Liberal parties varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, but referring to the LNP in Queensland and the Country Liberals as “the Coalition” is not accurate.

  • Seventh Day Adventists

    News24 and Midday Report: On December 21 the Midday report on ABC 1 and News24 broadcast a BBC story on the possible end of the world. It contained a statement that the Seventh Day Adventist church forecast the end of the world in 1874. The Seventh Day Adventist Church advises that it has never set a date for the end of the world.

  • Fortescue Metals Group

    7.30: In a story on 7.30 on November 21, the ABC described Mr Kerry Savas as having been employed by Fortescue Mining Group (FMG). The ABC understands that Mr Kerry Savas was an employee of the legal firm, Corser and Corser, who represented the Wirlu-Murra group in its negotiations with FMG. Mr Savas informs the ABC that Corser and Corser was engaged by FMG to help set up the Wirlu-Murra; and then retained to represent the Wirlu-Murra group in negotiations with FMG; this is disputed by FMG.

  • Chernobyl disaster

    7pm TV News and The World This Week:  On 28 November and 1 December in stories about a huge dome being placed to contain radioactive remnants at the Chernobyl power station, the ABC incorrectly reported that “thousands of people died”.  The official death toll resulting from the actual blast or radiation exposure at the time was much lower, however thousands were exposed to radiation.

  • CSG story pointer

    7pm TV News:   On 14 November, during a ‘throw’ or pointer to a story appearing on the 7.30 program, the ABC stated “the dirty little secret the coal seam gas industry doesn't want you to know” when referring gas emissions caused during the CSG extraction process.  The ABC acknowledges that the wording implied that the industry was not being transparent. As outlined by the Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association during the report, the industry is supportive of ongoing research into emissions.  View the full report.

  • Slush fund

    Insiders:  On Sunday November 11, the presenter incorrectly referred to the fund set up on behalf of the AWU as a “trust fund”. It was a slip of the tongue during a live program and the ABC understands that it was a slush fund.  As the ABC’s reporting has consistently referred to it as a slush fund. View the segment.

  • Hedley Thomas

    Lateline and News24: On 29 November 2012, images of an article that appeared in The Australian newspaper and which was authored by reporter Hedley Thomas were shown as part of a media montage about the Prime Minister and the AWU matter during the course of a story on Lateline. A similar montage was used the following day on ABC News. Those images have now been removed from the online version of the Lateline story. The ABC did not intend to convey nor does it suggest that Hedley Thomas was incorrect in his reporting of the related issues. Ms Gillard’s criticism, referred to in the broadcast, was directed at a different media outlet. The ABC apologises to Mr Thomas.

  • Leisel Jones

    BtN and News Online:  On November 28, in stories about the retirement of swimmer Leisel Jones, the ABC incorrectly reported that she became Australia's youngest ever Olympic medallist at age 15. In fact, Sandra Morgan is the youngest medallist from the Melbourne Olympics. View the report.

  • Israeli casualties

    AM: On November 16, during the early edition of the program, the ABC incorrectly suggested that Hamas rockets had been fired on Tel Aviv  killing three Israelis. Although Tel Aviv was attacked by rockets, three Israelis were killed in a separate rocket attack in Southern Israel. View the report.

  • Victorian abuse inquiry

    Victoria 7pm TV News: On October 19, in a story about the Victorian state inquiry into Catholic Church sexual abuse, the ABC incorrectly reported that  “ 28 per cent of victims themselves go on to become child abusers”.  In fact the reporter misquoted the evidence of Deputy Police Commissioner gave who stated that 28 per cent of abuse victims go on to commit a crime.

  • Military justice

    Insiders: On October 23, during the Final Observations segment, Piers Akerman stated that “when the US Government repealed it’s Don't Tell, Don't Ask Act, it actually had to repeal the Sodomy And Bestiality Act".  This is not the case.  The Uniform Code of Military Justice, Article 125, stated that any service member who “engages in unnatural carnal copulation with another person of the same sex or opposite sex or with an animal is guilty of sodomy.” 


    Although there were claims that removal of this clause was legitimising bestiality, The Pentagon referred to these claims as false and offensive. The Pentagon confirmed that bestiality remained illegal and there were other provisions to deal with that issue. View the report.

  • Tasmanian Government

    News Online, Tasmanian Radio News: On November 17 at 12pm and 12:30 pm in stories, the ABC reported that a comment from the Tasmanian Premier was a “weak defence”. This comment was an inappropriate one and should not have been made in the context of an impartial news report. View the report.

  • ACT results

    Insiders: On October 28, during the newspaper review segment, the presenter stated that "240,000 votes [were] counted, the popular vote, Labor won that by 41 votes, so it was tight".  The Liberal Party won the popular vote by 41 votes. View the report.

  • Victorian Government

    News Breakfast:  On October 25, in a story about recent Victorian state polls, the ABC reported used the term “Victorian’s conservative government”.  The ABC accepts that the label “conservative” does not fully or satisfactorily describe the ideological or philosophical traditions of either the Liberal or National parties.

  • Origin of film

    7pm TV News, News24:  On September 17 when reporting on an anti-Islam film, the ABC broadcast comments from a Coptic Christian that he believed the film was made by an American-Jew.  At the time of broadcast, the ABC had already accurately reported that authorities had arrested a Coptic Christian.

  • MS Contin

    7.30, News Online:  On October 25, in a story about the prescription of opiods, the ABC reported that MS Contin is a brand of oxycodone.  MS Contin is a derivative of morphine but not an oxycodone.  The 7.30 story also said Michael Jackson died due to oxycodone. It was another prescription medication called propofol. View the report.

  • Mongolian mining

    The World Today, News Online: On October 25, in a story about an Australian national being detained in Mongolia, the ABC reported that the Oyu Tolgoi mine was operated by South Gobi Resources.  It is in fact operated by a separate company, although like South Gobi Resources, that company is controlled by a subsidiary of Rio Tinto. In addition, the ABC incorrectly reported that the Oyu Tolgoi mine provides 30 per cent of Mongolia’s GDP.  The mine is yet to be brought into operation, but some expect the mine could eventually account for up to 30 percent of the country’s economic output.  View the report.

  • Communications records

    Radio News:  At 8am and 9am on October 19, in a radio story about Australian Security and Intelligence Organisation seeking to change security laws, the ABC reported that “The proposals include forcing telecommunications companies to store their customers' phone and internet data for up to two years so it can be searched without a warrant”.  As it stands, ASIO already has access to phone and internet records without a warrant.  View the AM report.

  • Radio advertising

    7pm TV News: On Monday October 8, when reporting on the financial cost to the Macquarie Radio Network’s suspension of advertising during the breakfast program, the ABC incorrectly reported that the organisation “is out of pocket eighty thousand dollars a week”.  In fact the report should have stated $80 000 a day.

  • Daniel Morcombe

    News24: On October 26 when reporting on the “Day for Daniel” walk to raise awareness about child safety following the abduction and murder of Daniel Morcombe, the ABC incorrectly reported that  Daniel disappeared “while returning home from school”.  Daniel was returning from a trip to some shops. The story was corrected for later bulletins.

  • Nuclear activities

    News24:  (29 October) In a story on the Israel’s concern over Iran’s nuclear program, the ABC broadcast the line:  “The nuclear watchdog says that Tehran has doubled its capacity to enrich uranium which could be used to build a bomb”.  To clarify, Iran is has increased its capacity to raise enrichment to 20 percent, but that is not weapons grade. However, the IAEA says it remains concerned by “outstanding issues related to possible military dimensions of the country’s nuclear activities”.

  • Water consultation

    7pm TV News: On Sunday May 13, an ABC TV News story incorrectly reported that a water use plan proposed by the Northern Territory Government for the Mataranka area had not proposed setting aside water allocations for the environment or for indigenous economic development and that local indigenous people had been excluded from consultation. The story also failed to include a diversity of perspectives on the water plan and the impact of other water users on the local environment.

  • Craig Thomson

    PM:  On October 15, in a story about Fair Work Australia, the ABC referred to Craig Thomson as a “Labor MP”.  While he was elected as a Labor candidate, he requested to have his membership of the party suspended on 29 April 2012. He sits in the House of Representatives as an independent.  View the report.

  • Uranium enrichment

    News Online:  On August 31, the ABC published a story about a doubling of production of enriched uranium occurring at Fordow. The ABC incorrectly reported that the Fordow is “a military site buried deep underground”, Fordow is not a military site.  View the report.

  • Teachers' dispute

    Queensland News: On October 3 during a report about a dispute between the Queensland State Government and teachers, the ABC incorrectly used footage of the industrial action taken during a Queensland Independent Education Union protest, rather than footage from action taken by the Queensland Teachers Union.  Further, the story used footage from Sommerville House, a school that is not represented by the Queensland Teachers Union.

  • 3AW broadcasters

    PM:  On August 24, the ABC incorrectly stated that Steve Vizard was found ‘guilty’ of insider trading, which implies that he was charged with a criminal offence. In a civil action in 2005, the Federal Court of Australia found Mr Vizard had breached his duties as a director of Telstra Corporation on three occasions when he used confidential Telstra information to trade in the shares of three listed public companies.  He was banned from managing any company for ten years and was fined $390,000.  View the report.

  • Rally footage

    News24 :  On September 12, when covering the protests against proposed public sector job cuts in Queensland, the ABC incorrectly showed footage of the Catholic teachers day of action, an entirely different rally to the one we were covering.

  • Ned Kelly

    ABC News Online and Midday Report:  On August 8, in a report about the exhumation of Ned Kelly, the ABC incorrectly reported that his 'descendants' had chosen burial over a memorial or museum. This is incorrect as Ned Kelly did not have any children. Read the story.

  • Newcastle clergy

    Radio News:  During the Midday news on September 16, when reporting on calls for a Royal Commission into child sexual assault in the Maitland-Newcastle Diocese, the ABC incorrectly reported that “dozens of the clergy have been convicted”. In fact, six members of the clergy in the diocese have been convicted. The journalist meant to refer to dozens of victims coming forward, rather than convictions.

  • Certified Practicing Accountants

    7:30 :   On September 26, the ABC incorrectly listed the full name of CPA Australia as “Chartered Accountants Association” rather than Certified Practicing Accountants Australia.  View the story.

  • Hedley Thomas

    The Insiders: On the 26 August 2012 program, articles authored by Hedley Thomas which appeared in The Australian were used in a montage of recent media coverage featuring the Prime Minister in the media.  The ABC confirms that it did not intend to nor does it suggest in any way that reports written by Mr Thomas about the Prime Minister contained false or defamatory material that required correction. The ABC apologises to Mr Thomas.

  • UNRWA operations

    The World Today:  On June 7 in a story about the UN Relief and Works Agency’s (UNRWA) work with Palestinians in the Middle East, the ABC included comment that the agency is “more or less a military operation”.  The ABC did not put these allegations to UNRWA spokesman Chris Gunness.  UNRWA strongly rejects this claim and says neutrality is central to its mission, and that is:

     “underpinned by internal and external oversight and auditing. Moreover, we report regularly on all the above to our donors, including the United States, who conduct their own regular reviews. The support for the work of UNRWA from the governments of the US and Israel speaks for itself.”

    The original broadcast item also incorrectly referred to the US Senate having passed a resolution. It was in fact moved by the Senate Appropriations Committee.

    View the report.

  • Cockburn guesthouse

    7:30 SA:   In a July 28 story about the historic railway crossroads town of Cockburn, the ABC reported that the South Australian Government had put the rent of the guesthouse up by more than 600 per cent. In fact, the rent increase is from $25 a week, to $125 per week, making it 500 per cent. View the report.

  • Rachel Corrie

    News Online:  On August 28, in an article about the Israeli court case into the death of pro-Palestinian activist Rachel Corrie, the ABC included a link to a YouTube interview. However, this was not conducted by an ABC journalist, and some of the views expressed by Ms Corrie in the interview have been disputed by the Israeli government. A note has been added to the report.

  • Lance Armstrong

    Online and Radio News: On 30 August, when reporting on Lance Armstrong’s decision not to challenge allegations levelled against him by the US Anti-Doping Association, the ABC reported that the USADA had subsequently “stripped him of his record seven Tour de France titles”.  However, USADA do not have the direct ability to do so, it is a decision for the International Cycling Union. View the story.

  • Air Asia

    The Business, 25 July 2012: During Ticky Fullerton's introduction to an interview with Air Asia X Chief Asram Osman Rani, it was stated that the airline "started flying out of Australia to Kuala Lumpur in April". This is incorrect, as Air Asia X began flying between The Gold Coast and Kuala Lumpur in 2007. View report.

  • Peter Slipper

    7pm News VIC: During the introduction to the story 'Slipper Saga' on July 26, Ian Henderson referred to Peter Slipper as 'the former speaker'. This is incorrect - Mr Slipper has stepped aside from the speakership pending the outcome of an investigation.

  • Julian Assange

    774 Melbourne News: During a report on August 16 it was stated that Julian Assange is trying to avoid extradition to Sweden on rape charges. This is incorrect - he is wanted for questioning in Sweden over sexual assault allegations. 

    Radio National: During a report on August 16 it was stated that Julian Assange is 'wanted in Sweden to face trial over sexual assault claims'. This is incorrect - he is wanted for questioning in Sweden over sexual assault allegations.

  • Thomas Kelly

    ABC News Breakfast and ABC News Radio: A report was broadcast on ABC News Breakfast and repeated on ABC News Radio which incorrectly referred to Kieran Loveridge, a person arrested in connection with the murder of Thomas Kelly, as a "murderer" and "the man who killed Thomas Kelly". This is incorrect as Mr Loveridge has not been convicted of murder by a court of law."

  • Senator Bill Heffernan

    News Online: A headline to a story regarding a police investigation of an incident allegedly involving Bill Heffernan has been changed to "No evidence to charge Heffernan over attack claims". You can read the story here.

  • Thomas Kelly

    ABC News Breakfast and ABC News Radio: A report was broadcast on ABC News Breakfast and repeated on ABC News Radio which incorrectly referred to Kieran Loveridge, a person arrested in connection with the murder of Thomas Kelly, as a "murderer". This is incorrect as Mr Loveridge has not been convicted of murder by a court of law.

  • School Chaplaincy

    Radio News: This story from June 27 began with the words "Only a week after the High Court declared the school chaplaincy program invalid...". the ABC concedes that this does not represent an accurate reflection of the high court ruling. It should have been worded consistently with previous reports, which stated that "The High Court has ruled the program's funding arrangement is un-constitutional, saying the government needed legislation to pay for the initiative." 

  • Home finances

    Midday Report: During the story 'Home Finances' on June 28, the increases in electricity costs presented in the graphic titled "Power Price Hike" were attributed solely to the introduction of the Carbon Tax on 1 July. The ABC recognises that this is potentially misleading, as the figures quoted related to not only the carbon tax, but to broader factors as well.

  • Persian Gulf

    ABC News Breakfast: Reports on 17 July about an American Naval ship firing on a motor boat off the coast of Dubai depicted a map that named a body of water as the Arabian Gulf. The ABC's recommended name for the area is the Persian Gulf.

  • International Coral Reef Symposium

    Radio News and News Online: In reports on 9 and 10 July about the International Coral Reef Symposium held in Cairns, it was stated that: "... ocean temperatures have climbed by half a degree in the past decade, ocean acidity has increased by 25 per cent and sea levels have risen by around 30 centimetres." This has been changed to: "... ocean temperatures have climbed by half a degree in the past century, ocean acidity has increased due to atmospheric carbon dioxide and sea levels have risen by around 18 centimetres." The following editor's note has been added to both stories: This story was amended to correct assertions attributed to the consensus statement, most notably that the statement referred to changes over the past century, not decade. Read the stories here and here.

  • Overweight children

    7pm TV News NSW: During the introduction to the story, it was stated that "one in four Australian children are now obese". It should have been stated that one in four Australian children are overweight or obese.

  • Pensioners payment

    ABC News 24: On May 27, during an announcement by the Prime Minister regarding pensioner payments, the ABC reported that "Pensioner couples will get an extra $380 per fortnight, single pensioners an extra $250".  In fact, the $380 and $250 were payments due to be credited to bank accounts within the coming weeks.

  • ANU emails

    News Online: On May 11, the ABC reported on the release under FOI of a number of emails relating to climate change received by staff at the ANU. The story should have made clear that the emails were found to be abusive, but NOT to constitute death threats or clear threats of violence. However, the ANU maintains that staff have received death threats in other communications not released under the FOI action. The story has been clarified and updated. View the report.

  • Sri Lanka aftermath

    Asia Pacific Focus: On March 25, in the introduction to a story about Sri Lanka, the ABC incorrectly reported that Sri Lanka's civil war claimed "more than 100,000" lives. On May 23 the story was corrected to read that the loss of life was "close to" 100,000 deaths. The story has now been amended to read that the "war claimed between 80,000 and 100,000 lives". View the story.

  • Pacific Highway

    7pm TV News:  On May 9, the introduction to an ABC story stated “The Federal Budget has thrown funding for the Pacific Highway upgrade into doubt”.  This was an assertion that was not backed up in the story itself, and the introduction should have reported that there were “claims” the Budget would affect funding for the upgrades to the highway. The Federal Government has asserted that this funding was always meant to be split 50/50 between the Federal and NSW Governments.

  • Parramatta shooting

    7pm TV News, NSW: On March 26, the ABC reported that a man was shot by police in the Parramatta shopping centre while running away.

     Subsequent events revealed that the man was not running away. The ABC apologises for the error.

  • Dooring cyclists

    News Breakfast:  On May 7, the program interviewed Garry Brennan from Bicycle Network Victoria about a campaign to increase fines for motorists who open their car doors into the path of cyclists.  After the interview we suggested that cyclists should share some of the blame for ‘dooring’ incidents. The law states that this is incorrect. In every ‘dooring’ incident it is the fault of the person opening the door for not exercising due care.

  • Sri Lanka Government response

    Asia Pacific: On August 2, 2011, in a radio story about the Sri Lankan Government’s response to allegations of war crimes, criticisms were made of a Sri Lankan Government video which were incorrect, as they were based on material which was NOT part of the video.

    Although News acknowledged the error, the audio of the story remained online for an extended period, and difficulties regarding the posting of an editor’s note were not resolved in a timely manner.

  • Commandant cleared

    ABC News Online: On March 7, in a story titled "Commandant cleared over ADFA Skype sex scandal", the ABC incorrectly said Defence Department secretary Duncan Lewis had described the DLA Piper review as frightening and sickening. This has been corrected with his direct quotes "unpleasant and sobering reading".

  • Gaza strike

    7pm TV News:  On March 11, the introduction to an ABC report stated that “Israel has defended its air strike on the Gaza strip as pre-emptive action against terror groups planning attacks. At least 15 people have been killed; dozens of rockets have also been fired from Gaza into Southern Israel”.    This did not make clear that, apart from the initial strike that assassinated Zuhair al-Qaissi, the attacks were in response to mortar attacks and shelling from Gaza on civilian targets in Israel and that vision of funerals were for victims of the retaliatory strikes.

  • Fromelles burial

    News24: On April 31, in a story about the reburial of a nine Australian soldiers killed in the World War I battle of Fremelles, the ABC reported that the men were members of the Australian Infantry Force. In fact, the AIF was the Australian Imperial Force.

  • Iran pressure

    On March 6, in a story about a meeting between the US President and Israeli Prime Minister, the ABC reported that the pair agreed to put pressure on “Iran's nuclear weapons program”.  Iran denies that the program is for military purposes and the ABC should have referred to it as an “alleged nuclear weapons program”.  View the report.

  • Teen Drinking

    PM: On December 19, in a documentary about the dangers of teen drinking, the ABC did not feature balancing comment from the industry or government, and although attempts were made to contact the Australian Hotels Association, the broadcast did not achieve balance as per the ABC Editorial Policies.  The story also reported “Recent estimates put the social cost of alcohol in Australia at around $36 billion a year”, however the ABC did not attributed the estimate to studies by anti-alcohol advocates and this figure is in dispute. View the report.

  • Queensland privatisation

    Newsline: On March 27, in a story about the Queensland election, the ABC reported that former Premier, Anna Bligh, was hit by a voter backlash partly as a result of concerns over privatisation. This is true. However it was further stated that former Premier Blight  told voters (previously) she would not privatise five high-profile government-owned corporations and then proceeded to sell them off. The ABC accepts that statement is not correct, as  Premier Bligh was not directly asked the question about privatisation. However ‘honesty” was considered an issue in the 2012 election as there was a belief amongst a significant number of voters in Queensland that they had been misled on this issue.

  • Qantas safety

    PM, News Online, 7pm TV News, News24: On February 28, in a series of reports about Qantas safety concerns, the ABC incorrectly reported that the Civil Aviation Safety Authority had called the issues “breaches”. Rather, these issues were not breaches of the Civil Aviation Regulations. View the report.

    In addition, on February 22, the ABC reported that Qantas had “admitted” that it “is talking to CASA about safety concerns”. ABC News acknowledges that Qantas had not admitted to the ABC or to anyone else publicly that the organisation was talking to CASA about safety concerns in relation to the restructuring.

  • Opposition policy

    Newsline:  On March 5, 2012, in an interview with the Indonesian Ambassador to Australia, Primo Alui Joeliant, the ABC posed questions including the Opposition’s policy pledge in relation to asylum seeker boats  to “turn back every boatload to Indonesia”. It should be clarified that the Opposition policy in this area calls for boats to be turned back in all circumstances where it is safe to do so. View the report.

  • Westpac shares

    7pm TV News: On 9 March, during the finance summary, the ABC incorrectly reported that Westpac bank shares had risen 1.7 per cent to $36.30 per share. In fact the shares were worth $20.69 at close of business that day.

  • Slowing economy

    ABC News Online: On February 29, in a story about falling profits for Harvey Norman stores, the ABC featured a quote from Gerry Harvey which, without the context of his full interview, suggested the retailer Retravision had gone broke.  This is not the case and the quote has since been removed from the story. View the report.

  • IDF strike

    7pm TV News:  On March 10, in short story about the outbreak of violence between Israel and Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, the ABC incorrectly reported that “The Israeli air strikes were in retaliation for mortar attacks fired from Gaza into Israel”.  In fact, the Israeli Defence Force assassinated the head of the Popular Resistance Committees and the Palestinians then retaliated.

  • Jose Luis Guterres

    The World, News24: On March 15, the introduction to an interview with one of the Fretilin candidates for the East Timor elections wrongly identified the guest as “Francisco” Guterres, his correct name is Jose Luis Guterres. This error was also shown on screen.

  • Graeme Wood Foundation

    ABC News Breakfast: The ABC's reporting in the week of March 5 2012 referred to an alleged campaign against the Australian mining industry by environmentalists. The ABC accepts that neither the Graeme Wood Foundation, nor Graeme Wood in his personal capacity, have any connection or involvement with that campaign. We apologise to the Foundation and Mr Wood.

  • Huonville protest

    News Online, Tasmania:  On February 14, in a story about a protest in which forestry workers and supporters gathered outside of the Huon Valley Environment Centre, the ABC incorrectly reported that they “demanded spokeswoman Jenny Weber come out and speak to them, which she refused”. In fact, Ms Weber advises that she was not present at the Centre, and the claim that she had refused should have been attributed to the protestors.  View the report.

  • Pokie facts

    7:30:  On January 3, in a report about pokie machines in sporting clubs, the ABC incorrectly reported that NSW is home to 20 per cent of the world’s poker machines.  In fact, the figure is closer 3.6 per cent.  Also, the ABC reported that “Russell Crowe and Peter Holmes a Court announced a plan to make Souths League Club pokie free”.  To clarify, the owners announced a plan to make South Sydney Football Club pokie free and that the Star City sponsorship was with the South Sydney South Sydney Football Club. View the report.

  • Door sales

    The World Today: On November 10, in a story about a sales company that allegedly offered indigenous people “free” first aid kits and ended up charging clients, the ABC reported that one of the clients, Petrina Jackman, signed “signed a contract stating she would make fortnightly payments totalling more than $3,000 over a year”.  The ABC has since clarified that Ms Jackman actually signed two contracts, one for a set of first aid kits and one for a water cooler, which came to approximately $2,180 in value. The first aid kits costing $560 over 56 weeks, and the water cooler having a minimum rental of $1560 for 104 Weeks. The ABC understands the Pilbara Community Legal Service asked to have the contracts cancelled before they were loaded into Home Essentials Australia's system.  View the report.

  • Pentagon cuts

    7pm TV News:  On January 27, in a story about the US defence budget, the ABC incorrectly reported that “The Pentagon has unveiled nearly 500 billion dollars in spending cuts for next year's US defence budget”. These cuts will be over a 10 year period, not over one year as the story implied.

  • Aged Care Complaints

    7PM News ACT:  On January 30 a story on the Federal Department of Health and Ageing sanctions placed on Anglicare's Ginninderra Gardens Nursing Home in the ACT may have inadvertently given the impression that Anglicare runs the Federal Government's complaints helpline for reporting elderly abuse.  In fact it is only the helpline funded by the ACT Government which is run by Anglicare.

  • Costa Concordia

    News Online:  On January 14, in a story about the Costa Concordia running aground, a short headline on the ABC home page mistakenly reported that “tens of thousands” of passengers were affected. In fact there were closer to 4000 passengers on the vessel.

  • Iran developments

    7pm News, South Australia:  On January 2, during the introduction to the news bulletin, the ABC incorrectly reported that there were “New tensions as Iran tests a nuclear-powered missile”. Iran did not test a nuclear powered missile.  The ABC confused two separate parts of the story, one involving a nuclear fuel rod that was produced using uranium enriched Iran, the other was the successful launch of a missile capable of avoiding radar detection.

  • Hugo Chavez

    ABC News Breakfast:  On 29 December 2011, in a conversation about world leaders, the ABC referred to Hugo Chavez, President of Venezuela as a “dictator”. He was elected to the position and has held the office since 1998.

  • Climate emails

    ABC Newcastle: This story published on December 5 was removed because it was in breach of ABC editorial requirements. The story reported that a Newcastle University professor who questions aspects of climate change science felt vindicated that leaked scientific emails “showed fundamental flaws in the methodology” of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.  These were not balanced by other views on this subject and the article did not associate the leaked emails with the Climategate emails of 2009.

  • Order of Merit

    Radio News: On January 1, in a report about John Howard being awarded a place in the Queen’s Order of Merit, the ABC incorrectly reported that “He's one of just 24 people brought into the Order each New Year's Day”.  In fact, there are only ever 24 members at any given time and they are nominated when the Queen sees fit. They are not routinely announced on New Year’s Day.

  • Strait of Hormuz

    7pm TV News:  On January 1, in a story about Iran’s military manoeuvres, the ABC reported that “40% of the world's oil passes through” the Strait of Hormuz. In fact about one third of the world’s oil transported by sea passes through the strait.

  • Family law

    Midday Report:  On November 24, the introduction to an interview about changes to the federal Family Law Act reported “the amendments roll back the ‘Shared Care’ policy of the Howard Government, which tried to ensure that both parents had access to children after a divorce.”  The ABC acknowledges that this statement was a matter of opinion, and should not have been reported as fact. 

    The interview also did not provide necessary context and alternative viewpoints, and therefore had the effect of unduly favouring the personal views of the guest on the program.

  • Boat capsized

    News Online:  On December 18, in a news agency story about a boat that sank off the coast of java, it was incorrectly reported that “the passengers are believed to be illegal migrants from countries including Iran and Afghanistan”.  The act of seeking asylum is not illegal.  View the report

  • Republication of 2007 stories

    News Online: The ABC regrets that due to human error a number of news stories originally published in 2007 were recently republished on ABC News Online with 5 January 2012 dates. The ABC apologises to users of its Online News and news syndication services for this error.

  • CSG extraction linked to animal deaths

    News Online: This story published on January 10 was removed because it contained errors. The story reported research undertaken in the US into shale gas. It then wrongly linked this research with the coal seam gas industry in Australia.

  • Media inquiry

    News24:  On November 25, in a story about the British inquiry into media ethics, the ABC incorrectly reported that Max Mosley “partly blames his son’s

    suicide on the stories published in the News of the World”. In fact, his son died from a drug overdose and Mr Mosley attributes his son’s drug usage to the newspapers’ behaviour.


  • Rex Jackson

    7pm TV News, NSW:  On January 3, in an obituary regarding NSW Labor MP Rex Jackson, the ABC reported that Mr Jackson had been given “the nickname ‘buckets’ because he threatened to tip the bucket on the ALP if he was dumped”. In fact, the nickname referred to his tendency to come down hard on his opponents. View related report.

  • Persian Gulf

    7pm TV News: On January 3, in a story about Iranian military exercises, the ABC reported that they were occurring in the Arabian Gulf. The ABC’s recommended name for the area is the Persian Gulf.

  • Tendulkar centuries

    7:30: On January 2, in a report about the SCG celebrating a century of cricket test matches, the ABC incorrectly reported “Sachin Tendulkar comes into this game with 99 Test centuries to his name”. Sachin Tendulkar has 99 international centuries, 51 of these came from test matches. View the report.


  • Kangaroo numbers

    ABC News: On October 19, in a story about kangaroo numbers and the possible impact on graziers, the ABC reported that “Hundreds of roo shooters have left the industry since the meat trade to Russia ended two years ago, allowing kangaroo numbers on outback properties to increase."  The claim that numbers have increased should have been attributed to Wool Growers Australia.

  • Victorian nurses

    Radio News: On Saturday December 17, the ABC reported that Victorian nurses had been ordered to suspend work bans which had led to the closure of more than 900 beds across the state. This was incorrect and was caused by the accidental re-run of a story from a month earlier. In fact, the nurses lifted their work bans and re-opened beds on November 26. The ABC apologises for the error

  • NZ elections

    AM: On November 28, the headline to a story about the New Zealand elections reported [John] “Key’s National Party returned to power with huge majority in NZ”. Although winning its its largest share in the vote in 60 years, the National Party did not have a majority, winning 60 seats in the 121-seat house.  The headline has been changed to “Key’s National Party returned to power in NZ”.  View the report.

  • Payday lending

    AM:  On November 16, in a report about government efforts to curb exorbitant rates of payday money lending, the ABC reported that one form involves “signing a contract to buy diamonds which they immediately sell back at a dramatically discounted value to the money lenders for cash”.  In fact it involves immediately selling to another party at a dramatically discounted value for cash.


    When reporting on an organisation involved in a case, the ABC reported that the “tribunal ruled that calling the arrangement a transaction was ‘so highly unlikely, improbable and implausible as to be a complete fiction’". In fact when looking at the whole transaction, the tribunal stated that “to characterise the transaction as for the purchase and sale of diamonds was “so highly unlikely, improbable and implausible as to be a complete fiction’.”  The proceedings were brought against Fast Access Finance (Beaudesert) Pty Ltd and against Diamond Clearing House Pty Ltd – separate companies to Fast Access Finance.

    View the report.

  • Industrial dispute

    Classic FM:  On October 10 at 7pm, during coverage of an industrial dispute between Qantas and unions, the ABC reported that engineers unions had called off a strike “at the eleventh hour, leaving no time to reinstate 40 cancelled flights and disrupting 11-thousand passengers”. These comments should have been attributed to Qantas.

  • Occupied Poland

    Radio Australia: On October 28, in an interview with the UNICEF Universal Children's Day Ambassador, the interviewer asked the ambassador how children dealt with issues such as refugees and "Nazi Poland".  The interviewer should have referred to "Nazi occupied Poland". View the report.

  • Grounding ends

    Radio National: On October 31, during coverage of an industrial dispute between Qantas and unions, the ABC reported that the airline had called off the grounding of its fleet "after all industrial action by three unions was terminated by workplace umpire Fair Work Australia", and that the airline had "won its fight to halt further industrial action". In fact, Fair Work Australia ordered an end to all industrial action, involving both Qantas and the unions.

  • AGM reactions

    triple j:  On October 30, in a story about the Qantas industrial dispute, the ABC reported that the Qantas CEO “says he made the decision to ground his fleet because of the union's reaction to the annual general meeting on Friday where shareholders voted to give Mr Joyce a 71 per cent payrise”. The wording made it seem like the grounding was based on the union’s reaction to the pay increase, however, the grounding occurred as the result of a range of issues over a period of time.

  • Explosive device

    News Online:  On November 9, the headline to a story about Iran incorrectly attributed the statement "Iran tried to make atomic bomb” to the UN’s International Atomic Energy Agency. In fact this overstated the allegations. The IAEA allege they have credible evidence to suggest Iran has carried out activities to develop a nuclear explosive device. View the report.

  • Bookend Trust

    Tasmania, 7pm TV News:  On September 19, in a story about contaminated plastic being found in the stomachs of Australian seabirds and how this could affect the food chain, the ABC used the resources and time of the Bookend Trust to compile the story.  The Bookend Trust was not mentioned in the story and the ABC would like to thank the Bookend Trust for their time and assistance during the production and apologises for any offence caused by not mentioning them in the story.

  • Bird heavy metal levels

    Tasmania, 7pm TV News:  On September 19, in a story about contaminated plastic being found in the stomachs of Australian seabirds and how this could affect the food chain, the ABC report drew conclusions that heavy metal levels in Tasmania’s mutton birds could be very high. Research has not shown this and the reporter misunderstood research done by Dr Jennifer Lavers. The ABC apologises to Dr Lavers for misreporting her research.

  • Arctic ozone

    AM and News Online: On October 3, in a story about a hole in the ozone layer over the Arctic,  the ABC incorrectly reported that it was the first time a hole had appeared over the Arctic. Although it is the first time a hole on the scale of those regularly detected in the Antarctic has been recorded over the Arctic, it was incorrect to state that it was the first time a hole had appeared. View the report.

  • Needle exchange

    PM: On September 28, in a story about the ACT government considering introducing a needle exchange program in prison, the manner in which the story was written in suggested that Jon Stanhope was reflecting the views of prison officer members of the CPSU.  He was in fact referring to non-prison workers who are members of the CPSU.  View the report.

  • George Pell

    7:30: On September 8, in a story about the way the Catholic Church deals with the victims of clerical abuse, the ABC incorrectly reported that Cardinal George Pell was the "head of the Catholic Church in Australia". In fact, Cardinal Pell is the Catholic Archbishop of Sydney and the senior figure, but the Pope is the head of the Catholic Church. View the report.

  • Census night

    South Australian TV News: In an 8:30pm update on August 9, the ABC reported that "For the first time this year's census will recognise same sex marriages". In fact it was recording same sex relationships.

  • Parliamentary privilege

    7:30: On September 14, in a story about comments made by Senator Nick Xenophon using parliamentary privilege, the ABC reported that the Senator had named a Catholic priest "he says raped a fellow priest". In fact, the Senator said that the priest was "accused of raping a fellow priest". He did not say there had been a rape. View report.

  • David Jull

    News Online:  In an obituary about Liberal parliamentarian David Jull, the ABC incorrectly reported that Stephen and Andrew were Mr Jull’s sons. The ABC had been incorrectly advised. In fact, Stephen and Andrew Jull are Mr Jull’s nephews. View report here.

  • Afghans in Malaysia

    News Online: On September 8, in the summary of a story about refugees in Malaysia, the ABC reported that a group were "are considering travelling illegally to Australia by boat". In fact, by Australian law it is legal to travel to travel to Australia by boat to seek asylum through a "Protection visa" pursuant to Section 36 of the Migration Act. View the report.

  • Jock Palfreeman

    News Breakfast: On July 28 in a story about the sentencing of an Australian in Bulgaria, Jock Palfreeman, the ABC incorrectly reported his name as "Paul Jock Palfreeman" and that "the prosecution is now demanding a life sentence without parole" to be handed to him. In fact, the appeal for a life sentence had already been rejected by the courts.

  • Three Capes track

    The World Today:  On August 2, in a story about the future of new national parks in Tasmania, the ABC reported that the Three Capes track proposal was designed for “60 bushwalkers to use it every day”. In fact, the proposal states that the track would likely be required “to cater for 60 walkers departing each day”.  View report.

  • BER report

    Lateline: On July 8, in a story about the final report into the Building the Education Revolution scheme, the ABC reported the finding that there were more than 300 valid complaints about the scheme.  However, it should be noted that the 300 complaints represented just 3.5% of all the schools involved in the scheme. View report.

  • Carbon summary

    News24: On July 11, in a summary of the Government’s announcement of the previous day, the ABC reported “From now on, companies will be charged $23 a tonne for every tonne of carbon they put into the atmosphere”, and “Next year, Australia will introduce an emissions trading scheme.”  In fact, the carbon price of $23 tonnes per tonne comes into effect on 1 July 2012, and this price will move to an ETS in 2015.

  • Household reactions

    7:30: On July 11, in a story about Australian’s reactions to the carbon tax announcement, the ABC asked a couple how much energy the solar panels on their roof produced.  The couple answered incorrectly that the solar panels produced “three megawatts”; however, it is closer to “three kilowatts”. View report.

  • Malaysian deal

    Connect Asia: On July 22, in a background piece for a segment on Radio Australia the ABC reported that Julia Gillard was under pressure over “her lie over the carbon tax – she said before the election there wouldn’t be a carbon tax under her government”. The ABC acknowledges it would have been better to have said that Ms Gillard had broken a pre-election commitment. View report.

  • Phone hacking

    7pm TV News: On July 29, in a story about the UK phone hacking scandal, the ABC reported that "Sara Payne has been told that her phone had been hacked into." In fact, it is not yet clear whether Ms Payne's phone was indeed hacked. All that is certain is that details of her phone were found on a list in the possession of the private detective who has admitted to hacking phones.

  • Forestry background

    7pm TV News: On July 24, in a story providing background into events in the Tasmanian forestry industry, the ABC incorrectly reported that "Mark Latham offered an $800,000 package to end old growth logging" in the last week of the 2004 federal election campaign.  In fact, an $800 million package was promised by the Labor Leader.

  • Malaysian swap

    News Online: On July 22, in an article about the Malaysian refugee swap deal, the ABC reported that Australia will take 4,000 “genuine refugees” over four years. The ABC should have reported that under the agreement, 800 asylum seekers will be transferred to Malaysia, and in exchange, Australia will take 4,000 people who have been assessed by the UNHCR as refugees. View story here.

  • Lockyer Valley

    7:30: On August 1, in the introduction to a report about the aftermath of the floods in the Lockyer Valley, the ABC incorrectly reported that the floods that devastated Grantham originated in Toowoomba and "roared into the Lockyer Valley". In fact, the flood which devastated Grantham did not begin in Toowoomba - both were separately hit by the deluge which broke over the Toowoomba Range, flooding the valleys on both side. View report

  • Charity bequest

    News Breakfast: On July 29, during a live cross to The Lost Dogs Home in Melbourne, the ABC reporter stated the organisation “gets by solely on the public’s generosity to get by financially”. In fact, the organisation has won local government contracts to run council pounds and uses this money to part-fund its operations. Watch the report.

  • Khmer Rouge

    Radio Australia, Australia Network: On June 30, in a story about the trial of former Khmer Rouge leaders in Cambodia, an ABC radio story reported that “the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 meant that proxy players in the Cold War struggle, such as the Khmer Rouge, ran out of patrons”.  To be clear, at the height of the cold war, the Cambodian Government was being backed by Vietnam and the USSR, while the Khmer Rouge guerrillas were being backed by the US, Thailand, China, and Great Britain. View the story.

  • Homeless statistics

    7.30 NSW: On June 17, in an introduction to a story about CEOs sleeping the night on the streets to raise money for Australia's homeless, the ABC reported that "On any given night across Australia more than 105,000 people are homeless and most of them are women and children escaping domestic and family violence". In fact, the ABC left out the information that of this figure includes 7,500 families, and it is actually this figure that is represented by the highest number of women and children escaping domestic and family violence. View the story.

  • World exports

    Lateline: On July 21, in a live cross to a European correspondent, the ABC stated that Germany was the world’s largest exporter. It is in fact China; Germany is the second largest. View the transcript.

  • Bisphenol A

    PM: On June 28, in a story about the chemical Bisphenol A, or BPA, the ABC reported that "Concerns have long been held about the health effects of using BPA in baby food jars and baby bottles".   The ABC was not referring to the content of the glass jars or bottles themselves, rather the story was referring to the plasticizers used to seal the containers, as there is scientific research indicating they have leached into the food contained within the glass. View the story.

  • Advertising commentary

    PM: On July 1, in a story about advertising and how it affects political debate, the ABC spoke to advertising executives and political scientists, including Sarah Maddison, who the program introduced as "an expert on campaign techniques from the University of New South Wales". Ms Maddison is also a board member of Get Up! View the story.

  • Organ generation

    AM: On July 13, in a story about a team scientists who generated a human tooth from a mouse, the ABC reported that they had "grown a human tooth using an embryonic mouse's stem cells". More specifically,  the scientists grew the tooth from the mature stem cells of an embryonic mouse. View the story.

  • Marine parks

    TV 7pm News, New South Wales: On June 23 in a story about legislation proposed by the NSW Government to place a ban new marine parks until a scientific audit is conducted, the ABC included the NSW Opposition's allegation that a deal had been done with the Shooters and Fishers party. The ABC stated that the "lower house is expected to pass the deal after the winter break". The ABC should have said "bill" instead of "deal".

  • Estimated deaths

    4 Corners: On June 27, TV promotions for the upcoming "Sri Lanka's Killing Fields" program reported that 40,000 people were killed in the civil war. However, the UN panel report figure of 40,000 dead was an estimate, not an established fact.

  • Cancer misdiagnosis

    The 7.30 Report: On June 23, 2009, The 7.30 Report ran a story about a misdiagnosis of cancer. The story incorrectly reported the dates of some letters connected with the case. The ACMA found that this amounted to a breach of clause 3.2 of the ABC’s Code of Practice 2007. The ACMA also found that, when dealing with the medical impact of the diagnosis, the ABC failed to present principal relevant views on that matter, contrary to clause 3.5 of the ABC Code of Practice 2007.

  • Solar panel concerns

    7.30 WA: On June 24, in a story about state and federal government subsidies for solar panel energy generation, the ABC reported that government subsidies "will be phased out next week", with the federal scheme set to "expire". Both the state and federal government subsidies were in fact being reduced at this time, with the federal government Solar Credits multiplier reduced to three for small-scale systems installed from 1 July onwards, and the WA net feed-in tariff halved.

  • Grantham recovery

    7pm TV News: On March 11, in a story about the clean-up of Grantham following the Queensland floods, the ABC reported that Brenda Ross, her cousin Josh and “Brenda’s carer, Chris Barrett”, had lost their lives. In fact, Chris’ name is Christopher Face and he had been Brenda’s partner for over 12 years.

  • Big Australia

    News Online, 7pm TV News, radio news: On June 27 and 28, in ABC News stories about the Prime Minister’s change in policy on a “big Australia”, the ABC broadcast comments from the Urban Taskforce Australia. The ABC should have made it clear that the organisation is a peak body for property development industries. View the story

  • Asbestos cleanup

    7.30: On March 9, in the introduction to a story about the cleanup of asbestos in aftermath of the Queensland flooding, the ABC incorrectly reported that “It takes just one fibre of the dangerous building material to get into a person's lungs to cause the fatal disease mesothelioma”. In fact, it takes a higher level of exposure to cause the disease. View the story

  • Holy Land

    7.30: On December 21, in a story about Christians leaving the Middle East, the ABC reported comments from a Christian stating that lands were being taken from local Christians my Muslims. The report did not broadcast balancing comment from the Muslim community, or a statement that the claims are contested. View the story

  • Return to Aurukun

    Four Corners: On April 27, in a story about the Indigenous community at Aurukun, the ABC reported that the “Askin government in New South Wales had gone into damage control over Four Corners' first story on Aboriginal Australia back in 1961”. In fact, it was the Heffron government. Bob Askin didn't make it into office until 1965. View the story

  • NBN executives

    ABC Radio News: Several weeks ago, the ABC reported that when the Federal Government appointed two senior executives to the National Broadband Network, it was unaware of bribery investigations involving a former company they worked for. It was not our intention to suggest that the two executives, Mike Quigly and Jean Pascal Beaufret, had themselves been investigated or questioned in relation to those allegations. They were not. Mr Quigley and Mr Beaufret were not asked about the matter by the Australian government and it was not the ABC's intention to suggest that either was required to disclose that matter or had acted dishonestly in not doing so.

  • Witness distress

    7pm TV News, Victoria: On April 6, in a story about a killing in Frankston, the ABC showed vision of a distressed witness who was wandering around the crime scene after identifying the body. At the media conference senior police expressed regret that the key witness had been handled in this way and an investigation would be carried out into how the witness came to be in that situation. Although the treatment of the witness was an important part of the story, the ABC acknowledges that there was too much footage of her distress.

  • Monument demolished

    7pm TV News: On March 19, in a story about unrest against the government in Bahrain, the ABC reported that protestors had demolished the Pearl Roundabout monument. In fact it was torn down by Bahrain authorities.

  • CSIRO head

    7pm TV News: On April 4, in a story reporting on the comments made by Dr Megan Clark, Head of the CSIRO, about global warming, the ABC reported that she had said "anti-climate action rallies" play a crucial role in the national debate. In fact, Dr Clark said that "anti-carbon tax rallies" play a crucial role.

  • Newcastle electorate

    Online: On March 26, the ABC reported that the seat of Newcastle would fall to the Liberal party for the first time in more than a century. The story should have made clear that the Liberal Party was only formed in 1944. View the story

  • Human habitation

    PM: On April 14, in a story about protestors stopping road work near Hobart, the link to the ABC story reported that a nearby site was “the oldest site of human habitation in the southern hemisphere”. In fact the site is the “southern most old occupation of homo sapiens on the planet”. View the story

  • Melbourne mosque

    7pm TV News, Victoria: On February 25, in a report about a proposed mosque being built in east St Kilda, the ABC reported that the area was the “Jewish heartland”. Although the proposed mosque is being planned for a predominantly Jewish area of Melbourne, the protest against it was not organised by members of the Jewish community. View the story

  • NSW upper house

    7pm TV News, New South Wales: On March 27, in a story about the results of the NSW State Election, the ABC reported that “The Greens picked up 2 or 3 seats in the Upper House but have lost the balance of power”. Although three Greens were elected, two Greens had retired from the Legislative Council, meaning that two seats were retained, and the third seat was the only additional seat that was “picked up”.

  • Balmain electorate

    On April 5, in a story about the NSW state election, the ABC reported that the inner western seat of Balmain had been held by Labor “since anyone can remember”. In fact, Dawn Fraser was elected to the seat as an independent in 1988. View the story

  • Nuclear plant

    Radio News: On March 14, in a story about the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant, the ABC reported there had been “another nuclear explosion”. The blast occurred when hydrogen and oxygen ignited and did not involve a nuclear detonation.

  • Don Dunstan

    Local Radio news: On March 16, when reporting on protests during the Prime Minister’s speech on behalf of the Don Dunstan Foundation, the ABC incorrectly reported that Foundation was “named after the openly-gay former South Australian Premier”. Mr Dunstan was not open about his sexuality.

  • Carbon emissions

    7PM TV News: On February 25, in a report about the proposed carbon tax, the ABC incorrectly reported that Australia had the highest per capita CO2 emissions in the world. In fact Australia has the highest per capita CO2 emissions among OECD nations.

  • Assange charges

    News Online: On February 25, in an article about Julian Assange being called to Sweden to face sex crimes allegations, the ABC incorrectly reported that the two women who lodged the complaints were “wikileaks volunteers”. In fact, both women were not associated with the organisation. View the story

  • Container Deposit

    Northern Territory 7pm TV News: On February 23, in a story about Container Deposit legislation being considered by the Northern Territory Parliament, the ABC reported that the legislation had passed in Parliament with the support of the Opposition. At the time of the report it had not yet been passed and it was only on the following day, February 24, that it passed with the support of the Country Liberals Opposition, and of the two Independent Members of the Legislative Assembly.

  • Pricing scheme

    7pm TV News: On February 26, in the introduction to a story about the proposed carbon pricing scheme, the ABC incorrectly reported The Greens “are desperate to get petrol on the list”. Although The Greens would like to see petrol included on the list, “desperate” was an unnecessary flourish and too strong a word.

  • Cyclone Anthony

    TV News Update: On January 29, in an update about Tropical Cyclone Anthony, the ABC reported that it could hit the coast of Queensland “sometime early tomorrow morning” (on Sunday). In fact, it was predicted to hit on Monday, January 31.

  • International Women’s Day

    Victoria 7pm TV News: On March 11, during the introduction and close of the bulletin, the presenter wished viewers a happy “ladies day”. The ABC acknowledges that this was not the appropriate term to use and had the potential to offend, although no offence was intended. It should have been referred to as “International Women’s Day”.

  • Carbon headline

    Victoria 7pm TV News: On March 6, in the introduction to the news bulletin the ABC reported “Carbon Confusion – the Government moves to blunt the opposition's fear campaign”. The headline incorrectly represented the view that the Opposition’s position represented a “fear campaign” as a fact.

  • Telephone explanation

    News 24: On February 9, when describing the reactions to Tony Abbott’s comments surrounding the death of an Australian soldier in Afghanistan, the ABC inaccurately reported that Mr Abbott had been “forced to apologise” to the soldier’s family. Mr Abbott elected to contact the family and explain the circumstances.

  • Murphy’s Creek

    7.30 Report: On January 12, in a story about the flooding of the Lockyer Valley, the ABC reported that the water that came through Murphy’s Creek was the same water that was seen coursing through the streets of Toowoomba. In fact, the water in Toowoomba drained west, while the water that flooded the Lockyer Valley flowed in an easterly direction. View the story

  • Viktor Troicki

    News 24: On January 15, in a report about the results of the final of the Sydney International tennis tournament, the ABC broadcast that Victor Troicki was a Russian. In fact, he is Serbian with Russian roots.

  • Copa Libertadores

    News 24: On February 15, in a story about the retirement of soccer player Ronaldo, the ABC reported that “his Brazilian club side was knocked out of the domestic cup competition”. The Copa Libertadores is an international club competition, not a domestic Brazilian competition.

  • Monsoon flooding

    Australia Network, Radio Australia: On January 14, in a report about floods and mudslides in Sri Lanka, the ABC incorrectly stated that Sri Lanka’s economy is “predominantly agricultural”. Although it employs a large percentage of the population, it only accounts for around 12 per cent of GDP. View the story

  • British Tennis

    News 24: On January 29, in a report about the men’s final of the Australian Open, the ABC reported that if Andy Murray won the match he would be the “first British tennis player since 1936 to win a grand slam tennis title”. In fact three women have won grand slam titles since 1936: Ann Haydon Jones (1969), Sue Barker (1976) and Virginia Wade (1977).

  • Charles Dickens

    New South Wales 7pm TV News: On February 7, in a story about a statue of Charles Dickens that had been restored and unveiled in Centennial park, the ABC introduced Paul Thurloe as “the stonemason who recreated the head”. In fact Mr Thurloe was one of the stonemasons who recreated the head and the ABC is advised that Ruben Varfi created the model of Charles Dickens’ head upon which the carving was done.

  • Brisbane River

    News Online: On February 17, in an article about faecal contamination levels in Brisbane River the ABC reported that pollution results were obtained in a study. In fact, the results were obtained by a Courier-Mail investigation. View the story

  • Afghanistan comments

    News Online: On February 9, in a story about Tony Abbott’s visit to Afghanistan, the ABC reported that “his reaction to questions about his "shit happens" comment on the death of an Australian soldier in Afghanistan.” His comments were about the circumstances surrounding the death of an Australian soldier. View the story

  • Mary Mackillop

    TV News: On February 15, in a story about the dedication of a memorial wall at North Sydney to Mary Mackillop, the ABC reported that “the remains of the nation's first saint are now kept at the Mary Mckillop Chapel in North Sydney”. Mary Mackillop was the nation’s first Catholic saint or Australia’s first canonised saint.

  • Gas Plant

    AM, Western Australian edition: On February 15, 11 a story was run on the Radio National and WA editions of AM regarding a court decision which helps clear the way for a gas plant development at James Price Point near Broome. During the sub editing process the introduction to the story was changed to indicate the project had been “given the go ahead”. This is not strictly correct as the decision is still subject to appeal and there are other legal and administrative processes to be completed before construction can begin.

  • Portion of income

    News Online, 7pm TV News, 7.30 Report: On January 27, when outlining the Government’s proposed flood levy, the ABC incorrectly broadcast that a levy of 0.5 per cent would apply to taxable incomes between $50,001 and $100,000, and 1 per cent will apply on taxable incomes above $100,000. In fact a levy of 0.5 per cent will be applied on that part of an individual’s income between $50,001 and $100,000 and a levy of 1.0 per cent will be applied on that part of the taxpayer’s taxable income above $100,000.” View the story

  • Population rate

    7pm TV News: On December 14, in a story about the release of an Australian Bureau of Statistics report, the ABC incorrectly stated that Australia’s birth rate “is still below what's needed to grow the population, meaning the country is relying on immigration". In fact The ABS report found that the total fertility rate was 1.9 babies per woman aged 15–49 in 2009, which is below the 'replacement level fertility' of 2.1 babies per woman aged 15-49. This is the level required to keep the fertility rate itself steady by ensuring there are replacements for the 15-49 year old women (and their partners) used to measure the total fertility rate. The ABS report explained that the trouble with the fertility rate being below replacement level is that it worsens the aging population problem. It is not true that the population would be falling if not for immigration.

  • Victoria Cross

    News 24: On January 23, when reporting on the award ceremony of the Victoria Cross for Australia to Corporal Ben Roberts-Smith, the ABC incorrectly showed a graphic of the Canadian Victoria Cross rather than the Victoria Cross for Australia.

  • Taxi meeting

    7pm TV News: On December 29, in a report about a stop-work meeting of Queensland taxi drivers regarding industry reforms, the ABC incorrectly attributed comments of one of the protestors to the Taxi Council of Queensland. Rather, these were the opinions of one of the drivers present. Also, the ABC reported that “The [taxi] industry is considering further industrial action”. In fact, the group of drivers who had called the meeting were considering further action, not the whole industry. View the story

  • Abalone virus

    News Online: On January 18, in an article about a disease affecting Tasmanian abalone fisheries, the ABC incorrectly reported that the Primary Industries Minister had banned recreational diving from Waubs Bay to Lodi Point near Bicheno off Tasmania's east coast. In fact he had only banned the taking of abalone from the area. View the story

  • Asbestos tailings

    7.30 Report: In a report about the release of a NSW Government Ombudsman’s report, the ABC reported that a mountain of asbestos tailings near Tamworth was “400 hectares, up to 70 metres high and 15 per cent pure white asbestos”. In fact, the concentration of white asbestos was not quoted in the Ombudsman’s report. View the story

  • Arizona shooting

    7pm TV News: On January 9, in a story about a multiple shooting Tucson, Arizona, the ABC reported that “Arizona is one of a handful of states that allow people to carry concealed weapons in public”. The story should have read “Arizona is one of a handful of states that allow people to carry concealed weapons without a permit".

  • Joe Biden

    News Online: On December 20, in a story about comments made by US vice-president Joe Biden about WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, the ABC reported that he had called “Assange a high-tech terrorist”. In fact in response to the question of whether he thought Mr Assange was a high-tech terrorist or a whistleblower akin to those who released the Pentagon Papers, Mr Biden responded "I would argue that it's closer to being a high-tech terrorist." View the story

  • Hopman Cup

    7pm TV News: On January 6, in a report about the Hopman Cup, the ABC reported that lleyton hewitt and Alicia Molik were “trying to win at least one tie at the perth tournament.” In fact, the Australian pair defeated Belgium in the first session.

  • Canberra embassy

    7pm TV News: On January 3, in a story about blackmail charges levelled at a Canberra woman, the ABC reported that the victim of the blackmail attempt was the Macedonian Ambassador. This was the language used in court, but to clarify, the formal title is the Ambassador for the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.

  • Cricket captain

    7pm TV News: On January 1, in a story about the appointment of the Australian captain for the fifth Ashes test, the ABC included video of Michael Clarke meeting the Prime Minister, reporting “The usurper and the heir apparent. Two former loyal deputies now in charge.” The ABC did not intend to suggest that Julia Gillard’s ascension to power was in any way forced or illegitimate.

  • Water mains

    Midday Report: On December 30, during the introduction to a news story about burst water mains in Northern Ireland, the graphic behind the newsreader incorrectly included the flag of the Republic of Ireland.

  • Funeral industry

    News Online: On December 10, in a story about a Wyndham-based funeral director being stripped of contracts, the ABC published comment from Vince Calleja but incorrectly stated he was from the Australian Funeral Directors Association. In fact, Mr Calleja is National Secretary of the National Funeral Directors Association. View the story

  • Kosovo allegations

    News 24: On December 16, in a story about claims that the Prime Minister of Kosovo was involved in the trafficking of human organs forcibly removed from Serb civilians in 1999, the ABC incorrectly captioned the ministers in the piece. The Kosovo Interior Minister Bajram Rexhepi was supered as Vuk Jeremic Serbian Foreign Minister and vice versa.

  • Cambodia beer

    Asia Pacific Business: On October 15 and 19, the ABC broadcast a story about the beer market in Cambodia. The story provided undue prominence to a particular brand and the transcript has been removed from the website.

  • Indigenous opera

    7.30 Report: On November 17, in a story about an all-indigenous opera, the ABC incorrectly reported that Deborah Cheetam was “Australia's first aboriginal opera singer”. In fact, Harold Blair was the first Aboriginal opera singer. View the story

  • Codeine use

    7pm TV News: On November 30, in a report about calls for greater warnings on the potential risks of pain killers that include codeine, the ABC stated “side effects from prolonged use or overuse of codeine can include renal failure, liver damage or perforated gastric ulcers”. In fact, these side effects occur when ibruprofen and paracetamol are combined with the codeine products.

  • Air investigation

    Midday Report: On December 3, when reporting about the investigations into the Qantas A380 engine fire, the ABC stated the investigation was being conducted by the Air Transport Safety Bureau. In fact, it is administered by the Australian Transport Safety Bureau.

  • State elections

    7pm TV News, 7.30 Report: On 29 and 30 November, in two stories about the Coalition state government victory in Victoria, the ABC incorrectly reported that other states could follow this pattern in “next year's elections in New South Wales and Queensland”. Queensland elections were held in 2009 and the next state elections are not scheduled to take place until 2012. View the story

  • Greens parliamentarians

    Insiders: On November 28, Herald Sun columnist Andrew Bolt suggested during discussion on the ABC’s Insiders program that Greens parliamentarians had signed a 7-year confidentiality agreement in order to receive a private briefing on the business plan for the National Broadband Network from the Federal Government. The Greens did not sign the non-disclosure agreement. View the story

  • De Rossi interview

    News Online: On November 18, the ABC reported that Hollywood Portia De Rossi had attacked the Australian Prime Minister in an interview in which same sex marriage was discussed. In fact, Ms De Rossi did not specifically name the Prime Minister and her comments expressed disappointment on the Australian Government’s position rather than an attack on specific parliamentarians. View the story

  • Rio shares

    7pm TV News: On October 14, during the finance summary the ABC incorrectly reported that Rio Tinto Limited shares had reached their “highest ever” at over $82 that day. In fact shares were selling for over $156 in May 2008.

  • Punitive damages

    AM: On October 16, the ABC covered a court case between David Jones and a former employee who alleged harassment by staff at the organisation. The ABC reported that if the plaintiff, Ms Fraser Kirk was successful in obtaining money in punitive damages, “that she won't keep any of this money for herself” and “she said that she will give it away”. The ABC understands that Ms Kirk only ever said that if she won punitive damages she would give that money to a charity that worked against harassment and bullying. View the story

  • Internet history

    Behind the News: On October 28, in a story about the National Broadband Network, the ABC reported that dial-up internet “started getting popular in homes in the 80’s.” While the Internet was accessible from private homes by the end of the 1980’s, it first gained popularity in Australian homes in the 1990s. View the story

  • Live Aid donations

    AM: In April 2010, the ABC broadcast allegations from a former Ethiopian rebel leader that a vast amount of the money raised during the Live Aid event in 1984 went to funding the armed conflict in the country at the time. Following a complaint from the Band Aid Trust the BBC has investigated these statements and concluded that there was no evidence for them, and they should not have been broadcast. The BBC has apologised unreservedly to the Band Aid Trust for the misleading and unfair impression which was created.

  • Indigenous recognition

    PM: On November 8, in a story about the Prime Minister moving to ensure Indigenous people are recognised in the Constitution, the ABC incorrectly reported that the 1967 Referendum gave Aboriginal Australians the vote. In fact, the referendum approved a change to the constitution barring Aborigines from being counted in the census, effectively giving them citizenship with the attendant rights. It also gave the Commonwealth the right to make laws for Aborigines. View the story

  • Inquest testimony

    News Online, Cairns local radio: On October 26, in an article about a coroner’s inquest into a series of rafting deaths, the ABC incorrectly reported that in treating one of the victims, Dr Michael Law “had decided not to defibrillate her because her circulation had started to return after he had administered adrenaline”. In fact, Dr law testified that he decided not to attempt a “cardioversion” because the patient’s circulation had started to return. The article did not make it clear that Dr Law’s actions had not contributed to the death of the woman he treated. The ABC apologises for any harm caused by the story. View the story

  • Gunns directors

    On October 26, in a story about payouts given to former Gunns directors, the ABC incorrectly reported that “Fellow board member Robin Gray received a $283,000 payout when he retired and sold about 300,000 worth of shares”. The ABC is advised that the shares of Mr Gray and Mr Robin Holyman were not sold. View the story

  • Immigration costings

    News Online: On September 19, when reporting a the Federal Opposition’s reaction to figures released following a Senate Estimates hearing, the ABC incorrectly reported that “dozens of asylum seekers have received a total of $5.4 million in compensation for injuries they suffered while in detention” and that “more than 50 immigration detainees received $100,000 each in compensation over the past two years”. The ABC did not make it clear that the cases were not necessarily asylum seekers, but immigration detainees and that the $100,000 figure potentially included costs as well, and all of the cases related to pre-2007 incidents. The ABC also notes that although the Immigration Minister's office was contacted for a response and none was received, the ABC should have reported this fact in the story. The article has been removed.

  • Urban Taskforce

    7pm TV News: On October 18, in a story about the Prime Minister’s change in policy on a “big Australia”, the ABC broadcast comments from the Urban Taskforce Australia. The ABC should have made it clear that the organisation is a peak body for property development industries.

  • Learner drivers

    Local Radio News: On October 20, a story about proposed changes to NSW Learner-driver conditions incorrectly summarised that currently “L-platers have to keep a log book showing they have done at least 120 hours practice before they are tested for their P-plates. They can reduce that to 100 hours if they receive all their training from a driving school.” In fact, up to 30 hours is deducted from the 120 hours when a professional instructor is used for 10 hours.

  • Soldier negotiations

    News Online: On October 18, in a story about negotiations between Hamas and Israel to release captured Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit, the ABC incorrectly reported that Mr Shalit had been captured in Gaza, and that Shalit had been the tunnelling into Gaza. In fact, he was captured in Israel by Hamas militants. View the story

  • Wests Tigers

    Grandstand News: On 19 September Online News reported that "Todd Gibbs" in the Wests Tigers NRL had made a comment about a team mate. There is no Todd Gibbs in the team. The comment was made by Bryce Gibbs.

  • GM canola

    Landline: In a Landline story broadcast on 25 July 2010 when mentioning GM canola plantings in Western Australia, the Landline program may have confused some viewers. The program talked about GM canola in the West accounting for 50 percent of all plantings. What should have been made clear was that 50 percent of all canola planting in Australia was in WA but GM accounts for only about eight percent of that state's canola.

  • House of Representatives vote

    ABC News: On 29 September the ABC reported that Tony Abbott had stated the lost vote by the Government was the first by a Government since 1941. In fact it has happened in 1962 and 1975.

  • AFP leak

    News Online, Radio News: Radio and online news reports about an Australian Federal Police investigation into the leak of information about Coalition policy costings should not have described the leak as being a "Treasury leak". It was not a Treasury leak.