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BNE Girls: New book shines spotlight on Brisbane's female creative talent

Brisbane is not always associated with Australia's best when it comes to fashion, music and art, but a group of women from the river city want to change that.

BNE Girls, a new book produced by Dani Marano and Hannah Roche, shines a light on the talented female creatives across the city.

In all, 27 women are featured including musician Patience Hodgson of The Grates, designer Rachel Burke and artist Phoebe Paradise.

"It's easy to feel alone as a woman who makes things; this [has] allowed us to show people who these strong and creative women are," stylist Ms Marano said.

Every part of the publication, from the graphic design to the printing, was conceived and executed in Brisbane.

"Through our own work we were meeting so many amazing women in Brisbane doing creative things," Ms Marano said.

"Every person we met had so many projects on the go like photographers, graphic designers and screen printers.

"We wanted to document what was going on in Brisbane in the last year ... it really is only a snapshot of what is going on."

Celebrating a creative community

Ms Marano said their aim was to show Brisbane for what it really is — a highly engaged creative community.

"Melbourne is right up there, but Brisbane is not as well as acknowledged and it's not highlighted due to the lack of dense population.

"I hope the book makes people take a minute to think about their local community and appreciate their contribution to the city."

Capturing the essence of Brisbane

Many of the women featured in the book are wearing clothes designed and made in Queensland, with each photograph taken in locations around Brisbane.

"We wanted to capture the essence of Brisbane, and also wanted each photo to reflect the sitter and the diversity there," Ms Marano said.

The duo has also begun looking at unearthing the stories from another creative capital.

"We've started researching Adelaide," Ms Marano said.

"Neither of us has been to Adelaide but we're looking into artists, cafe owners and we have 10 people in mind already."

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