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latest news

Russian Revolution Centenary
January 1917 - On the eve of revolution

29/01/2017: War, hunger, hated Tsarist regime: class tensions reach breaking point

  Russian Revolution

CWI member Hu Xufang forced to flee

28/01/2017: Xu and his family are victims of China’s deepening police crackdown


The limits of US power

28/01/2017: Imperialism’s 15-year adventure a bloody catastrophe for millions


Build 100 days of resistance to Trump’s agenda!

27/01/2017: Establishment deeply divided as mass resistance explodes


Duma legislates to decriminalise domestic violence

26/01/2017: For unified struggle for women’s rights and against capitalism


Tamil Nadu
Mass protests against state repression

26/01/2017: Support the right to assemble and protest - release those arrested immediately!


Millions on women's marches around the world

25/01/2017: Reports from mass women's marches against Trump


Hartal protest against power plant

25/01/2017: Follows mass strike of garment workers in December


Côte d’Ivoire
Social revolts shake Ouattara regime

24/01/2017: Public sector strike and soldiers’ mutiny expose reality behind “economic growth”

  Ivory Coast

US foreign policy under Trump

24/01/2017: Island risks being pawn in his game


CWI joins protests around the world against Trump

23/01/2017: Photo gallery selection of CWI actions during weekend of mass protests


Kshama Sawant responds to Trump inauguration speech

23/01/2017: Socialist council member speaks


New US President’s approach to China

21/01/2017: Outbursts raise fears of confrontation


Russian Revolution Centenary
New site celebrates and defends October socialist revolution

20/01/2017: brings rich lessons of 100 years ago to wide audience


Regime increases repression

20/01/2017: Citizens forced to register with police at all times


Global resistance against Trump’s inauguration

20/01/2017: CWI organizes protests as millions prepare to fight Trump’s agenda


Purge in the Left Bloc

20/01/2017: 6 CWI members expelled in undemocratic attack


Ireland North
Snap elections called to Stormont Assembly

17/01/2017: Build a socialist alternative to the ‘Orange’ versus ‘Green’ headcount

  Ireland North

What kind of Podemos do workers and youth need?

17/01/2017: Debate within leadership touches on fundamental issues for future of party


Struggle against land grab in Pune

16/01/2017: Socialists and villagers wage tireless battle


Book Reviews
Trotsky and February 1917

16/01/2017: Preparing for revolution

  Russian Revolution

Seattle activists win $29 million for house building

13/01/2017: Important precedent for using city bonding authority to build homes


Everyday life under occupation

12/01/2017: Discussion at Socialism conference in Tel Aviv

  Israel / Palestine

Mass movement against “gasolinazo”

10/01/2017: Towards a general strike against the Nieto government!


Growing calls to “take back” Democratic Party

10/01/2017: Workers need for own party, independent of corporate cash


Ireland South
Apollo House occupation taps into mood of anger over homelessness

09/01/2017: Far-reaching radical measures necessary to resolve housing crisis

  Ireland Republic

Book Review
‘A Very British Ending’

07/01/2017: Novelisation of attempts to undermine and overthrow Wilson’s Labour government


Ireland North
'Cash for ash' scandal rocks power-sharing Executive

06/01/2017: Need for non-sectarian, socialist politics

  Ireland North

The state is murdering Machi Francisca Linconao

05/01/2017: Solidarity appeal for messages of protest


Trump prepares vicious attacks

05/01/2017: Mass resistance needed!


Hong Kong
CY Leung forced out!

04/01/2017: Now let’s change the whole corrupt system!

  Hong Kong

Sri Lanka
Island Nation - hell in 'paradise'

03/01/2017: Review of play called 'The Island Nation'

  Sri Lanka

Russian Revolution centenary

02/01/2017: Defending the legacy in a new era


Upheaval and fightback will continue

01/01/2017: Everything to play for in 2017

  CWI Comment And Analysis


What kind of Podemos do workers and youth need?, 17/01/2017
website of the committee for a workers' international, CWI

Debate within leadership touches on fundamental issues for future of party

Izquierda Revolucionaria, Spanish state, editorial

Below we publish the January editorial from El Militante, paper of Izquierda Revolucionaria the Marxist organisation in the Spanish state with which the CWI is in a process of collaboration and coming together.

Podemos will hold its “Citizens Assembly” on 10-12 February in the context of a harsh public clash between the sector led by Pablo Iglesias and that of Íñigo Errejón. The sharpest expression of this dispute so far was shown in December in the consultation of Podemos members over how the Assembly would function – 41.57% voted for Iglesias theses, 39.12% for Errejon and 10.5% for the ‘Anticapitalistas’ (the current led by members of the USFI in Spain). What are the causes of the conflict? Is is just a power struggle or are there really different political projects at stake? What role is the ruling class, its media and the social democracy playing in the dispute? Without doubt, this assembly is important not only for the future of Podemos itself, but for the whole of the Left and the class struggle in the Spanish state.

The result of the 26 June general elections was key in the current crisis in Podemos’ leadership. After a process of explosive growth, full of optimism and expectation, the loss of one million votes on 26 June compared with 20 December 2015, and the failure to overtake PSOE (Social Democrats) had a big impact both in the leadership and the rank and file of Podemos. Opposing conclusions have been drawn in the leadership about how and why this happened.

It is no secret that, now that the attempt by the bourgeoisie to totally destroy Podemos has failed, the ruling class is concentrating on trying to give it a social-democratic political line. The editorial of the main capitalist paper, El Pais, on 12 December, under the title “Podemos in struggle” is very significant: “Errejón defends a more modern, democratic and open Podemos, different from the confusion generated by Iglesias around a strategy of ideological radicalisation and street mobilisation, the effect of which is to dilute the power and negotiating ability of the party in Parliament…”.

Íñigo Errejón has repeatedly shown his position that work in the parliamentary institutions should by the fundamental pillar of Podemos political strategy. He says that the party can “not only protest and denounce…” and that “our enemies like to see in Podemos a formally radical force which is materially unable to transform the conditions of the people”. He classifies only sterile phrase mongering as really “radical”, with the aim of dismissing any alternative to the capitalist system based on mobilisation. In reality, he adopts the same language and same position as the traditional social democracy which in practice is only a conveyor belt for capitalist interests.

After 26 June, Pablo Iglesias was initially inclined towards a strategy of demobilisation. But once it was clear that this only strengthened the right, both inside and outside Podemos, he made a series of critical reflections, asking whether it was in fact the image of “moderation” which had led to Podemos’ unexpectedly bad electoral result. He said it had been a mistake to try to occupy the space of social democracy in order not to “frighten” a section of the electorate, and more recently spoke of the need to “reclaim the streets” and for the trade unions to call a general strike against the PP’s policies. He also warned of the danger of “getting used to living in parliament” and that “being transversal does not mean looking like our enemies, but looking like the PAH (anti-evictions movements)”. It is evident that this shift to the Left in his speeches reflects the processes of the class struggle and their impact on such an unstable formation as Podemos.

Reform or rupture with the system

All of these declarations have their own dynamic. Where does the so-called “realism of Errejón lead? At best, to the transformation of Podemos into a “PSOE B”. His strategy is a recipe for Podemos ending in disaster. Of course, Podemos must win a decisive part of the social support which PSOE historically had, but not by copying the pro-capitalist social democratic programme, which is the real reason for PSOE’s decline. Polls show that PSOE would lose more than one and a half million votes in new elections. Does that surprise anyone after seeing how Susana Diaz and the territorial “barons” in PSOE handed the government to Rajoy and collaborate with the PP’s austerity agenda?

In Izquierda Revolucionaria, we sympathise with the above-mentioned statements by Pablo Iglesias. The danger for the future of Podemos is precisely that it becomes accommodated with the system. That is why it is necessary to have a clear political line. In reality, the parliamentary games hide the reality of the dictatorship of capital. The crisis - which is bringing misery to the majority – continues, and this will be the case as long as the limits of capitalism are respected. The conclusion from this is clear: a programme must be adopted which breaks with this straight-jacket and puts forward bold socialist policies such as the nationalisation of strategic sectors of the economy, opposition to all cuts and austerity, defence of public health and education and the right to dignified housing, and the defence of democratic rights such as the right of national self-determination.

If Pablo Iglesias clearly defended an alternative of that type, it would connect with the aspirations of millions of workers and youth, of the most oppressed sectors of society and all those who see no way out under the system. Small nods towards the Left from time to time are not enough. “Reflections” which have no practical consequence are not enough. The only way to solidly link up with the masses, the real strength of Podemos, is defending a genuinely socialist alternative of transformation, and being directly implicated in the day to day struggle of the workers and youth movement.

If at the end of the current debate, all that is achieved is a patchwork agreement at the top of the party, giving the impression that everything is only a struggle for control of the apparatus, it will be a victory for those who wish to see Podemos more and more adapted to the needs of the system.

The wing of Errejón has the moral, political and material support of the ruling class and its spokespeople. However, their greatest asset is the inertia and lack of a consistent alternative put forward by Iglesias and his sector. This is the main task to resolve for those who defend the need for a Podemos which responds to the interests of workers, youth , the unemployed, precarious workers and all the oppressed. There can be no humane capitalism, and there can be no reforms to benefit the population which are not won by struggle and mobilisation. There can be no real change without socialism.



Video: US Socialist Students build for student walkouts against Trump, 15/12/2016

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Por Tony Saunois

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China: CWI member Hu Xufang forced to flee
28/01/2017, reporters:
Xu and his family are victims of China’s deepening police crackdown

Russia: Duma legislates to decriminalise domestic violence
26/01/2017, From Socialist Alternative (Russian CWI) website ( :
For unified struggle for women’s rights and against capitalism

Tamil Nadu: Mass protests against state repression
26/01/2017, Isai Priya, from Tamil Solidarity website :
Support the right to assemble and protest - release those arrested immediately!

Bangladesh: Hartal protest against power plant
25/01/2017, Pete Mason, Socialist Party (CWI in England and Wales) :
Follows mass strike of garment workers in December

Côte d’Ivoire: Social revolts shake Ouattara regime
24/01/2017, Militant Côte d’Ivoire (CWI group in Côte d’Ivoire) :
Public sector strike and soldiers’ mutiny expose reality behind “economic growth”

Taiwan: US foreign policy under Trump
24/01/2017, Vincent Kolo,
Island risks being pawn in his game

US: CWI joins protests around the world against Trump
23/01/2017, :
Photo gallery selection of CWI actions during weekend of mass protests

US: Kshama Sawant responds to Trump inauguration speech
23/01/2017, :
Socialist council member speaks

Russian Revolution Centenary: New site celebrates and defends October socialist revolution
20/01/2017, : brings rich lessons of 100 years ago to wide audience

Kazakhstan: Regime increases repression
20/01/2017, Andrei Prigor from Campaign Kazakhstan:
Citizens forced to register with police at all times

US: Global resistance against Trump’s inauguration
20/01/2017, :
CWI organizes protests as millions prepare to fight Trump’s agenda

Portugal: Purge in the Left Bloc
20/01/2017, Ysmail, Socialismo Revolucionário (CWI in Portugal):
6 CWI members expelled in undemocratic attack

India: Struggle against land grab in Pune
16/01/2017, Venkatesh Harale, New Socialist Alternative (CWI in India):
Socialists and villagers wage tireless battle

Book Reviews: Trotsky and February 1917
16/01/2017, Peter Taaffe, from the February 2017 issue of Socialism Today (monthly magazine of the Socialist Party – CWI England & Wales):
Preparing for revolution

Tunisia: Six years after the fall of Ben Ali, demands of revolution still to be realised
14/01/2017, Al-Badil al-Ishtiraki, CWI in Tunisia:
New revolts brewing

US: Seattle activists win $29 million for house building
13/01/2017, Adam Ziemkowski, Socialist Alternative:
Important precedent for using city bonding authority to build homes

Palestine/Israel: Everyday life under occupation
12/01/2017, Per-Åke Westerlund of Rattvisepartiet Socialisterna (CWI in Sweden) :
Discussion at Socialism conference in Tel Aviv

Mexico: Mass movement against “gasolinazo”
10/01/2017, David Lopez, Izquierda Revolucionaria, Mexico:
Towards a general strike against the Nieto government!

US: Growing calls to “take back” Democratic Party
10/01/2017, Calvin Priest, Socialist Alternative:
Workers need for own party, independent of corporate cash

Ireland South: Apollo House occupation taps into mood of anger over homelessness
09/01/2017, Councillor Michael O’Brien, Anti-Austerity Alliance and Socialist Party member:
Far-reaching radical measures necessary to resolve housing crisis

Book Review: ‘A Very British Ending’
07/01/2017, Review by Tony Saunois :
Novelisation of attempts to undermine and overthrow Wilson’s Labour government

Ireland North: 'Cash for ash' scandal rocks power-sharing Executive
06/01/2017, Dave Carr from The Socialist (weekly paper of the Socialist Party England & Wales):
Need for non-sectarian, socialist politics

Chile: The state is murdering Machi Francisca Linconao
05/01/2017, :
Solidarity appeal for messages of protest

Hong Kong: CY Leung forced out!
04/01/2017, Socialist Action (CWI in Hong Kong) statement
Now let’s change the whole corrupt system!

Sri Lanka: Island Nation - hell in 'paradise'
03/01/2017, By Clare Doyle, carried on Tamil Solidarity Campaign web-site, November, 2016 :
Review of play called 'The Island Nation'

Iranian “election”
30/12/2016, P. Daryaban:
Crisis continues; infighting escalates

CWI Comment and Analysis


Russian Revolution Centenary: January 1917 - On the eve of revolution
29/01/2017, Niall Mulholland, from :
War, hunger, hated Tsarist regime: class tensions reach breaking point

Afghanistan: The limits of US power
28/01/2017, Judy Beishon, from Socialism Today (February 2017 issue), monthly magazine of the Socialist Party (CWI England & Wales)<br />
<br />
Imperialism’s 15-year adventure a bloody catastrophe for millions

US: Build 100 days of resistance to Trump’s agenda!
27/01/2017, Bryan Koulouris, Socialist Alternative, US :
Establishment deeply divided as mass resistance explodes

Millions on women's marches around the world
25/01/2017, Editorial from the Socialist, paper of the Socialist Party (CWI in England & Wales) and reports from US marches :
Reports from mass women's marches against Trump

China: New US President’s approach to China
21/01/2017, Vincent Kolo, :
Outbursts raise fears of confrontation

Ireland North: Snap elections called to Stormont Assembly
17/01/2017, Daniel Waldron, Socialist Party (CWI Ireland), Belfast :
Build a socialist alternative to the ‘Orange’ versus ‘Green’ headcount

Spain: What kind of Podemos do workers and youth need?
17/01/2017, Izquierda Revolucionaria, Spanish state, editorial :
Debate within leadership touches on fundamental issues for future of party

US: Trump prepares vicious attacks
05/01/2017, Philip Locker and Tom Crean, Socialist Alternative (US):
Mass resistance needed!

Russian Revolution centenary
02/01/2017, Editorial from Socialism Today, Dec/Jan 2017 edition:
Defending the legacy in a new era

2017:Upheaval and fightback will continue
01/01/2017, Peter Taaffe, Socialist Party (CWI in England & Wales) general secretary :
Everything to play for in 2017

Britain's shifting political contours
22/12/2016, Hannah Sell, Socialist Party (CWI in England & Wales) from Socialism Today Dec/Jan 2017 edition :
Capitalist establishment in disarray

CWI International Executive Committee: European capitalism “battered by events”
16/12/2016, Kevin Henry, Socialist Party (CWI in Ireland) :
Report of discussion on Europe at CWI IEC meeting in November

CWI International Executive Committee: World shaken by seismic political events
14/12/2016, Kevin Parslow, Socialist Party (CWI in England & Wales):
Report of first session of the CWI International Executive Committee, discussing World Relations

World capitalism in deep crisis
08/12/2016, CWI :
Perspectives documents agreed by November CWI international meeting

Sudan: Three day nationwide strike shuts down the country, in unique defiance of Al-Bashir’s rule
30/11/2016, Serge Jordan, CWI:
Escalation of the struggle needed to overthrow repressive regime

US: Trump prepares attacks on working people,immigrants and women
27/11/2016, Tom Crean and Philip Locker, Socialist Alternative (USA):
We must prepare massive resistance!

Cuba: Fidel Castro, leader of 1959 revolution, dies at 90
26/11/2016, Tony Saunois, CWI :
Castro's life and the Cuban Revolution

China: New stage in power struggle
24/11/2016, reporters:
Xi Jinping becomes “core leader”

Hong Kong: Government purges Legislative Council
17/11/2016, Dikang, Socialist Action (CWI in Hong Kong) :
“Nothing short of a coup”

Ireland: The Jobstown trial and the threat to democratic rights<br />

12/11/2016, Eddie McCabe, Socialist Party (CWI in Ireland) :
Biggest political trial in decades, as Socialist Party & Anti Austerity Alliance MP and councillors face threat of lengthy prison sentences

History: Russia’s 1917 socialist revolution
07/11/2016, Clare Doyle, CWI :
November 7th anniversary of workers’ taking power

Capitalist system “on the edge of the volcano”
03/11/2016, International Secretariat of the CWI:
Draft documents for November CWI international meeting

Spain: PSOE leadership hands power to the PP
03/11/2016, Izquierda Revolucionaria editorial :
A new phase in the class struggle

Hungary: The political revolution of sixty years ago
23/10/2016, Clare Doyle, CWI :
When workers fought arms in hand to end Stalinist dictatorship

Britain: The fight for real democracy in the Labour Party
20/10/2016, Editorial of the Socialist, weekly paper of the Socialist Party (CWI England & Wales):
Defend Corbyn and transform Labour into a party acting for working class