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latest news

100th anniversary of Easter 1916 Rising

26/03/2016: A revolt against imperial power and war

  History, Ireland Republic

When Khrushchev denounced Stalin

26/03/2016: 1956 ‘secret speech’ a devastating blow to Stalinist regimes

  History, Russia

Socialist Party national congress 2016

25/03/2016: A serious, thoughtful, optimistic and lively national congress of the Socialist Party took place from 19-21 March.


Twin meetings, mass layoffs and failed reforms

24/03/2016: Discussion on what is happening in China


Brussels terror bombings

23/03/2016: Oppose terrorism, war and poverty


Brazil rocked by deep crisis

23/03/2016: Dilma’s government brought to brink of collapse


 11th CWI World Congress
World Perspectives

22/03/2016: Amended agreed version of the World Perspectives document agreed by the CWI’s 11th World Congress


Big gains for right-wing, nationalist, AfD in state elections

22/03/2016: DIE LINKE (Left Party) urgently needs to change course


Sanders needs to run as an independent in November

18/03/2016: Continuing the Political Revolution


Up to half a million on streets to stop new labour law

18/03/2016: Will there be a general strike against the Valls-Hollande government ?


Miners’ strike while People’s Congress discusses mass redundancies

16/03/2016: Thousands march in Heilongjiang province opposing job cuts.


A chance for the trade unions to lead the EU referendum debate

11/03/2016: For a socialist, working class no campaign


Refugee crisis

10/03/2016: Cruel capitalist regimes responsible


European Union
Alliance with Turkey to close borders

09/03/2016: Crises for refugees - and the EU – continues

  Europe, Turkey

Between hatred and solidarity

08/03/2016: The situation in Germany


 International Women’s Day

07/03/2016: Working women’s fight for a world without oppression


Sanders campaign at a crossroads

04/03/2016: Bernie’s political revolution will be strangled if it remains imprisoned within the corporate-controlled Democratic Party.


No intervention in Syria! Stop the war on the Kurds!

01/03/2016: Two articles on the current situation in Turkey and Kurdistan

  Kurdistan, Syria, Turkey

Government routed in general election

29/02/2016: Establishment parties in crisis, as a new Left rises

  Ireland Republic

Crisis set to deepen

27/02/2016: Year of the Monkey opens with economy in worst situation for decades


Nevada Goes to Clinton – Sanders Looks to Super Tuesday

26/02/2016: Huge enthusiasm for Bernie Sanders’ call for a political revolution leads to serious challenge to Hillary Clinton


South Africa
Worker and student protests intensify

25/02/2016: #OutsourcingMustFall campaign becomes point of reference for the working class

  South Africa

Britain - EU referendum
Vote OUT the Tories

24/02/2016: The referendum on 23 June is not just about the EU but is also an opportunity to pass verdict on Cameron and his rotten government

  Britain, Europe

Successful AAA-PBP electoral rally in Dublin

23/02/2016: Below, videos of TD’s (members of Irish Parliament) Paul Murphy and Ruth Coppinger at a public meeting of the Anti-Austerity Alliance/People Before Profit, after a mass demonstration of tens of thousands against water charges in Dublin

  Ireland Republic, Video

Five years on from the “Arab Spring”

20/02/2016: The “Arab Spring” revolutionary wave brought dictators in Tunisia and Egypt crashing down. It swept through the Middle East, inspiring workers and youth the world over. It has since ebbed, however, leaving the region wracked with war and sectarian conflict.

  Middle East

Roman politics riddled with scandal

19/02/2016: Five Star Movement can gain


Over 140 attend successful ‘Socialism Conference’

18/02/2016: Israeli and Palestinian activists discuss resisting Nentanyahu and urgent need to build socialist forces

  Israel / Palestine

A Marxist view of Modi’s Hindutva

17/02/2016: Analysis of the present situation in India from an internationalist perspective

  India, Video

Farmers occupy central Athens over pensions bill

17/02/2016: “All together, workers and poor farmers, at Syntagma Square, against austerity”


State’s massacre in Cizre

16/02/2016: Looming civil war can only be countered by a united struggle of working people

  Kurdistan, Turkey

 CWI 11th World Congress
South Asia wracked by instability

15/02/2016: Huge potential for workers’ struggles

  Asia, CWI

Nepal’s crisis

No way out under capitalism, 26/11/2003
website of the committee for a workers' international, CWI

SINCE THE collapse of negotiations in late August, over 1,000 have died in clashes between Nepal’s military and Maoist rebels. A weak ruling monarchy represses the masses in this impoverished and largely rural country of 25 million people. As HUGH CAFFREY explains, under capitalism, this beautiful part of the planet is a social nightmare for workers and the peasantry.

Hugh Caffrey

NEPAL HAS a long history of dictatorship, from its foundation in 1768 until 1990, with a one year (1959) multi-party constitution before the monarchy resumed power. Situated between India and China, the country is of strategic importance to both powers and to US imperialism.

The king is a military-police dictator hiding behind a weak parliament. The degeneracy of the ruling class around him can be gauged by continual corruption scandals, the playboy lifestyle of his son and, in 2001, the slaughtering of most of the dynasty apparently by the crown prince in a drunken, drug-fuelled shooting spree!

The social base of these parasitic degenerates is extremely small - the pro-monarchy parties in the weak parliament have tiny popular support. The economy is heavily reliant on aid since a disastrous ’neo-liberal’ experiment in the early 1990s. Traditionally, the Indian and British governments, and increasingly the US, heavily back the monarchist state which has killed thousands since 1996.

Maoist attacks

The ruling class, historically, has ruled mainly through the monarchy. Mass protests throughout the 1980s forced democratic reforms in 1990. But for the weak ruling class even a restricted democracy proved too risky. Successive governments imposed ’neo-liberal’ programmes, fuelling huge anger among the masses and election of a ’Communist’ Party (CP) government in 1994-95.

The current conflict began in 1996. The CP split, a minority declaring themselves leaders of a Maoist people’s war. The ruling class moved swiftly back towards monarchist rule. The king appoints and dissolves stooge governments at will, despite the official CP recently becoming the largest parliamentary party.

After 11 September 2001, the king branded the rebels as "terrorists". The US administration promptly came to his aid. Recently the Bush government declared Maoist assets frozen and dispatched increasing military aid, including up to 10,000 M16 assault rifles. Blair’s government has tagged along behind US imperialism.

The Maoists control between 40% and 80% of the countryside. One factor prompting a ceasefire in 2003 was the monarchists’ fear that Kathmandu (the capital) was about to fall as well.

Well-armed attacks on state forces are a regular occurrence, with the rebels promising ’more of the same’ for Americans now that US imperialism has intervened. Their fighting strength is estimated at 3,000-4,000 "hard core" fighters, and over 12,000 "militia" fighters.

The police have been driven from the rural areas - the great majority of Nepal - and the army seem incapable of crushing the rebels. The depth of the social crisis has enabled the Maoists to win substantial support.

Their demands include: "The redistribution of land, a minimum wage and free health care. Others seem more menacing. They include a ban on ’foreign culture’ - which apparently means ’X-rated cinema, videos and newspapers’." (The Guardian, 29/5/03).

The guerrillas demand the abolition of the monarchy. What they propose varies from a body to draw up a new constitution to a "non-revolutionary" constituent assembly. This is portrayed as a step towards a "people’s state", modelled on Maoist China.

This contradicts some actions during 2003. While on ceasefire, "Dr Baburam Bhattarai, the chief Maoist ideologue, even visited the capitalists of the Federation of Nepali Chambers of Commerce and Industry to assure them his group was committed to a market economy. " (BBC News Online, 20/9/03).

Moreover, the guerrillas have called for an anti-monarchist alliance with the pro-capitalist and reformist parties they have recently been shooting at.

General strike

SO, WHAT future for Nepal? Massive military support by US imperialism for the monarchy could inflict a temporary defeat on the rebels. further ceasefires and negotiations cannot be ruled out either. But capitalism cannot solve any of the fundamental problems.

The Maoists have gained ground above all because of the lack of a real working class movement. The parliamentary ’communists’, the UML, put forward a reform programme but within the framework of capitalism.

An economic upturn, dependent on massive foreign investment and growth in the export market, is highly unlikely given the current world economic slowdown. The gross stupidity of the Bush regime in hurling weaponry at an escalating war is making any form of ceasefire increasingly unlikely.

However, the potential power of the masses to stamp their mark on events is clear. A three-day general strike, called by the Maoists, in August brought the country to a standstill. Also, it was mass mobilisations which led to the democratic reforms of 1990.

Such power, harnessed behind a clear workers’ leadership with a genuine revolutionary socialist programme, could sweep away the feudal and capitalist relations, expel imperialism, and begin the real development of the country in co-operation with workers’ governments of the region, especially the neighbouring giants India and China.

The alternative is further conflict, possibly with neighbouring Bhutan over refugees, or spreading into Chinese and Indian provinces (which the ruling elites of both countries dread).

The mighty task facing the Nepalese masses, especially the workers, is their emancipation through their own actions and organisation. The first step will be the creation of a genuine socialist organisation, free from Maoism and reformism.

Such an organisation would explain that Nepalese capitalism can exist only through repression and dictatorship - parliamentary democracy will be a temporary product of mass pressure, its extent and duration dependent on the balance of class forces.

Capitalism cannot develop Nepal. Real land reform can be carried through only by a workers’ government in co-operation with the small farmers and agricultural labourers. Peasant guerrilla warfare is at best a secondary, supplement to the urban workers’ struggle. Under the banner of Maoism it will be a dead-end. Guerrilla warfare has not and cannot lead to workers’ democracy.

The only road to salvation for the masses is the socialist revolution, as part of the international revolution. Only the working class, with a mass revolutionary party organised and conscious of its own tasks, can smash feudal and capitalist relations and begin the socialist transformation of the region.

A socialist programme for Nepal would have to include:

  • The abolition of the monarchy
  • Imperialism out of Nepal
  • Full democratic rights
  • A revolutionary workers’ government in co-operation with the small farmers and agricultural labourers based on socialist policies
  • Bring all privatised companies back into public ownership under democratic workers’ control and management. Compensation only on basis of proven need
  • Nationalise the big companies and finance under democratic workers’ control and management
  • For a socialist federation of the region

Maoism - Stalinism with Chinese characteristics

’MAOISM’ DESCRIBES the one-party dictatorship of Mao Zedong who came to power in China after the 1949 revolution, the result of a long peasant-based guerrilla war led by the Communist Party. The Chinese revolution subsequently inspired a series of guerrilla wars as part of national liberation struggles in many colonial countries.

The revolution defeated the capitalists and feudal landlords, and with the Soviet Union as a backcloth, a Chinese version of Stalinism came to power ie a planned, nationalised economy but without workers’ democracy.

But Chinese Stalinism, even with all the advantages of enormous natural resources and USSR support, was incapable of achieving socialism. By the 1980s, without workers’ democracy, the planned economies of the eastern bloc countries stagnated and collapsed, reverting to capitalism.

The Chinese Stalinists sought a way out of this impasse by managing capitalist restoration which they termed "socialism with Chinese characteristics".

From The Socialist, paper of the Socialist Party, cwi in England and Wales




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Britain: Socialist Party national congress 2016
25/03/2016, Socialist Party (CWI in England & Wales) reporters:
A serious, thoughtful, optimistic and lively national congress of the Socialist Party took place from 19-21 March.

China : Twin meetings, mass layoffs and failed reforms
Discussion on what is happening in China

Belgium: Brussels terror bombings
23/03/2016, Linkse Socialistische Partij/Parti Socialiste de Lutte (CWI Belgium) :
Oppose terrorism, war and poverty

Brazil rocked by deep crisis
23/03/2016, Marcus Kollbrunner, LSR (CWI in Brazil):
Dilma’s government brought to brink of collapse

France : Up to half a million on streets to stop new labour law
18/03/2016, Leila Messaoudi, Gauche Revolutionnaire (CWI in France):
Will there be a general strike against the Valls-Hollande government ?

Kazakhstan: European Parliament condemns treatment of political prisoners
16/03/2016, CWI reporters:
Basic rights must be respected

China: Miners’ strike while People’s Congress discusses mass redundancies
16/03/2016, Dikang,
Thousands march in Heilongjiang province opposing job cuts.

Ireland: Establishment parties hit a wall of anger
14/03/2016, By Cillian Gillespie and Ruth Coppinger MP, Socialist Party (CWI in Ireland) members:
Political crisis looms

Britain: A chance for the trade unions to lead the EU referendum debate
11/03/2016, Clive Heemskerk, Socialist Party (CWI in England & Wales):
For a socialist, working class no campaign

Refugee crisis
10/03/2016, Editorial from the Socialist, paper of the Socialist Party (CWI in England & Wales):
Cruel capitalist regimes responsible

International Women’s Day
07/03/2016, Clare Doyle, CWI:
Working women’s fight for a world without oppression

Sanders campaign at a crossroads
04/03/2016,, US:
Bernie’s political revolution will be strangled if it remains imprisoned within the corporate-controlled Democratic Party.

Ireland South: Voters reject ’two-and-a-half party system’
03/03/2016, Interview with Ruth Coppinger TD:
Left makes important gains

Ireland: Government routed in general election
29/02/2016, Danny Byrne, CWI:
Establishment parties in crisis, as a new Left rises

China: Crisis set to deepen
27/02/2016, Editorial from《社会主义者》Socialist magazine issue 36 (February-March 2016):
Year of the Monkey opens with economy in worst situation for decades

South Africa: Worker and student protests intensify
25/02/2016, Reporters from the WASP (Workers and Socialist Party, CWI in South Africa):
#OutsourcingMustFall campaign becomes point of reference for the working class

Britain - EU referendum: Vote OUT the Tories
24/02/2016, Editorial of the Socialist, weekly paper of the Socialist Party (CWI in England & Wales):
The referendum on 23 June is not just about the EU but is also an opportunity to pass verdict on Cameron and his rotten government

Ireland: Successful AAA-PBP electoral rally in Dublin
Below, videos of TD’s (members of Irish Parliament) Paul Murphy and Ruth Coppinger at a public meeting of the Anti-Austerity Alliance/People Before Profit, after a mass demonstration of tens of thousands against water charges in Dublin

Italy: Roman politics riddled with scandal
19/02/2016, Giuliano Brunetti, ControCorrente (CWI in Italy):
Five Star Movement can gain

Israel/Palestine: Over 140 attend successful ‘Socialism Conference’
18/02/2016, Youval Sorek, Socialist Struggle (CWI in Israel-Palestine):
Israeli and Palestinian activists discuss resisting Nentanyahu and urgent need to build socialist forces

India: A Marxist view of Modi’s Hindutva
17/02/2016, Peter Taaffe speaks to Jagadish Chandra, New Socialist Alternative (CWI in India):
Analysis of the present situation in India from an internationalist perspective

Greece: Farmers occupy central Athens over pensions bill
17/02/2016, Text of leaflet produced by Xekinima (CWI Greece):
“All together, workers and poor farmers, at Syntagma Square, against austerity”

Turkey: State’s massacre in Cizre
16/02/2016, Batuhan Eren Ünlü, Sosyalist Alternatif (CWI Turkey):
Looming civil war can only be countered by a united struggle of working people

Britain: Lack of strategy and exclusions threaten ‘Momentum’
15/02/2016, From The Socialist (weekly lnewspaper of the Socialist Party England & Wales):
Left must mobilise millions to militant anti-austerity banner & building of political organisation to give it voice

Ireland North: Hundreds protest against manufacturing destruction
12/02/2016, Daniel Waldron, Socialist Party (CWI Ireland), Belfast:
Union movement should step up call for nationalisation of threatened factories

CWI Comment and Analysis


Ireland: 100th anniversary of Easter 1916 Rising
26/03/2016, Cillian Gillespie, Socialist Party (CWI Ireland):
A revolt against imperial power and war

History: When Khrushchev denounced Stalin
26/03/2016, Niall Mulholland, from Socialism Today (April 2016 issue of the monthly journal of Socialist Party, England & Wales):
1956 ‘secret speech’ a devastating blow to Stalinist regimes

11th CWI World Congress: World Perspectives
Amended agreed version of the World Perspectives document agreed by the CWI’s 11th World Congress

Germany: Big gains for right-wing, nationalist, AfD in state elections
22/03/2016, Sascha Stanicic, Sozialistische Alternative (CWI in Germany):
DIE LINKE (Left Party) urgently needs to change course

US: Sanders needs to run as an independent in November
18/03/2016, Calvin Priest, Socialist Alternative (CWI supporters in USA):
Continuing the Political Revolution

European Union: Alliance with Turkey to close borders
09/03/2016, Per-Ãke Westerlund, from Offensiv - the weekly paper of Rattvisepartiet Socialisterna (CWI in Sweden):
Crises for refugees - and the EU – continues

Germany: Between hatred and solidarity
08/03/2016, By Sascha Stanicic, Sozialistische Alternative (CWI in Germany):
The situation in Germany

Turkey: No intervention in Syria! Stop the war on the Kurds!
01/03/2016, By Murat Karin, Sosyalist Alternatif (CWI in Turkey) and Paula Mitchell, Socialist Party (CWI in England & Wales):
Two articles on the current situation in Turkey and Kurdistan

US: Nevada Goes to Clinton – Sanders Looks to Super Tuesday
26/02/2016, Calvin Priest, Socialist Alternative (CWI in the USA):
Huge enthusiasm for Bernie Sanders’ call for a political revolution leads to serious challenge to Hillary Clinton

Five years on from the “Arab Spring”
20/02/2016, Serge Jordan (CWI), article to be published in the March 2016 edition of Socialism Today, No.196.:
The “Arab Spring” revolutionary wave brought dictators in Tunisia and Egypt crashing down. It swept through the Middle East, inspiring workers and youth the world over. It has since ebbed, however, leaving the region wracked with war and sectarian conflict.

CWI 11th World Congress: South Asia wracked by instability
15/02/2016, Geert Cool, CWI Belgium:
Huge potential for workers’ struggles

US: Bernie’s political revolution opens new era for American politics
13/02/2016, Patrick Ayers, Socialist Alternative (CWI in the USA):
Build a #Movement4Bernie to Defeat the Billionaire Class and the Democratic Party Establishment.

CWI 11th World Congress 2016: Women and oppression in class society
13/02/2016, CWI World Congress Document:
A socialist approach

CWI 11th World Congress: Upheaval of traditional European political framework
12/02/2016, Sarah Wrack, Socialist Party (CWI England & Wales):
Workers’ fury at austerity and capitalist system will find more expression

11th CWI World Congress: A World in turmoil
11/02/2016, Kevin Parslow, Socialist Party (CWI England & Wales):
Renewed economic crisis, wars, political polarisation & class struggle perspectives

Africa: New political storms and mass struggles
08/02/2016, CWI 11th World Congress Document:
Opportunities will arise for working class and poor to organise

India: Rising class struggle reflects seething anger of working class
08/02/2016, Anand Kumar, from Dudiyora Horaata (Workers’ Struggle – newspaper of the CWI in India), Bangalore:
Is ‘Modimania’ on the wane?

World relations, economy and the class struggle
CWI 11th World Congress document

Spain: A break in the political establishment
07/02/2016, Danny Byrne, CWI (article from issue 195 of ’Socialism Today’):
December’s elections broke the hold of the two main capitalist parties for the first time since the Franco dictatorship. The high vote for representatives of workers’ and social movements, and the recovery of the left-populist Podemos, open up a new phase in the struggle against austerity.

Japan: Social and political unease after “twenty lost years”
03/02/2016, Carl Simmons, Kokusai Rentai (CWI in Japan):
Weakness of opposition is Prime Minister Abe’s only strength

World Economy: Capitalism buffeted by choppy waters
02/02/2016, Lynn Walsh, from The Socialist (weekly paper of the Socialist Party, CWI England & Wales):
Bosses strive to offload cost of crisis on working class - a struggle for system change is needed

Venezuela: Right-wing landslide
20/01/2016, Tony Saunois, from February edition of Socialism Today, magazine of the Socialist Party (CWI in England & Wales):
First electoral defeat suffered by the Chavistas since Hugo Chávez was first elected president in 1998

Leningrad: ‘Hero City’
19/01/2016, Clare Doyle (fuller version of a review article to be published in the February 2016 issue of Socialism Today):
900 days of siege in World War Two

China: Financial turmoil spreads fear across global markets
14/01/2016, Per-Åke Westerlund, with additional reporting by Vincent Kolo:
Setting the tone for 2016?

2016: Crisis-ridden capitalism will meet with bitter mood of resistance
05/01/2016, Peter Taaffe, Socialist Party (CWI in England & Wales) general secretary:
Socialist alternative is essential