Fairfax Media Network

Gulf Country Daily Summaries

Monday September 11, 2017
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Min to 9am Anomaly Max from 9am Anomaly Rain to 9am
°C °C °C °C mm
17 -1 - - 0.0
13 -4 - - 0.0
18 -1 - - 0.0
19 - - - 0.0
18 -2 - - 0.0
21 -1 - - 0.0
A yellow cell indicates a probable monthly record for this site (sites with ≥ 10 years of records only). The number of years of records available for the relevant field for this month is indicated in black. See the station's climate page for full details.
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Weather News

Hurricane Irma brings devastating winds, storm surges to Florida

09:01 EST

One of the most powerful storms ever recorded in the Atlantic makes landfall in the US, with Florida residents warned of "a life-threatening situation" as Hurricane Irma moves up their state.

Hurricane Irma: Online prank forces sheriff to issue warning against shooting guns at approaching storm

08:30 EST

As Hurricane Irma approached the Florida coast and one of the largest mass evacuations in US history was underway, authorities were forced to warn people not to fire their guns at the .

Hurricane Irma: A long night in Miami waiting out the storm

06:28 EST

The dangerous hum from outside the hurricane-proof window began not long after dark.