Brad Leach | Sep 16, 2016

The Lexus stand at the Paris Motor Show in a couple of weeks will highlight the debuts of the all-new flagship LC Coupe and UX concept car - but intriguingly Toyota’s prestige brand will be displaying prominently a revolutionary new vehicle seat.

Called the Kinetic Seat Concept its construction differs markedly from any other automotive seat.

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Lexus claims the new design copies the way our spines actually stabilize our heads while simultaneously allowing the pelvis and chest to rotate in opposite directions (think of walking, jogging or sports like tennis and golf).

To achieve this, Lexus engineered the Kinetic Seat Concept so the cushion and back rest move kinetically with occupant weight and external forces.

Simply sitting in the seat stabilizes head movement and, once the car starts moving, improved head stability not only enhances your driving ability by maintaining a steady field of vision, it also reduces fatigue in long journeys.

As you can see, the actual seat cushion sections have a spider web look with threads spreading out radially from the centre of the backrest. By making the net flexible so it closely fits your body shape, weight-bearing is more widely dispersed which is the trick to prolonged comfort.

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And placing the centre of the backrest at shoulder blade height is how Lexus’ Kinetic Seat Concept allows rotational movement of the chest to provide support and thus stabilize the head.

The spider web threads are made from ‘QMONOS’ material by Spiber Inc - the main material is protein which, after microbial fermentation, is spun and processed into the final material which is said to offer superior shock absorbance.

Lexus’ Kinetic Seat Concept not only dispenses with the petroleum-derived materials used in many automotive seats and is lighter and more compact than the best of the current seats - don’t see any downsides there.

MORE: Lexus | Concept | Paris Motor Show

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