#NoWar2016 conference videos


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Alternatives “A Global Security System: An Alternative to War” – 2016 Edition Now Available

“A Global Security System: An Alternative to War” – 2016 Edition Now Available

    “You say you’re against war, but what’s the alternative?”     World Beyond War is pleased to provide the 2016 edition of the book that everyone has been asking for: A Global Security System: An Alternative to War. […]


Robert Fantina Speaks Out Against US Imperialism

Robert Fantina is an activist and journalist, working for peace and social justice. He writes extensively about the oppression of the Palestinians by apartheid Israel. He is the author of several books, including ‘Empire, Racism and Genocide: A History of […]

Mapping Militarism Mapping Military Madness

Mapping Military Madness

Once again this year, the clear winner, in not just women’s soccer and incarceration, but also in militarism, is the United States of America, sweeping nearly every category of military insanity with seemingly effortless ease. Find all of last year’s […]

Divestment Divest Public Pension Funds from Weapons Dealers

Divest Public Pension Funds from Weapons Dealers

Partners on this campaign include: World Beyond War, RootsAction.org, Get DIVEST mugs, magnets, shirts. NEW CAMPAIGN Send your thoughts, advice, information, and corrections to us. While governments buy weapons, market weapons to other governments, donate weapons to other governments, and […]

Recent Posts

Robert Fantina Speaks Out Against US Imperialism

Robert Fantina is an activist and journalist, working for peace and social justice. He writes extensively about the oppression of the Palestinians by apartheid Israel. He is the author of several books, including ‘Empire, Racism and Genocide: A History of […]

Protest Against the US Military Use of Shannon Airport

Marking 15 years of Ireland’s complicity in US imperial wars, today, people came to Shannon from all over the country to call for an end to the US military use of Shannon Airport, and for the restoration of Irish neutrality. […]

Civil Resistance to Militarization: A Glimpse of Okinawa’s Nonviolent, Courageous and Tenacious Struggle for a Democratic Security Policy

Civil Resistance to Militarization: A Glimpse of Okinawa’s Nonviolent, Courageous and Tenacious Struggle for a Democratic Security Policy

By Betty A. Reardon, Institute on Peace Education. Resilient Resistance The early October rain was steady, punctuated by downpours that leaked through the canvas sheltering about 100 Okinawan citizens, seated in resistance to the construction of a military heliport at […]

Seymour Hersh Blasts Media for Uncritically Promoting Russian Hacking Story

Seymour Hersh Blasts Media for Uncritically Promoting Russian Hacking Story

By Jeremy Scahill, The Intercept Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh said in an interview that he does not believe the U.S. intelligence community proved its case that President Vladimir Putin directed a hacking campaign aimed at securing the election of Donald […]

Empire Files: US-Russia Relations in “Most Dangerous Moment”

Leading scholar on US-Russia relations addresses the claim being trumpeted by politicians and media on both sides of the political spectrum that Russia is now the “number one” threat to the United States. Given the proxy wars in Syria and […]

The War Horror Has Begun

The War Horror Has Begun

By David Swanson, Let’s Try Democracy Here we are on Day 5 of the Donald Trump presidency, and he’s got “special” forces of the U.S. military in two-thirds of the world’s nations. He’s engaged in serious occupation and/or bombing campaigns […]

The So-Called Intelligence So-Called Community’s Dumb Isolated View of the Future

The So-Called Intelligence So-Called Community’s Dumb Isolated View of the Future

By David Swanson, Let’s Try Democracy Thank you to Tom Engelhardt for pointing out that the people who couldn’t predict the end of the Soviet Union, the crimes of 9-11, the decency of numerous whistleblowers, the election of Donald Trump, […]

Unprecedented Number of Soldiers’ Genital Wounds from Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq

Unprecedented Number of Soldiers’ Genital Wounds from Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq

by Bill Berkowitz, The Smirking Chimp American veterans returning from Afghanistan and Iraq are facing struggles that will never be depicted in any military-themed video game, or military recruiting advertisement. Between 2001 and 2013, more than 1,300 men serving in […]

David Swanson on the Coy Barefoot Program

Host Coy Barefoot welcomes author and nationally recognized peace activist David Swanson to the program. David’s books include Daybreak: Undoing the Imperial Presidency and War is a Lie. (davidswanson.org). They discuss the inauguration of Donald Trump as President and the […]

America: It’s Going to Be a Wild Ride

America: It’s Going to Be a Wild Ride

By Bruce K. Gagnon, Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space I watched Donald Trump’s inaugural speech yesterday with three other housemates and none of us were impressed.  He’s living in another age – I see Trump trying […]

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