10 Things to Do at the 2017 National Anti Hunger Policy Conference
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Registration Now Open for the 2017 National Anti-Hunger Policy Conference
Join 1,000+ of your fellow anti-hunger advocates in Washington, D.C., for two days of “can’t miss” networking opportunities, content-rich sessions, and interactive training, followed by a day on Capitol Hill. You’ll go home with an arsenal of best practices, innovative advocacy methods, and personal connections to help you better fight hunger in your community, your state, and at the national level.

Success Story

School Breakfast: Making it Work in Large School Districts
With help from a grant from FRAC and Newman’s Own Foundation, Reading School District launched breakfast in the classroom in 13 elementary schools during the 2014–2015 school year. Breakfast in the classroom not only increased accessibility to school breakfast, but it also solved the limited cafeteria space issues that the district faced. Building on this success for school year 2015–2016, the school district continues its work to boost breakfast participation by implementing breakfast in the classroom in four additional middle schools. To date, breakfast participation on an average day in Reading School District has more than quadrupled, growing from 530 students to 2230 students.
School Meals
School Breakfast: Making it Work in Large School Districts


Jan 19, 2017
Jim Weill

Food Research & Action Center President James Weill addressed audiences in honor of former Under Secretary of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food, Nutrition, and Consumer Services, Kevin Concannon, celebrating his role and response to the Great Recession over the last nine years as well as the obstacles facing the incoming leadership.

Jan 05, 2017
Kate Sims

FRAC On the Move is a series in which we follow our policy and program experts as they connect with advocates across the country to explore strategies and develop solutions to end hunger. In this installment, we hear from Kate Sims, senior government relations associate about her trip to Reno for the Western Region Anti-Hunger Consortium meeting.

Dec 28, 2016
Maris Feeley

In 2016, FRAC’s supporters and partners made a difference in the lives of millions of people who struggle against hunger. At the national, state, and local levels, we have urged policymakers to protect and strengthen federal nutrition programs. Thank you for being a partner in the fight against hunger and poverty.

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