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Register for the 20th National Conference Today!

We are very excited that USAS’s 20th National Conference will be hosted at the Ohio State University. Click here to register today: Friday and Saturday, February 24-25th, 2017 in Columbus, OH. Travel scholarship requests are due Jan. 15th! For 20 years, USAS has…

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cornell walkout

Stop Trump: Support Grassroots Organizing Today!

We are all trying to process what happened on Election Day. Now, more than ever, we must stand together against Trump’s hateful rhetoric. USAS has been the leading grassroots student organization for nearly 20 years organizing on campuses all across the…

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Tell Ohio State: Stop the Sellout!

The Ohio State University is one of the largest public universities in the country. So what do we do when the administration tries to sell our campus away to corporations? We fight back. OSU President Drake is attempting to sell…

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Garment Worker Solidarity

  • Two decades after overseas sweatshop conditions first hit national headlines, garment factory conditions have become worse than ever. In Bangladesh, an industry of deathtrap factories endangers thousands of workers every day as greedy companies like VF Corporation refuse to take responsibility for safety in their factories.
  • Using our unique leverage as students attending universities with multi-million dollar apparel programs, USAS holds apparel brands like VF responsible for their subcontracted workers, forcing them to respect workers' basic rights to fair wages, decent working conditions, and a union.
  • Visit to learn more about our campaign in solidarity with Bangladeshi garment workers.

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Campus Worker Justice

  • It’s no secret that workers across the U.S. are constantly struggling to get by. It’s also not a secret that the bosses who control the workplace have the money and power to improve the lives of millions of workers.
  • Thousands of workers at our universities who clean our dorms, feed us in our dining halls, and keep us safe on our campuses are living in poverty, subject to harsh retaliation if they speak out or try to form a union.
  • USAS stands with campus workers in their struggles to win better conditions, wage increases, healthcare benefits, and a union. The fight continues, from Santa Clara University in California to the University of Miami in Florida.

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Student Worker Organizing

  • Students are workers too! The USAS Student Worker Organizing Committee is leading the fight for better working conditions and a voice at work for student employees.
  • SWOC leaders are bringing the fight for living wages to campuses across the country through the #15OnCampus campaign, for a $15 minimum wage for all campus workers, including student workers.
  • From coast to coast, we’re winning big. USASers recently won $15 at the University of Washington Seattle and New York University, making these the first two universities in the country to offer a $15 minimum wage to student workers.

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USAS also supports Walmart workers, teachers, and more. Check out our solidarity campaigns »