Important note: the Stand Against Spying Congressional Scorecard is not being maintained. It is provided here for historical reference, but is not a current reflection of legislators' effort to end mass surveillance.

Where do your representatives stand on illegal mass spying?

See the full scorecard ›

A = High score   F = Low score   ? = Not voted on or sponsored the bills and amendments we are considering

We're standing against mass spying

We are a coalition of organizations and individuals from across the political spectrum advocating for transparency and an end to mass surveillance. Read our story.

We've rated each member of Congress on his or her actions to end or promote mass surveillance. Read about our methodology.

If you’re a Senator, you can Stand Against Spying by co-sponsoring and voting yes on the Senate version of the USA FREEDOM Act, S. 2685, and supporting amendments that strengthen the bill.

If you’re a Representative, you can Stand Against Spying by supporting the stronger Senate version of USA FREEDOM instead of the weakened House version, H.R. 3361.

Dear Mr. President:

As citizens of the Internet, we believe that mass surveillance by the NSA and its global partners infringes on our civil liberties, runs contrary to democratic principles, and chills free expression.

We’re calling on you to take immediate steps to end the mass spying. Specifically, we urge you to stop the mass collection and retention of telephone records and Internet communications of hundreds of millions of people who are not suspected of a crime.

In addition, we call on you to provide a full public accounting of the intelligence community’s mass surveillance practices.

We recognize that Congress has an important role to play in passing legislation to ban mass surveillance. However, you are not obligated to wait for Congress to act. The Executive branch started mass surveillance and can end it now. We also urge you to embrace new levels of transparency around America's surveillance activities. Only through transparency can we trust that reform has occurred.

Surveillance should be targeted. It should be only what is necessary and proportionate to the alleged crime. Surveillance should be authorized by an independent court with access to a full, factual record, facing the potential for scrutiny by a public advocate. Above all, it must not sweep in the records of hundreds of millions of people with little discernment.

Once you have reined in the NSA spying programs, join us in asking Congress to enact reform to ensure mass spying is permanently outlawed.


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