China passes laws to tax polluters; CO2 doesn't make the cut.

China has passed a law that levies taxes on pollution, but ignores carbon dioxide, one of the major contributors to global warming, according to the web site of the country's highest legislative body. more…

Short on data, EPA's final report on fracking leaves many disheartened.

The EPA spent years investigating whether the fracking process pollutes nearby drinking water. To the frustration of many, its final report leaves a lot of questions unanswered. more…

Climate change triggers new diseases in Vietnam.

Scientists have found connections between climate change and the appearance of new diseases, especially vector borne diseases, including dengue fever and malaria. more…

2016: Obama's climate legacy marked by triumphs and lost opportunities.

By relying on executive orders and regulations after his legislative majority disappeared, President Obama leaves his climate policies at risk under Donald Trump. more…

Does Rick Perry have the wattage for Energy?

He's no MIT physicist, but the ex-Texas governor’s supporters are pitching him as a serious policymaker who has the chops to lead the department. more…

Donald Trump and the triumph of climate-change denial.

The science of man-made global warming has only grown more conclusive. So why have Republicans become less convinced it’s real over the past decade and a half? more…

The solar-powered town: A dream for the environment – or a wildlife nightmare?

Babcock Ranch, the brainchild of ex-NFL player Syd Kitson, aims to be a model of sustainability but campaigners fear it will be tragic for endangered panther. more…

Government to outline climate change risks facing UK in new report.

The government will outline the specific risks it believes Britain faces due to the impact of climate change, in a landmark report to be delivered early in the new year. more…

Arctic oil rush: Nenets' livelihood and habitat at risk from oil spills.

An oil terminal that is to be built in northern Russia where the river Yenisei meets the Arctic Ocean lacks the technology to deal with oil spills, say environmentalists. more…


What will be the big environment events in 2017?

From air pollution to Trump and wildlife extinction, we look at the major environmental issues for the year ahead. The Guardian

Lean Logic, and Surviving the Future: Book Reviews.

These two books by one of the preeminent environmental authors of recent times contain many treasures, but perhaps their greatest virtue is the light they shed on the fallacies of thinking that underpin so much modern-day debate.

In 2016, courtroom drama centers on Obama regs.

The 2016 oil and gas legal landscape was defined by sprawling administrative battles with all sides scrambling for a piece of the action. EnergyWire


She went to Alaska to photograph polar bears in snow, but found no snow.

Photographer Patty Waymire traveled to Alaska’s Barter Island from late September to early October with an express purpose: To take pictures of polar bears in their natural environment, surrounded by picturesque snow. But there was no snow to be found. Huffington Post

Hundreds of thousands face starvation and death in Africa in the growing crisis no one is talking about.

'As we enter 2017, over 37 million people across Africa are without food,' warns International Development Secretary Priti Patel. The Independent, United Kingdom

Super Typhoon Nock-ten (Nina) making landfall on the Philippines on Christmas Day.

Super Typhoon Nock-ten rapidly intensified through Christmas Eve and is now making landfall on the Philippines on Christmas Day. This dangerous storm will hammer that country into Monday, bringing destructive winds, massive storm surge flooding and torrential rainfall. The Weather Channel


States will lead on climate change in the Trump era.

Donald Trump isn’t likely to advance climate policy. Luckily, there’s a bulwark against any attempt to roll back the progress made. more…

Black lung, incurable and fatal, stalks coal miners anew.

Appalachian health officials report a shocking rise in cases of black lung -- the deadly coal-mining disease thought to have been reined in by a landmark federal law passed in 1969. more…

Mr. Trump flirts with an arms race.

One day after sending shock waves around the globe with an alarming tweet about how the United States must "greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability," President-elect Donald Trump elaborated, and managed only to deepen the world's fears. more…


The next big climate-change battle starts in India.

Some climate activists worry that Donald Trump’s presidential election will be the death knell for the global environment. That’s almost certainly untrue. Whatever Trump’s attitude toward climate science and energy policy, two big outside factors will be much more important -- technological progress and policy in developing nations. more…

Utah lands and politicians.

I am afraid. Each day since the election, I have arisen worried about what a Trump presidency means for civilized society, for the safety of our nation, for the future of our democracy. But nothing strikes more fear into my heart than our elected officials’ talk about their plans for southern Utah. more…

More Solutions News

The first road paved in solar panels opened in France.

At this rate, just about every man-made surface there is could be covered in solar panels in the future. Quartz

Solar panels laid atop road surface in pilot program at West Point, GA visitor center.

Solar panels that can withstand the weight of vehicles were installed last week on the surface of the roadway at the Georgia Visitor Information Center in West Point. The energy will help power the information center. Saporta Report, U.S.

The 12 key science moments of 2016.

Our panel of leading scientists pick the most significant discoveries and developments of the year – from the Zika virus to the planet Proxima B – and a surprising secret of marriage. The Guardian

More Consequences News

The country set to cash in on climate change.

Record temperatures threaten traditional ways of life in Greenland but as the sea ice retreats, new mining, fishing and tourism opportunities are helping communities to adapt. The Guardian

Audubon counters fan out in search of birds .

Thousands of shoppers will rush around today for last-minute gifts for Christmas. A smaller number of locals will take part in a more solitary pursuit: counting birds. Daytona Beach News-Journal, Florida

More Causes News

Smog returns to haunt several Chinese cities including Beijing.

Pollution returned to haunt Chinese capital Beijing and surrounding provinces on Christmas Day today, three days after a nearly week-long red alert for the worst smog of the year was lifted. Press Trust of India, India

What's missing in media coverage of Canada's pipeline debate.

If you read any commentary in the wake of Trudeau’s pipeline approvals, you might have come across the sentiment that pipeline opponents are “environmental NIMBYs” and “angry mobs” who are “stuck in bondage to strange ideologies…eyes ablaze with truth oil,” having “demolished trust in agencies.” DeSmogBlog

More Politics News

EPA hands regulatory playbook to Trump team.

U.S. EPA has given the Trump team a report detailing the status of major Obama administration policies, which could become a playbook for the incoming administration vowing to scrap many of those rules. Greenwire

Pruitt's critics say politics fueled Humane Society probe.

In the wake of a tornado that devastated Moore, Okla., in 2013, state Attorney General Scott Pruitt (R) warned Oklahomans about a fundraising campaign by "national animal welfare organizations." He then launched an investigation into the Humane Society of the United States. Greenwire

From the Daily Climate Newsroom

Commentary: Fiends of the Earth.

Some environmental planners spend their careers mapping out worst-case scenarios. As of January 20, they've got one in the White House. Environmental Health News

Commentary: He’s no Ronald Reagan.

Some have compared Trump’s wrecking crew to the one brought in by Ronald Reagan in 1981. But there are crucial differences between then and now. Environmental Health News

Meet Debbie Dooley. Her candidate won the White House. Can she still win with clean energy?

Photo courtesy Debbie Dooley

One political activist with connections on both sides of the ideological environmental wall, and how she views the Trump era. Daily Climate

Opinion: First thoughts on Trump-era science.

Stanford researchers Paul and Anne Ehrlich offer suggestions on coping in a world where science suddenly feels devalued. Environmental Health News