Fairfax Media Network

Australia Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies

  • chart
  • SST
  • SST Anomalies
climate indicator

The sea surface temperature anomaly (SSTA) is the difference between the observed SST and the climatological SST. These anomalies are calculated on a weekly basis.

Positive SSTAs are usually correlated with increased regions of convection (cloudiness and rainfall) while negative SSTAs are usually correlated to reduced convection.

SSTAs can be used as an indicator of the phase of global climate fluctuations, such as the El Nino/Southern Oscillation (ENSO).

The data displayed in this map is the weekly average, centred on the date shown.

Now Temperature

At Darwin Ap

12:40 CST





Possible thunderstorm


Weather News

Sydney's neverending heat

14:09 EDT

As school goes back this week the scorching summer-holiday-heat is sticking around.

Wrap up of the Tropical Low

12:31 EDT

A tropical low is now continuing off WA's Pilbara coast and weakening over the Indian Ocean.

WA cyclone: BOM gives Pilbara residents all clear for tropical low

21:44 EDT

People in parts of Western Australia's Pilbara region are given the all clear by the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) regarding a tropical low that earlier prompted a blue alert.