Make Change Happen!

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Time to upgrade your browser to an information assistant.

Maxthon Make Change Happen
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Maxnote picture


Your information center. A master of collecting.

Seamlessly built in MX5 for you to collect anything on the web.

Read, edit and organize what you collect, anytime, anywhere, on any device.

1GB/Mo note allowance for $0. No, it’s not a typo.

Passkeeper picture


Your smart password manager.

Generate, autofill and save passwords and private information for you.

AES256 and extra verification technology for utmost security.

Sync all passwords and private information across all devices, for free.

Passkeeper picture
UUMail pic
UUMail logo


Guardian of your inbox.

Unlimited virtual inboxes provide the anonymity you need.

Safeguard your inbox from spam, junk and ads.

Customize your virtual email addresses to be unique.