

A womb with a view today

I would like to take a few moments, if I may, to salute the human uterus.

Whether you personally have a womb or not, you were almost certainly made by one (unless you are Barry Manilow, in which case you were made by a dedicated team of Miami craniofacial specialists) and would have to admit – come on! - that it's one hell of an organ.

This thing is the Thermomix of the human body. It can make everything from spleens to eyelashes; imagine that! Mine has made three entire human beings, and now that it's finished doing that, I'm thinking it's a real pity the old gal can't be repurposed to make bionic ears, or witty felted handbags for sale on Etsy.

The resting dimension of the human uterus is that of an inverted pear; smaller than you'd think, really, for an organ whose capacity to create deep havoc is, it turns out, the historic basis for the popular expression "going pear-shaped".*

The ancient Greeks believed that the uterus actually travelled around the female body causing trouble, and regularly pronounced "wandering womb" to be the villain behind a range of lady-ailments.

Aretaeus, an influential physician of the 2nd century AD, wrote:


"In the middle of the flanks of women lies the womb, a female viscus, closely resembling an animal; for it is moved of itself hither and thither in the flanks, also upwards in a direct line to below the cartilage of the thorax, and also obliquely to the right or to the left, either to the liver or the spleen, and it likewise is subject to prolapsus downwards, and in a word, it is altogether erratic. It delights also in fragrant smells, and advances towards them; and it has an aversion to fetid smells, and flees from them; and, on the whole, the womb is like an animal within an animal."

Sadly, much of this theory has since been debunked, though there is, I'd argue, residual appeal in the idea of a bad-ass nomadic lady-organ that careers about the body dispensing mayhem like a recent youth escapee from the Victorian penal system, and yet somehow is rendered instantly submissible by an artfully placed scented candle.

And there remains something distinctly witchy about the effect this versatile organ can have on the life and times of its owner/operator. Which brings us to the present.

Gladys Berejiklian, the new Premier of NSW, was on Monday last week inducted into the mysterious Political Formula Of The Lady-Cave, the first element of which is that if you've got one and you haven't used it for its traditional purpose, you are thought in some quarters less able to think sensibly about important family related things like hospitals and schools.

Ms Berejiklian – who failed to deploy her own uterus to its customary work during its peak-productive years and instead pottered about installing an integrated smart card ticketing system to the Sydney transport system and extending the Sydney Light Rail Dulwich Hill Line – was questioned during her first press conference as to whether she thought her childlessness was a professional handicap.

She handled the question with aplomb, and can at least be thankful that she avoids the second element of the Formula, which decrees that if you possess a uterus and you HAVE used it, you are thought in some quarters to be either not quite committed enough to be of any use, or a tiny bit of a hatchet-visaged icemonster for abandoning your whelps.

It is, however, the third element of the Formula that is the most runic and paradoxical. And that is that if you do not have and have never had a uterus, you are nonetheless absolutely capable of complete authority in the matter of what should be permitted to go on inside them.

Which is why, only hours after the new Premier of NSW was asked to reflect upon the political handicap of her childlessness, the newly installed leader of the free world – Donald Trump - was able to team up with six other blokes to sign a decree preventing untold thousands of impecunious Third World women from having the option of a safe abortion.

It's also why, when the Catholic Church formulates its global policies on what it's OK and not OK to do with the womb, it does so by gathering several hundred chaps in frocks whose only personal direct experience with that organ and its environs came so early in life that they could scarcely be expected to retain any useful intelligence.

Islam will countenance the death by stoning of a woman who allows the wrong fellow anywhere near her uterus, but you can bet there weren't many owner-drivers consulted in that particular policy formulation process.

Such is the mind-bending paradox of this common little organ.

And Gladys? Welcome to Public Cervix.

*This is an alternative fact.

Annabel Crabb is an ABC writer and broadcaster. @annabelcrabb