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Content about Imperialism

July 13, 2013

I am officially renouncing my Project Censored award over the group's endorsement of an "anti-war" (sic) statement that betrays the Syrian opposition.

The latest statement from the poorly named United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC) is entitled "No more wars—US out of the Middle

June 6, 2013

Samantha Power's appointment as UN ambassador may signal a determination on the part of the Obama administration that intervention in Syria is inevitable.

The usual frustrating mess.

September 14, 2012

In the wave of protest over a provocateur-produced "film" dissing the Prophet Mohammed, jihadists could be seizing back the initiative from secular revolutionaries in the Arab world.

Our hopes that with this eleventh anniversary of 9-11 the world was finally moving on from the dystopian dialectic of jihad-versus-GWOT have sure been dashed over the past few days.

February 10, 2012

Two years ago when we reported revelations that two Czech NATO commanders in Afghanistan had worn Nazi SS regalia while on duty, everyone told us it was an isolated incident and not to make a big deal of it. What do you say now, pronoiacs?

Two years ago when we reported revelations that two Czech NATO commanders in Afghanistan had worn Nazi SS regalia while on duty, everyone told us it was an isolated incident and not to make a big deal of it.

January 18, 2012

Foreign Policy magazine cites US intelligence memos to the effect that Mossad agents recruited militants from the Iranian terrorist group Jundallah by passing themselves off as CIA agents in a "false flag" operation. Does this make sense?

Does it get any murkier than this? The conspirosphere is abuzz with claims aired in Foreign Policy magazine Jan.

January 5, 2012

Amid growing tensions in the Persian Gulf, the US and Israel are preparing to hold the largest missile defense exercise in the history of the Jewish state. The drill will involve the deployment of thousands of US troops to Israel.

Amid growing tensions in the Persian Gulf, the US and Israel are preparing to hold the largest missile defense exercise in the history of the Jewish state. Last month, Lt.-Gen.

December 21, 2011

Did Tom Friedman vindicate the Walt-Mearsheimer thesis by writing that Bibi's standing ovation at Congress was "bought and paid for" by the Israel Lobby? Well, no...

In what is a practically choreographed media spectacle, a prominent pundit spouts off about the power of the Israel Lobby, Walt and/or Mearsheimer cheer him on for vindicating their thesis that powerful Jews control the American empire, while neocons and the self-appointed guardians of Jewish interests assail him for anti-Semitism.

December 17, 2011

The simultaneous mainstreaming of the seemingly opposed phenomena of anti-Semitism and anti-Arab racism appears contradictory—for those whose thinking lacks dialectical spark.

The simultaneous mainstreaming of the seemingly opposed phenomena of anti-Semitism and anti-Arab racism appears contradictory—for those whose thinking lacks dialectical spark. Even though it is now only the most hardcore fringe elements of the radical right that espouse both, do not be deluded.

December 5, 2011

US ambassador to Belgium Howard Gutman calls out Israeli inflammation of European anti-Semitism—but in terms that smack of denial about the extent and depth of the problem.

A Dec. 3 report on YNet is aghast at the heretical comments by the US ambassador to Belgium, Howard Gutman—without actually bothering to quote them. We are treated only to a paraphrase:

October 17, 2011

Reuters reports that Saudi officials advised Argentina about an Iran-backed plot to kill the Saudi ambassador in Washington. Meanwhile, US and/or Israeli agents have carried out three assassinations of Iranian nuclear scientists this year.

A new allegation has emerged in the supposed plot by agents of Iran's elite Quds Force to assassinate the Saudi ambassador in Washington, which resulted in federal indictments being unsealed in M

October 13, 2011

Did the Quds Force, international arm of Iran's Revolutionary Guards, contract with Mexico's blood-drenched Zetas to assassinate the Saudi ambassador in Washington? Or is the whole plot a creation of undercover DEA agents?

The US Justice Department on Oct. 11 announced charges aganst two men allegedly working for "factions of the Iranian government" with plotting to assassinate the Saudi ambassador in Washington, Adel al-Jubeir.

October 10, 2011

McClatchy Newspapers' Pulitzer-winning reporter Roy Gutman writes from Baghdad that an Anglican priest is working with the US embassy to convince the remaining nine Jews in Iraq to flee the country, because their names have appeared in cables published last month by WikiLeaks.

McClatchy Newspapers' Pulitzer-winning reporter Roy Gutman writes from Baghdad Oct.

October 1, 2011

The US has already cut funds to the Palestinian Authority as a punitive measure in response to its statehood bid. From Kosova to Western Sahara, numerous other countries around the world similarly wait and sacrifice for UN recognition.

The UN Security Council’s Standing Committee on Admission of New Members is currently considering Palestine's application for full United Nations membership.

September 14, 2011

The "Truthies" and sectarians who protested in downtown Manhattan continue to fetishize 9-11 as much as the patriots they loathe. For both the patriots and the protesters, it is all about the USA—while the Muslim world is finally moving on. 

Ten years after 9-11, there are many hopeful signs that the world is finally moving on from the dystopian dynamic unleashed by the attacks.

August 26, 2011

The new regime in Libya now has the opportunity to make a real statement: to welcome back Libya's Jews—while rebuilding Libya's traditional stance of solidarity with the Palestinians. 

The Jerusalem Post reports Aug. 23 that Libya's rebel council has invited the London-based leader of a Libyan-Jewish diaspora group to return to the country and run for office in free elections.

August 12, 2011

I'm finding it wearisome to be so focused on Israeli issues when most of the people who eat up all the bad shit about Israel and boycott Israeli products kowtow to one of the most sordid companies in America. 

I'm finding it wearisome to be so focused on Israeli issues when most of the people who eat up all the bad shit about Israel and boycott Israeli products kowtow to one of the most sordid companies in America.

August 9, 2011

Israeli officials responded harshly and immediately when Honduran president Pepe Lobo announced that his country plans to support statehood for Palestine during the UN General Assembly meeting in September.

On Aug. 2 Honduran president Porfirio ("Pepe") Lobo Sosa announced that Honduras plans to support an effort by the Palestinian Authority to win recognition for Palestine as a state during the United Nations General Assembly meeting in September. Israeli officials reacted immediately. On Aug.

July 30, 2011

As pledged, Egypt's Salafists marched en masse on Tahrir Square, where the secular opposition was holding a thousands-strong rally. No violence was reported, but the Salafists were clearly vying with secularists for control of the square.

As promised, Egypt's self-declared "Salafists" marched en masse on Tahrir Square, where secular opposition groups were holding a thousands-strong rally on Friday July 29. No violence was reported, but the Salafists were clearly vying with the secularists for control of the square—and the message.

July 30, 2011

The latest round of UN-brokered Western Sahara negotiations between Morocco and the Polisario Front ended without agreement—as Rabat signed contracts with foreign oil companies to explore in the occupied territory.

The latest round of unofficial UN-brokered Western Sahara negotiations between Morocco and the Polisario Front ended without agreement last week, the Pentagon Africa Command's Magharebia news site reports

July 28, 2011

Egypt's Gama’a Islamia has re-emerged with a threat to clear Cario's Tahrir Square of "liberals and traitors" ahead of this Friday's protest mobilization. The threat comes on the heels of violent clashes between protesters and regime elements.

Forebodings are in the air about tomorrow's Friday demonstration in Cairo's Tahrir Square following two violent clashes between protesters and regime elements in Egypt over the past days. On June 23, knife-wielding thugs—apparently supporters of the ruling military council—set on thousands of activists determined to march on the defense ministry.

July 10, 2011

The US ambassador visited army-besieged Hama during Friday protests to express "solidarity" with the demonstrators—allowing the Assad regime to portray the protesters as pawns of Western imperialism.

Tens of thousands of people again rallied in the army-beseiged Syrian city of Hama on Friday July 8, calling for the downfall of President Bashar Assad.

July 9, 2011

Bill Weinberg speaks at the NYC Anarchist Forum on "Neither NATO Nor Qaddafi, Thank You: Anarchist Perspectives on Libya and the Arab Spring," April 27, 2011

July 6, 2011

Hillary Clinton acknowledged that the US has made contact with Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood—just as the organization has broken ranks with the protesters.

On July 4, clashes again broke out between protesters and security forces in Cairo after a court released on bail seven police officers accused of killing 17 protesters in Suez during the uprising that ousted Hosni Mubarak in February. After an initial outburst of violence at the Cairo courthouse, protesters blocked the highway linking the Egyptian capital to the city of Suez.

June 26, 2011

After the State Department issued a warning that those running the Gaza blockade may face "injury and death," six Congress members sent a letter to Hillary Clinton "to ensure the safety of the US citizens" on the new aid flotilla.

The US State Department issued the following terse warning on June 22: