Divine Marimekko baby dresses by Karlacola

Some of the dresses for sale at the Etsy store.
Some of the dresses for sale at the Etsy store.  

Looking ahead to the warmer months is one of the best kinds of anticipation there is in the world. All those summer BBQs, beach trips and pool dips take on a whole new meaning once you have a baby. 

You want your bub to be comfortable and happy, and you also want the fun of dressing her up while she's still young enough not to have a say in the matter. Here's where Etsy's Karlacola comes in. 

The mum of three, who hails from Adelaide, makes divine baby dresses from Marimekko fabric.

The fabric design gives the dresses a unique look.
The fabric design gives the dresses a unique look. 

Karla's obsession with the Finnish design house has a most beautiful and creative outlet in the clothing and accessories she creates by hand. With a few hundred items to choose from in-store, Karla also takes custom orders so your dream dress - whether it's for mum or for baby - can become a reality.

You could even order a matching set of two for mummy-daughter twinning opportunities, because believe us, once she gets older, she won't be having a bar of that.

Take a look at Karlacola on Etsy - the reviews show many 5-star happy customers, so you can kit both you and baby out in beautiful, awesome-quality Scandi fashion this spring/summer.

There are also dresses for older girls if your baby girl has a big sister.