ATC code N04

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ATC codes
N Nervous system
N01 Anesthetics
N02 Analgesics
N03 Antiepileptics
N04 Anti-parkinson drugs
N05 Psycholeptics
N06 Psychoanaleptics
N07 Other nervous system drugs
ATCvet only
QN51 Products for animal euthanasia

ATC code N04 Anti-parkinson drugs is a therapeutic subgroup of the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification System, a system of alphanumeric codes developed by the WHO for the classification of drugs and other medical products. Subgroup N04 is part of the anatomical group N Nervous system.[1]

Codes for veterinary use (ATCvet codes) can be created by placing the letter Q in front of the human ATC code: for example, QN04.[2]

National issues of the ATC classification may include additional codes not present in this list, which follows the WHO version.

N04A Anticholinergic agents[edit]

N04AA Tertiary amines[edit]

N04AA01 Trihexyphenidyl
N04AA02 Biperiden
N04AA03 Metixene
N04AA04 Procyclidine
N04AA05 Profenamine
N04AA08 Dexetimide
N04AA09 Phenglutarimide
N04AA10 Mazaticol
N04AA11 Bornaprine
N04AA12 Tropatepine

N04AB Ethers chemically close to antihistamines[edit]

N04AB01 Etanautine
N04AB02 Orphenadrine (chloride)

N04AC Ethers of tropine or tropine derivatives[edit]

N04AC01 Benzatropine
N04AC30 Etybenzatropine

N04B Dopaminergic agents[edit]

N04BA Dopa and dopa derivatives[edit]

N04BA01 Levodopa
N04BA02 Levodopa and decarboxylase inhibitor
N04BA03 Levodopa, decarboxylase inhibitor and COMT inhibitor
N04BA04 Melevodopa
N04BA05 Melevodopa and decarboxylase inhibitor
N04BA06 Etilevodopa and decarboxylase inhibitor

N04BB Adamantane derivatives[edit]

N04BB01 Amantadine

N04BC Dopamine agonists[edit]

N04BC01 Bromocriptine
N04BC02 Pergolide
N04BC03 Dihydroergocryptine mesylate
N04BC04 Ropinirole
N04BC05 Pramipexole
N04BC06 Cabergoline
N04BC07 Apomorphine
N04BC08 Piribedil
N04BC09 Rotigotine

N04BD Monoamine oxidase B inhibitors[edit]

N04BD01 Selegiline
N04BD02 Rasagiline
N04BD03 Safinamide

N04BX Other dopaminergic agents[edit]

N04BX01 Tolcapone
N04BX02 Entacapone
N04BX03 Budipine


  1. ^ "ATC/DDD Index 2017: code N04". WHO Collaborating Centre for Drug Statistics Methodology. 
  2. ^ "ATCvet Index 2016: code QN04". WHO Collaborating Centre for Drug Statistics Methodology.