Toddler with fingers stuck in bath plug hole taken to hospital - with part of the tub still attached

The CFA crew work at helping the toddler whose fingers were stuck.
The CFA crew work at helping the toddler whose fingers were stuck.  Photo: Courtesy CFA

Forget Vaseline. This bathtub rescue rescue took four hours, a crew of firefighters, paramedics, cutting gear and a lot of manual work.

According to the CFA crew called about a 15-month-old girl's fingers getting stuck in a bath plug hole on Sunday night in Dandenong, the little girl was finally taken to hospital with part of the tub still attached to her hand.

It took CFA staff more than an hour to remove part of the bath before the child, who initially had three fingers stuck, could be taken to hospital. 

"Crews took about one hour and 40 minutes to remove part of the old cast iron bath, and although they managed to free two of the trapped fingers using a combination of various cutting gear and a lot of manual work, one finger remained stuck," a CFA statement said.

The toddler was eventually taken to hospital with a cast iron bath still attached to her hand.

Then it took a further 2.5 hours to cut the iron plug hole off.

"Although it was a time-consuming process, the girl's fingers were released without injury and her parents were very happy," the statement said.