Peppa Pig sunscreen safe for most people: AMA

Jessie Swan posted to the Cancer Council Facebook page after her baby was hospitalised for an averse reaction to sunscreen.
Jessie Swan posted to the Cancer Council Facebook page after her baby was hospitalised for an averse reaction to sunscreen. Photo: Jessie Swan

The AMA said the Cancer Council's Peppa Pig sunscreen is safe for most people, after a mother's complaint about the product went viral on Facebook.

Earlier in the week, Queensland mother Jessie Swan posted to the Cancer Council Australia Facebook page detailing her son's three-day hospital stint after using their Peppa Pig sunscreen.

The post has been shared almost 10,000 times, and has more than 4,000 comments, with plenty of other people noting similar reactions to the Peppa Pig sunscreen and other Cancer Council branded sunscreen products.

The Cancer Council's Peppa Pig sunscreen.
The Cancer Council's Peppa Pig sunscreen. Photo: Cancer Council

However Richard Kidd, former AMA Queensland president and current chair council general practice, said the sunscreen was safe for most people to use.

"The actual number compared to the quarter of a million products that the Cancer Council has sold of these sunscreens is still a very very small number, when you consider," he said.

"And that's one of the problems with something like a website you'll see a number of things there and think 'oh my gosh, that looks bad', but the actual percentage [of bad reactions] is probably still very low.

"Despite the bad press the cancer council products are very good."

Dr Kidd said the other thing about the Peppa Pig sunscreen was that it is formulated particularly for people with sensitive skin, who are more prone to reacting to creams anyway.

"So they are by their nature a bit more allergic, and it depends on what they're having the allergic reactions to - some of the ingredients in Peppa Pig they could still have allergic reactions to, and clearly some people do.


Dr Kidd said some people might not be testing the products properly before using them.

"Part of that is they haven't followed the advice that's in with the product, where the Cancer Council has said try a little test bit first," he said.

Dr Kidd said people who have an allergic reaction to one of the Cancer Council's products should "look very carefully at what they might go to next".

"They probably need to see their doctor, possibly a dermatologist, because the Cancer Council has developed these hypoallergenic products that are very low in the common allergy-provoking ingredients," he said.

Common allergens include fragrances and preservatives, and Dr Kidd said anyone with sensitive skin should avoid sunscreen products with these ingredients.

Aside from wanting a sunscreen that won't provoke an allergic reaction, he said "but anything that's better than an SPF15 is going to give you good protection".

"Although a small group of people can have allergic reactions of various kinds it's very important that people protect themselves properly from sunburn," Dr Kidd said.

"We are the skin cancer capital of the world and melanoma kill young people tragically, so we do have to protect ourselves from the sun."