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latest news

CWI member Hu Xufang forced to flee

28/01/2017: Xu and his family are victims of China’s deepening police crackdown


The limits of US power

28/01/2017: Imperialism’s 15-year adventure a bloody catastrophe for millions


Build 100 days of resistance to Trump’s agenda!

27/01/2017: Establishment deeply divided as mass resistance explodes


Duma legislates to decriminalise domestic violence

26/01/2017: For unified struggle for women’s rights and against capitalism


Tamil Nadu
Mass protests against state repression

26/01/2017: Support the right to assemble and protest - release those arrested immediately!


Millions on women's marches around the world

25/01/2017: Reports from mass women's marches against Trump


Hartal protest against power plant

25/01/2017: Follows mass strike of garment workers in December


Côte d’Ivoire
Social revolts shake Ouattara regime

24/01/2017: Public sector strike and soldiers’ mutiny expose reality behind “economic growth”

  Ivory Coast

US foreign policy under Trump

24/01/2017: Island risks being pawn in his game


CWI joins protests around the world against Trump

23/01/2017: Photo gallery selection of CWI actions during weekend of mass protests


Kshama Sawant responds to Trump inauguration speech

23/01/2017: Socialist council member speaks


New US President’s approach to China

21/01/2017: Outbursts raise fears of confrontation


Russian Revolution Centenary
New site celebrates and defends October socialist revolution

20/01/2017: brings rich lessons of 100 years ago to wide audience


Regime increases repression

20/01/2017: Citizens forced to register with police at all times


Global resistance against Trump’s inauguration

20/01/2017: CWI organizes protests as millions prepare to fight Trump’s agenda


Purge in the Left Bloc

20/01/2017: 6 CWI members expelled in undemocratic attack


Ireland North
Snap elections called to Stormont Assembly

17/01/2017: Build a socialist alternative to the ‘Orange’ versus ‘Green’ headcount

  Ireland North

What kind of Podemos do workers and youth need?

17/01/2017: Debate within leadership touches on fundamental issues for future of party


Struggle against land grab in Pune

16/01/2017: Socialists and villagers wage tireless battle


Book Reviews
Trotsky and February 1917

16/01/2017: Preparing for revolution

  Russian Revolution

Seattle activists win $29 million for house building

13/01/2017: Important precedent for using city bonding authority to build homes


Everyday life under occupation

12/01/2017: Discussion at Socialism conference in Tel Aviv

  Israel / Palestine

Mass movement against “gasolinazo”

10/01/2017: Towards a general strike against the Nieto government!


Growing calls to “take back” Democratic Party

10/01/2017: Workers need for own party, independent of corporate cash


Ireland South
Apollo House occupation taps into mood of anger over homelessness

09/01/2017: Far-reaching radical measures necessary to resolve housing crisis

  Ireland Republic

Book Review
‘A Very British Ending’

07/01/2017: Novelisation of attempts to undermine and overthrow Wilson’s Labour government


Ireland North
'Cash for ash' scandal rocks power-sharing Executive

06/01/2017: Need for non-sectarian, socialist politics

  Ireland North

The state is murdering Machi Francisca Linconao

05/01/2017: Solidarity appeal for messages of protest


Trump prepares vicious attacks

05/01/2017: Mass resistance needed!


Hong Kong
CY Leung forced out!

04/01/2017: Now let’s change the whole corrupt system!

  Hong Kong

Sri Lanka
Island Nation - hell in 'paradise'

03/01/2017: Review of play called 'The Island Nation'

  Sri Lanka

Russian Revolution centenary

02/01/2017: Defending the legacy in a new era


Upheaval and fightback will continue

01/01/2017: Everything to play for in 2017

  CWI Comment And Analysis

Iranian “election”

30/12/2016: Crisis continues; infighting escalates


Nuclear power - nuclear threat

see also: articles on the environment

Japan: 70th anniversary of Hiroshima atomic bomb

06/08/2015, Can a future nuclear conflict be avoided?
Geoff Jones and Kate Jones, from The Socialist (newspaper of the Socialist Party – CWI England & Wales)

Japan: Anti-nuclear power protest on May Day

12/05/2011, Two months after the beginning of the Fukushima disaster, the anger in Japan is growing
Kokusai Rentai (CWI Japan)

Chernobyl disaster: 25th anniversary

26/04/2011, Scientists estimate nuclear fall-out caused over 200,000 deaths
Rob Jones, Moscow

Fukushima: The impact of the nuclear crisis

16/04/2011, About the need to nationalise the energy sector and move away from fossil fuels and nuclear energy in favour of genuine renewable, sustainable energy production
Paul Murphy, MEP, Socialist Party (CWI Ireland)

Nuclear power: Paul Murphy speaks in favour of a nuclear-free future for Europe

09/04/2011, CWI MEP speaks in light of catastrophe in Fukushima
Paul Murphy, MEP, Socialist Party (CWI Ireland)

Fukushima disaster: The ever-present nuclear threat

05/04/2011, IT IS a tragic irony that the nuclear disaster at Fukushima occurred within weeks of the 25th anniversary of the catastrophe at Chernobyl in the former Soviet Union, the world’s worst nuclear accident.
Pete Dickinson, Socialist Party (CWI in England & Wales)

After Japan’s tsunami disaster: Nuclear power, no way!

26/03/2011, The earthquake off Japan’s east coast and the giant tsunami wave that followed on 11 March has, at the time of writing, officially killed over 8,500 people with another 13,000 people still missing.
From The Socialist, paper of the Socialist Party (CWI England & Wales)

Germany: Mass protests against nuclear energy

24/03/2011, Government pushed into defensive by Fukushima disaster and mass unrest
Sascha Stanicic, SAV (CWI Germany), Berlin

Japan: Immediate and longer-term effects of disaster

24/03/2011, Resentment and anger need socialist expression
Carl Simmons, Kokusai Rentai (CWI Japan)

Japan: Political fall-out as Kan looks for allies

22/03/2011, No to national unity on the bosses’ terms
Carl Simmons, Kokusai Rentai (CWI Japan)

Hong Kong: Protest against nuclear power

22/03/2011, On Sunday 20 March protesters marched from Hong Kong’s Chater Garden to the city’s Japanese Consulate. “Against nuclear power,” they chanted, and “be active, not radioactive” followed by a big cordon of TV crews and photographers.

Sweden: "Stop nuclear power"

21/03/2011, Protests in 20 cities
Sara Lindelöf and Minela Mahmutovic, CWI Sweden

Japan: Scandal of private Japanese power industry

21/03/2011, Now is the time to demand re-nationalisation
Seizo Shimamura, Kokusai Rentai, (CWI Japan) in Tokyo

Japan: Natural disaster exposes capitalism

20/03/2011, Tragedy for workers
Gerbrand Visser, CWI Netherlands

Japan: Disaster hits workers hardest

15/03/2011, Rebuilding should not serve the interests of private developers
Carl Simmons, Kokusai Rentai (International Solidarity - CWI in Japan)

Japan: Earthquake could leave “tens of thousands” dead and nuclear threat

14/03/2011, Capitalist system incapable of facing up to natural disasters
Reporters in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan, from

Further articles on 'Nuclear power - nuclear threat':






Featured in: Nuclear power - nuclear threat


Video: US Socialist Students build for student walkouts against Trump, 15/12/2016

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tamil solidarity campaign kazakhstan

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Por Tony Saunois

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