Toddler Development

Toddler Guide

This quarterly guide to your toddler's second year contains information, tips and useful contacts on your toddler's development between one and two years.

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girl in bed

When your child has a behavioural sleep problem

Around 30-40 per cent of toddlers and preschoolers experience behavioural sleep difficulties. Learn what they are and how to help your child get a good night's sleep - for everyone's sake.

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''A healthy toddler is aggressive, willful, selfish and emotionally out of control'' ... Robin Grille

Say yes to the tantrum

There's a growing child development movement that advocates empathy over retribution. Isolating, trivialising or shaming little ones is out; putting ourselves in their tiny shoes is in.

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I'm tired of saying no

I don't want to be the mum who always says no and puts an end to all the fun. But with a toddler, I find myself saying it all too often.

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Video: Raising happy kids

A new study from Beyond Blue shows that by the age of 18, one in five kids has experienced depression. Jodie Benveniste from Parent Wellbeing offers ideas on raising a happy child.

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"It seems she’s been scribbling enthusiastically and randomly forever. And now she can suddenly draw people" ... Matt Calman

The kid can draw

I held the drawing and looked at the cute little figures, with the arms and legs protruding from their round heads, and I couldn't stop smiling.

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blocks boy

Dealing with toddler masturbation

Embarrassed about your toddler's sudden interest in playing with their genitals? It's actually pretty common, so you're not alone. Here's how to deal with their new curiosity.

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If you have any concerns about your child’s early social attention and communication, it’s critical to raise them with ...

Parents urged to recognise early signs of autism

The onset of symptoms of autism spectrum disorders vary in the first two years of life: signs are evident in some children from birth, while others may appear to be developing typically but then fail to progress.

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Stuttering: the facts

Up to 4 per cent of children go through a phase of repeating or prolonging sounds or words, or getting “stuck” trying to talk. No one knows what causes a stutter, but some therapies - and time - can help.

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When terrible twos become threenagers

Amity wonders why two-year-olds get such a bad rap, when it's the three-year-olds who can give teenagers a run for their money in the attitude stakes.

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"She often uses her pretend pals for taking the focus - and in some cases the heat - off herself" ... Matt Calman

Nini, Commel and Pea: My daughter's imaginary friends

The height of the imaginary friend stage was when my daughter was about two and a half and we had them over for dinner. I got little notice apart from a shouted, "Daddy, my friends are at the door! And they're here for dinner!"

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