


christmas baby

A 10-month-old's letter to Santa

I am a 10-month-old baby and I write because my mother has been sending out my "Christmas List" to people, and her list does not in any way represent the things I really want. Here is a comprehensive list of the things I want for Christmas.

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kiran chug

All mums want for Christmas is ...

Once upon a time, some luxury makeup and something sparkly in a jewellery box would have made me very happy on Christmas morning. Then I had two children and my wish list changed.

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christmas dog

'All celebrated out': a Christmas poem

A never ending shopping list, non-stop festivities with family and friends, plans to do it all differently next year ... yep, that's Christmas in Kylie Orr's house.

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Editor's picks: Christmas gifts for babies and toddlers

There's never been more choice when it comes to stylish basics and ingenious playthings for babies and toddlers. Here are EB editor Amber's selections for wonderful Christmas gifts.

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santa secret

The magic of believing

I’m not ready for my son to stop believing in Santa yet. But should I treat him like the intelligent and sensible boy that he is and tell the truth, or should I lie, with the good intentions of keeping the magic alive for just a little longer?

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giving christmas

Alternative options for Christmas giving

While we love to spoil the people closest to us at Christmas, it can also be a time to make an extra effort to help those in need. Here are some ideas for how your family can help others this festive season.

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