Travellers began to be stopped within hours of US President Donald Trump signing an order Friday to suspend refugee arrivals and impose tough controls on...
Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau haas used social media to welcome refugees to his country.
Legal US residents, known as green card holders, have been caught up in the new ban on visitors to the US from seven mostly Muslim countries.
Green card holders from the seven Muslim-majority countries singled out by Donald Trump's immigration ban will also be barred from entering the US.
Iraqis who say their lives are in danger because they worked with the US government in Iraq fear their chances of refuge in the United States may vanish.
Donald Trump has lived up to his election promise of extreme vetting for refugees with a strict new executive order.
Twitter users are commemorating the many Jewish refugees who were murdered by the Nazi regime after the US refused to grant them visas in the 1930s.
NASA has marked 50 years since three of its astronauts died in a fire on board the Apollo 1 spacecraft.

Apology issued over 1940 US lynching

Police in the American state of Georgia have formally apologised over the lynching death of a black man 77 years ago.
Anti-abortion supporters have rallied in Washington DC with the support of President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence.
A court challenge to US President Donald Trump's banning of refugees from seven countries could come as early as Monday.
US President Donald Trump has signed executive orders to introduce tougher immigration vetting and to increase the capacity of the military.
US President Donald Trump said on Friday that he will defer to his Pentagon chief regarding interrogation techniques widely condemned as torture, although he...
The mayor of Germany's long-divided capital Berlin, Michael Mueller, on Friday offered some advice to US President Donald Trump: 'Don't build this wall!'
President Donald Trump hailed a 'most special relationship' with Britain and threw his support behind Brexit on Friday, as he hosted British Prime Minister...

Editor's Choice

Our pick of the best content from SBS News & Current Affairs and our content partners.

A Jewish congregation has held a Pride Shabbat to encourage equality and diversity in the Jewish community.
Twitter users are commemorating the many Jewish refugees who were murdered by the Nazi regime after the US refused to grant them visas in the 1930s.
The Bush to Beach program is helping a group of children from Aboriginal communities in north west NSW experience beach culture.
A biomolecular scientist whose work has been called 'more impressive than the moon landing' has been named the 2017 Australian of the Year.
The Dutch government is leading the charge to counter the impact of America's plan to halt foreign aid to any organisations which support abortion in any way.
A leading Australian mental health expert has slammed the creators of the US horror film 'Split', saying it wrongfully portrays a debilitating multiple...
The process for permanent migration to Australia receives plenty of press, but temporary visitors currently outnumber annual permanent settlers 10-to-one.