Miscarriage & Loss



STIs linked to higher risk of stillbirth

Women infected with chlamydia or gonorrhoea are more likely to have a stillbirth or unplanned premature birth, even if the infection occurred years earlier, a new study shows.

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Loving care ... We cannot always cure babies with serious illnesses, but we can always care for them.

Why we need palliative care for babies

In Australia, there are around 1200 infants who die every year before their first birthday. So why are there no palliative care services available to these babies or support for their families?

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"With our due dates looming, Kate is everywhere. I fake my way through until I can change the conversation or find some ...

I shared a due date with Kate

The Duchess of Cambridge and I revealed our pregnancy news together, grew together, glowed together. But five months in, my journey took a different path.

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sad couple

In memory of Adam

Bec Keleher's son was just a month old when he died of SIDS. In the years that have passed, she has helped raise more than $20,000 for SIDS and Kids in the hopes of stopping others from going through what she experienced.

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"I just don't think it's fair they can do that to us. They stole our rights as parents" ... Tammy Skinner (with husband ...

Loss leads to light for others

Losing her baby was one of the hardest things Tammy Skinner has gone through. Now she wants to provide support for others going through the same experience.

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Sonja Ebbels

Terminating a high-risk pregnancy

After years of miscarriage and fertility problems, one woman finally fell pregnant. What came next is every pregnant woman's nightmare.

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"Her death changed everything, and we had to reevaluate all of our plans when we lost her" ... Sally Heppleston

Real life

Losing Hope: life after a stillbirth

Life with little ones is always busy, but after her first child died during labour Sally Heppleston can't help but think, “My life should be busier”.

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Depression after miscarriage

After experiencing a miscarriage at eight-weeks, Monica Dux found herself frustrated at her deep sadness; she was “young enough to try again” so why was she “making such a fuss?”

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Brave parents ... Emma and Andrew Gower want to share the story of their baby daughter Lucy.

Empty arms but full hearts

Alive for just 90 minutes after her birth, baby Lucy will never be forgotten. Her parents share their story.

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