Baby showers


"It all added to the excitement. Plus, it felt right to celebrate how lucky I was to be having a baby" ... Kiran Chug

Is a second baby shower a no-no?

A baby shower is like an event held to mark your entry into a special club - it's like the welcome party to motherhood, says Kiran Chug. So would it be too self-indulgent to do it all again for baby number two?

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Baby shower cakes ... not always in the best taste.

Baby shower cake wrecks

Baby showers are the epitome of elegance, offering only tasteful delights for the mummy-to-be and her band of graceful guests, right? Well, not all the time ...

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Day-spa treatment

Leearne Hynes

Don’t want a baby shower? Here's five other ways to celebrate

Celebrating your baby doesn’t have to mean a huge gathering, catering for a cast of thousands or playing guess the baby poo game. Here are five ways to celebrate your baby without throwing a ‘shower’ and still feel special and spoilt.

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EB cupcakes

Mums share baby shower tips

We recently asked our EB readers on Facebook for their tips, hints and tricks on throwing the essential baby shower and here is what they had to say.

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High teas have become the latest trend in baby showers.

Baby shower high tea

Tea parties are back in style, even for that bastion of giggly girly games – the baby shower.

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Baby gifts

Choosing the perfect baby gift for friends and family

When buying baby gifts for baby shower or christening for a new baby there are a few different things to consider. Whether you want it to be a practical newborn baby gift, a long term present that will last for years or something more ornamental and meaningful, you can find perfect baby gifts in a variety of stores, including online stores, at baby boutiques or you can even make your own gifts at home, such as knitting a baby blanket.

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Baby Shower

Baby showers

The baby shower – it’s an event that can strike fear into the heart of the calmest of women. What are the best baby shower games? How exactly does one make a nappy cake? And where on this side of the universe do I get those tiny plastic babies?

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Here are some fantastic baby shower games to play.

Baby shower games

For new ideas on baby shower games, try adapting the games that you and your family and friends love. And if you have elderly family relatives attending, including some familiar family games might make the event more enjoyable all around.

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