United States

Politics News

Iraqis with U.S. ties are first to sue over Trump immigration order 3:07pm EST

NEW YORK An initial volley in a potential barrage of legal challenges to President Donald Trump's new restrictions on immigration came on Saturday on behalf of two Iraqis with ties to U.S. security forces who were detained at New York's JFK Airport.

Recent Politics News


New U.S. U.N. envoy warns allies: back us or we'll take names

UNITED NATIONS The new U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, pledged on Friday to overhaul the world body and warned U.S. allies that if they do not support Washington, then she is "taking names" and will respond. | Video

Election 2016 Jan 27 2017

Pence fires up anti-abortion activists in Washington march

WASHINGTON U.S. Vice President Mike Pence fired up tens of thousands of anti-abortion activists who gathered on Friday for the 44th March for Life, celebrating a political shift in their favor with the election of President Donald Trump. | Video

U.S., Election 2016, Health 4:12am EST

Trump will speak with Japan's Abe on Saturday: White House

WASHINGTON U.S. President Donald Trump will speak by phone with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on Saturday morning, the White House said on Friday.

Election 2016, World, Japan Jan 27 2017

Tycoon Slim says Trump not 'Terminator,' sees opportunities for Mexico

MEXICO CITY Billionaire Carlos Slim said on Friday that Mexico should not fear Donald Trump, seeing opportunities for his country in the U.S. president's economic policies, and praising Mexicans for uniting behind their government in talks with the northern neighbor.

Election 2016, Mexico, World Jan 27 2017