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Trump ban causes U.S. immigration chaos, draws fury of Muslims, Iran

WASHINGTON/NEW YORK President Donald Trump's most far reaching action since taking office plunged America's immigration system into chaos on Saturday, not only for refugees but for legal U.S. residents who were turned away at airports and feared being stranded outside the country. | Video

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Iraqis with U.S. ties are first to sue over Trump immigration order

NEW YORK An initial volley in a potential barrage of legal challenges to President Donald Trump's new restrictions on immigration came on Saturday on behalf of two Iraqis with ties to U.S. security forces who were detained at New York's JFK Airport.

Canada PM tweets welcome to refugees as Trump puts hold on arrivals

OTTAWA Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said on Saturday Canadians would welcome those fleeing persecution, terror and war, a day after U.S. President Donald Trump put a four-month hold on allowing refugees from seven Muslim-majority countries into the United States.

4:36pm EST

France's Hollande warns Trump against protectionism

PARIS French President Francois Hollande on Saturday warned U.S. President Donald Trump against taking a protectionist approach, which he said would have economic and political consequences.

United Nations 4:26pm EST

In Middle East, U.S. travel curbs decried as unjust, insulting

CAIRO/BAGHDAD Arabs and Iranians planning U.S. trips reacted with fury on Saturday to new American travel curbs they said were insulting and discriminatory, as five Iraqis and a Yemeni were stopped from boarding a New York-bound flight in Cairo.

Yemen, Iraq 4:08pm EST

UK Princes William and Harry say they will erect statue to late mother Princess Diana

LONDON Britain's Prince William and his younger brother Harry have commissioned a statue in honor of their mother Princess Diana who died in a Paris car crash 20 years ago to be erected outside their official London home, their office said on Saturday.

5:03pm EST

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