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Combination of
Androstendione Androstane steroid
Human serum albumin Serum protein
Clinical data
Trade names Androvax
AHFS/ Monograph
  • US: X (Contraindicated)
Legal status
Legal status
Synonyms Androstenedione:human serum albumin conjugate
  • none

Androvax, also known as androstenedione:human serum albumin conjugate, is an immunogen and vaccine against androstenedione that is used in veterinary medicine to increase the ovulation rate and number of lambs born to ewes.[1][2][3] It is a conjugate of androstenedione and human serum albumin.[1][3] The drug is marketed in New Zealand.[1][3]

Androvax produces immunity against androstenedione, and the generation of antibodies against androstenedione decreases circulating levels of androstenedione.[1] In addition, since androstenedione is the major precursor of estrogens, estrogen levels are decreased as well.[1] This is thought to result in reduced negative feedback on the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis and increased gonadotropin secretion, which in turn improves fertility and fecundity.[1]

See also[edit]
