10 beautiful books to buy now for later

When you've just had a baby, you know there's very little they need aside from your love, sleep, food and lots of cuddles.

It's tempting to want things they are not even close to needing just yet and may be out of budget. But the best way to scratch that itch without directing funds towards things they don't need or may not want in the future is to buy books. 

Not only will books be lovely to have around, you can start reading to them as soon as they are born. Then later on, they will understand the stories and graduate to reading the books themselves.

Books make the perfect newborn gift too, so fill up their bookshelves early in life and watch them reap the rewards of being surrounded by literature.

They make a great idea for baby showers, christenings, naming days, and early birthdays too. 

Here are 10 beautiful books you can buy now, for them to treasure later.