Baby shower games and actitivies

Looking to find some games and activities to play at a baby shower? Here are some fun and silly games that will break the ice and get everyone excited about the new arrival.

Have a look through the gallery above, then read the list below for even more ideas.

Do you know what it is? Brown paper bags with baby item gift for mum to be. Guess what is inside.

Baby bucket list: Guests write down one thing you need to do in baby's first year. 

Decorate a bib: Plain bibs & fabric markers for guest to decorate, embellish or write a quote.

Measure the belly: Everyone is given a ball of string/ribbon to cut to the length of mum-to-be belly measurement. Closest to right measurement wins.

Spit the dummy: Everyone gets a dummy, and whoever can spit it the longest distance wins.

Puree never tasted so good: Guests pair up, each person wearing a blindfold - with clothing covered by a bib or garbage bag. One team member feeds puree to the other. Fastest to finish are the winners.

Nappy change speed challenge: Contestants need to undress, change nappy and re-clothe doll. 

•  Guess the spice: Usually played at a 'Sugar & Spice' shower for a baby girl - put different spices into jars and have guests guess which each one is, writing their answers on their own answer sheets.

Celebrity baby trivia: Make a list of celebrity parents and see who can name all of their kids - or use pics of celebrities as little kids and see if guests can pick who they are.

Don't say 'baby': As each guest arrives, have them put pegs on their clothes somewhere. If one guest hears another say the word 'baby', they can take their peg. Whoever has the most pegs at the end wins. (Add more words to make it more challenging - eg, 'cute', 'little'.) 

• Guess the number: Fill a container (baby bottle etc) with lollies, keeping track of how many there are. Get guests to guess the number; closest guess wins the jar. 

My waters broke: Set small toy babies or jelly babies in ice trays and freeze. Your guests will need to "free" their baby and shout "My waters broke!" first to win. 

Labour or porn? Slightly risque, but surprisingly funny trying to decide if the facial expression is of a woman in labour or busy doing ... something else. 

Nappy messages: A gift that'll make those endless changing sessions a bit easier to bear: have guests write funny messages on a pile of nappies to be read and used once the baby is born. 

Who's the celebrity baby? Guests can put their celeb-kid knowledge to the test with this game. Collect a big assortment of pictures of celebrity babies by cutting them out of tabloid magazines, or printing them from the internet. Assign a number to each celebrity baby and give the guests 10 minutes to match the celebrity baby photos to their parents. 

Baby shower onesies: Supply paint and craft supplies and have everyone decorate onesies (of different sizes). 

Pin the sperm on the egg: Set up this version of the childhood classic 'Pin the tail on the donkey', or make your own board. 

Playdough babies: Have guests flex their sculpting skills by making playdoh babies. Give prizes for categories such as most anatomically correct, creepiest, funniest, and best overall. 

Baby sock game: Put a pile of baby socks, unpaired, on the floor. Each guest must match as many socks as they can in one minute. The person who matches the most socks is the winner. 

What flavour is that? Remove the labels off jars of baby food and number each jar for a blind taste test.

What the cr*p? Arrange various chocolates smashed into the seat of a disposable nappy. Guests need to identify the type of chocolate bar by the texture, appearance and possibly taste.
