Husband surprises wife with pregnancy announcement after vasectomy

The Brummel family will soon be getting another member.
The Brummel family will soon be getting another member. Photo: Facebook

"Surprise, you're pregnant!" They're not words many men get to say to their partner, especially not six months after they have had a vasectomy.

But that's how Tim Brummel broke the news to wife Rachel that they were expecting their fourth child.

The US dad had a vasectomy at a Florida clinic in December after he and his wife decided they were happy being parents to their three boys.

But in recent weeks Tim noticed Rachel was experiencing early pregnancy symptoms such as tiredness, increased hunger and some nausea. 

Rachel's symptoms prompted Tim to think about the vasectomy, and he realised he had never received results stating the procedure had been successful.

Tim told People he went for a routine follow-up examination five months after the procedure to make sure "there were no more swimmers still swimming around". 

"I never got my results back, so I figured no news was good news," Tim said.

"But when Rachel began showing signs of pregnancy in July, I called the clinic who said that one side was unsuccessfully clipped.

"We're definitely not upset, we had wanted to grow our family through adoption anyway. It's a little unprofessional not to let us know, but those [procedures] aren't perfect, so I don't fault them for not working." 

Rather than tell his wife about the failed operation, Tim decided to confirm her pregnancy himself first.

"How many guys get the chance to tell their wife she is pregnant? I wanted to surprise her!" he told People. "I turned off the toilet water in the middle of the night and flushed so there was no water in it." 

"And the test came back positive!"

After Tim confirmed he and Rachel were expecting another baby, he surprised his wife with the news and captured the emotional moment on video.

"I'm not quite sure if really believe you," a surprised Rachel says in the video, which has been viewed more than 156,000 times since it was posted on YouTube on August 19.

The couple kept the news a secret until they were able to find out their baby's gender, before revealing they are expecting another blue bundle of joy.