'It gave purpose to Dewey's short life': couple adopts son from same hospital where their baby died

Katie and Josh Butler with their son Brax and a photo of their late son Dewey.
Katie and Josh Butler with their son Brax and a photo of their late son Dewey.  Photo: Caters

A couple have adopted a baby from the same hospital that cared for their son who tragically died a year ago.

Katie and Josh Butler's world was torn apart when they lost their baby in 2015, but they chose to 'pour their love' into a 11-month-old who had never left hospital.

The couple's first baby, Dewey, was born with unbalanced translocation of chromosome 6 and 10. He tragically passed away during a routine operation in September 2015, just 132 days old.

Katie and Josh with Dewey.
Katie and Josh with Dewey.  Photo: Caters

Two months later, the kind-hearted couple made the brave decision to save another boy, Brax, whose family was unable to care for him due to multiple health conditions.

This September, Brax was officially adopted into the family.

A tear-jerking photo session marked the occasion; the couple, from Tennessee, USA, included a print of baby Dewey with their new son – now aged two.

With baby Brax in hospital.
With baby Brax in hospital.  Photo: Caters

Katie said, "It's been a year since Dewey went to heaven, he was such a sweet baby with these big brown eyes. It's has been a range of emotion – the grief still comes in waves.

"But we are so grateful for Brax, and if it weren't for Dewey we wouldn't have met. It gave purpose to Dewey's short life.

"Dewey was on the 4th floor of the NICU, and on the 5th floor was another baby who needed family to care for him.

The couple with their son Brax, now 2.
The couple with their son Brax, now 2. Photo: Caters

"We were so happy to have this opportunity and because of Dewey, we've been prepared for all the medical equipment.

"We had already named Brax before we met him. We considered him our son and we were with him every day in hospital."

The inspiring couple, who met in 2012, were married in 2014 and found out they were pregnant with Dewey in August that year.

However, during the 20 -week ultrasound the technician realised something was wrong.

"They told us this whole list of things that was wrong with Dewey but they didn't know what it was exactly," Katie said.

"We were excepting this perfect pregnancy and wanted to go down the natural route but we ended up going to doctors once a week to monitor the baby."

Dewey was born in May 2015, weighing 1.8kg, ans was taken straight to NICU.

Katie said: "His condition was so rare, the doctors didn't know what to expect. We were just optimistic, and we knew every day was precious."

But while having surgery to fit a feeding tube, Dewey's heart stopped working and he passed away.

"We just had no idea, which is why his death was so traumatic," Katie said.

The devastated family leaned on their faith and threw a big celebration of life for their beloved son.

Then, on November 12, Katie received a call from one of the nurses who had gotten to know them during their stay with Dewey.

Four days later the couple met baby Brax for the first time at the hospital in Nashville.

The couple were able to take Brax home with them as a foster child before officially adopting him in September.

Katie said: "With Dewey there was no chance of complete healing, but with Brax it's just a matter of age.

"Once we brought him home, his health started to improve. He still needs oxygen but his movement and feeding has improved such much.

"He knows us and he smiles at us and can identify us.

"We have all this love because of Dewey and want to pour this love into Brax."