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Open Rights Group exists to preserve and promote your rights in the digital age. We are funded by over 3,000 people like you.


Digital Economy Bill Briefing to House of Lords Committee Stage

Open Rights Group (ORG) is the UK's only digital campaigning organisation working to protect the rights…


ORG Birmingham: Learn about how mobile phone users are spied on in Birmingham

Join us on 22 February to look at how polices in the West Midlands are covertly using devices- known as IMSI-catchers or Stingrays – to indiscriminately intercept and hack up to 500 phones every minute.


ORG Cambridge: Digital rights meet up

Join us on Tuesday 7 January for our monthly meetup to discuss the current state of digital rights, what we've done in the past month and what we are planning to do in the upcoming month.


ORG London: Trip to the Science Museum to see 'Our Lives in Data'

We'll be heading to the Science Museum on Saturday 4th February to check out the free exhibition 'Our Lives in Data.'
