

Susan Wyndham has seen the world of books change since she became the literary editor  of The Sydney Morning Herald over ...

Between the lines

When I started work as literary editor of The Sydney Morning Herald in January 1996, one of my first pleasant duties was to attend Sydney Writers' Festival. Back then, as a small offshoot of the Sydney Festival, it wooed about 18,000 sedate book lovers away from more hedonistic entertainment to listen to writers talk in the galleries of the State Library.

The making of men

<i>Testosterone Rex</i> by Cordelia Fine.

Cordelia Fine examines the assumption that testosterone is what turns young boys into stereotypical men.

Ali Land: books that changed me

Ali Land's first novel is a thriller about a mother and serial killer, Good Me Bad Me.

Ali Land worked as a child and adolescent mental-health nurse in hospitals and schools in Britain and Australia before becoming a full-time writer.

Top 10 books

Victory at Villers-Bretonneux: bestselling military history.

Peter FitzSimons' Victory at Villers-Bretonneux tops this History & Military bestsellers list.