
North Korea appears to have restarted plutonium reactor: think tank

Washington: New commercial satellite imagery indicates North Korea has resumed operation of a reactor at its main nuclear site used to produce plutonium for its nuclear weapons program, a US think tank said on Friday.

Washington's 38 North North Korea monitoring project said previous analysis from January 18 showed signs that North Korea was preparing to restart the reactor at Yongbyon, having unloaded spent fuel rods for reprocessing to produce additional plutonium for its nuclear weapons stockpile.

"Imagery from January 22 shows a water plume (most probably warm) originating from the cooling water outlet of the reactor, an indication that the reactor is very likely operating," it said in a report.

It said it was impossible to estimate at what power level the reactor was running, "although it may be considerable." A 38 North Korea report last week said operations at the reactor had been suspended since late 2015.

North Korea has maintained its nuclear and missile programs in violation of repeated rounds of international sanctions.

News of the apparent reactor restart comes at a time of rising concern about North Korea's weapons programs, which could present the new administration of US President Donald Trump with its first major crisis.


A report by leading US-based nuclear expert Siegfried Hecker published by 38 North last September estimated North Korea had stockpiles of 32 to 54 kg of plutonium, enough for 6 to 8 bombs, and had the capacity to produce 6 kg, or approximately one bomb's worth, per year.

North Korea also produces highly enriched uranium for atomic bombs and would have sufficient fissile material for approximately 20 bombs by the end of last year, and the capacity to produce seven more a year, that report said.

In a New Year speech, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un said his country was close to test launching an Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) and state media has said a launch could come at any time.

Trump's defence secretary plans to visit Japan and South Korea next week and shared concerns about North Korea are expected to top his agenda. 

North Korea, meanwhile, has warned the Seoul over combined South Korea-US military military exercises on ski slopes in sub-freezing temperatures.

More than 300 Marines are taking part, simulating combat on the ski slopes of Pyeongchang, host of the 2018 Winter Olympics.

"U.S. Marine Corps and ROK (Republic of Korea) Marine Corps partnered together at every level to build a camaraderie and friendship of the two countries' militaries but also to increase our proficiency in the event where we have to fight a war together," US Captain Marcus Carlstrom told reporters.

The training began on January 15 and ends on February 3 in Pyeongchang, about 180 km east of Seoul.

About 28,500 U.S. troops are stationed in South Korea in joint defence against North Korea, which is under UN sanctions over a series of nuclear and missile tests and which regularly threatens to destroy the South and the United States.
