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Team sports at work: Love 'em or hate 'em?

Don't judge colleagues for not joining in.

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There was no activity I despised more at school than team sports. I was the typical awkward cliche. Always the last to be picked for a side; always the first to be sent off the field. And so it wasn't uncommon for me to fake illness so that I could sit on the sidelines, my head bowed in reverence to a crossword puzzle. Graduating from school, then, wasn't just an opportunity to escape scholarly servitude but to forever abandon team sports.

Until I joined the workplace where participating in them was embraced by my peers with as much fervour as in the schoolyard, if not more so. Sure, there were the standard team-building days where games of footy (or something equally as humiliating) were used as a way of generating cohesion and morale. But the most staggering discovery was that people were even engaging in these group exercises voluntarily. Getting rough with colleagues. Sweating with colleagues. Showering with colleagues.

It was all a bit much really, and I've been cynical about such activities ever since, for reasons obviously tainted by adolescent bitterness. But my harsh judgments have been premature if research in January's issue of the Journal of Sports Sciences is to be trusted.

The researchers reviewed every credible workplace study conducted on team sports. They included all activities that could be performed in groups, such as the usual games of soccer and netball, as well as running, cycling, rock-climbing, tennis and so on. What they found, of course, was that there were a number of proven health outcomes – less fat, fewer body pains, more energy, that kind of thing.

But what the scholars were especially interested in were the organisational benefits of promoting and facilitating team sports among employees. And what they found was evidence they can lead to better performance at work and more effective social interactions. They're also a way through which hierarchical barriers can be knocked down, thereby also improving trust, communication, approachability, collaboration, and even a greater appreciation of diversity.

Some studies have demonstrated, too, that employees participating in team sports feel more fondly towards their organisation, perceive themselves to be more valued and appreciated by their employer, and consequently experience stronger levels of motivation in their job. It's unsurprising that lower rates of absenteeism were also found to be associated with workplaces that prioritise these activities.


The connection between team sports and organisational performance is probably further implicit in the myriad sports analogies and metaphors that permeate business discourse, each one as cringe-worthy as the next. Dropping the ball. Getting the ball rolling. Moving the goal posts. Keeping your eye on the ball. Throwing in the towel. Rolling with the punches.

And even though many of us, perhaps just a minority, would literally rather drop the ball than keep our eye on it, it does appear that's at our own (and ultimately our employers') detriment. So if you're tempted to give team sports a go in your workplace, here are some factors to consider:

·      Choose something safe. You may be liable for injuries even if they occur out of hours.

·      Ask employees for the types of activities they most prefer.

·      Make it easy to participate by providing time, space and adequate facilities.

·      Subsidise memberships at local sports clubs and fitness centres.

·      Set clear rules so that all participants know the boundaries and expectations.

·      Watch out for ostracism that might arise when those who aren't sports minded are left out.

And if you see some of us sitting on the sidelines with a crossword puzzle, we're probably doing just fine, thank you very much.

James Adonis is the author of Employee Enragement.

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