Posts Tagged ‘Attentat’

PDF: Responsibility Claim by Militant Popular Revolutionary Forces for the Execution of Neo-Nazis in November 2014 – Athens (Greece)

Tuesday, November 15th, 2016

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Type C Prisons: Domokos prison chief warden killed by Kalashnikovs near Lamia (Greece)

Saturday, February 21st, 2015

The chief warden of Domokos’ Type C high security prison was murdered on Saturday (21/02/2015) evening near the city of Lamia, in central Greece, police said. According to the information received so far, the 47 year-old victim left his house in the area of Kouvela, located between the town of Lamia and Stylida, just before 17.30 to go hunting in the wider area.

As soon as he got into his jeep, a passenger car with two or three individuals approached him and opened fire with Kalashnikovs and a nine-millimeter pistol. The victim was riddled with more than 20 bullets on the head and chest and had no time to react.

Police launched a manhunt to find the suspects and set up road blocks in the wider area but at time of writing had failed to find anything other than empty shells, witness statements and a corpse.

War against the existent

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Die Maoistische Kommunistische Partei-MKP bekennt sich zu beabsichtigtem bewaffneten Angriff auf Yıldırım (Türkei)

Monday, February 16th, 2015

The reactionary-fascist Turkish Presidential Adviser and former Transport Minister, İlhami Yıldırım, was the target of an armed attack. Popular Fighters Group of the Maoist Communist Party has taken responsibility and will issue a full communique soon. Yıldırım’s driver was shot several times and his weapons were seized. Yıldırım escaped the vehicle. Long live the new internationalist armed struggle.

(übers. aus dem Türkischen)

Die MKP (Maoistische Kommunistische Partei) bekennt sich zu beabsichtigtem bewaffneten Angriff auf Yıldırım. (14. Februar 2015)

Die Maoistische Kommunistische Partei hat sich zur in Çekmeköy, İstanbul stattgefundenen Aktion gegen den Leiter der örtlichen Rotmond Niederlassung [pendant zum westlichen Rotkreuz Anm.d.Ü.] İlhami Yıldırım bekannt.

Die MKP hat in Zusammenhang mit der Aktion gegen İlhami Yıldırım und seinen Chauffeur ein Bekennerschreiben veröffentlicht. Bei dieser Aktion, während derer die Waffe Hemmungen zeigte, wie bekanntgemacht wurde, wurde der Chauffeur İlhami Yıldırıms verletzt. (more…)

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Athens: Group of Popular Fighters claims responsibility for Israeli Embassy attack (Greece)

Saturday, February 7th, 2015

“Group of Popular Fighters”, which in the past had carried out an attack with Kalashnikovs against the German ambassador’s residence in the Athens suburb of Halandri on 13 December 2013, has taken responsibility for a similar attack on the Israeli Embassy which took place 12 December 2014.

Last week an anonymous caller rang mainstream news outlet Efimerida ton Syntakton and told them where they could find the USB stick which contained the claim. The document of responsibility is 19 pages long and has not been released yet.

The armed attack against the embassy followed a similar operational detail as used in their previous attacks, validating their claim, plus the results of the forensic ballistics confirmed that the weapons used in the attack were the same as the previous bloodless and highly-symbolic attacks which the group has taken responsibility for.

The armed group first appeared on 14 January 2013 when it carried out an attack on the New Democracy party headquarters on Sigrou Avenue. The group took responsibility for the attack in a statement released six months later.

During that attack a group of four people had attempted to fire a rocket at the offices, which however failed, as was explained in the communique issued by the group.

Another attacker subsequently fired 9 bullets at a window on the third floor. The bullets penetrated the glass with one bullet falling adjacent to (Ex-President) Antonis Samaras’s desk.

The attackers then left the scene in a Toyota Corolla that had been stolen a few days earlier. The charred remains of the vehicle was found in an empty lot 3-4 kilometers away.

The group’s second attack came on the 30 December 2013 when at least 4 people arrived outside the residence of the German Ambassador Wolfgang Dolt in the Athens suburb of Halandri. From the street the attackers sprayed the building with at least 60 bullets. The majority struck the outside of building including the outside wall of the room in which the ambassador’s daughter was sleeping. Another bullet entered the living room of an apartment behind the ambassador’s residence.

A statement was later issued claiming responsibility for the attack in which they stated that it had been carried out in memory of Dimitris Christoulas, a man who had committed suicide in Syntagma Square in April of 2012. “Dimitris Christoulas made the choice to give his life a tragic ending, as opposed to living a tragic life,” the authors wrote, adding, “However this act was not isolated, it did not concern only him and the dead end he had reached.”

In the same declaration the group revealed a double failure in its attempts to strike a Mercedes Benz dealership in a northern suburb of Athens with a shoulder fired missile on the 12th of January 2014, writing:

“On Sunday the 12-01-14 at about 23.00 we succeeded in approaching the target without being seen and this time we attempted to not have a repeat of last year’s misfortune outside of the offices of New Democracy, despite the fact that we came close to this outcome. And this because on the first attempt to fire a rocket against the offices of Mercedes, it once again failed due to faulty ammunition, however this time we employed the second rocket that we had brought with us and which ultimately fired normally and took the predetermined course. The fact that even as this text is being written about our attack it hasn’t become – in any way – known to enforcement authorities and to the media leads us to the following conclusions: either there has been a pathetic attempt to cover up the action (which will be revealed in the coming days after the publication of this declaration), or, because of our erroneous choice of shooting position, (possibly far from the target) the rocket did not travel the desired distance and is located around the perimeter of the Mercedes-Benz offices.”

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"Giroshin Sha" – An anarchist-illegalist cell, formed in Japan in the early 20th century

Tuesday, April 29th, 2014

Photo from the trial of

Photo from the trial of “Giroshin Sha” cell

“Giroshin Sha” (Guillotine Society) was an anarchist – illegalist cell, formed in Japan in 1922. This cell expropriated banks, in order to finance its activities.

“Giroshin Sha” attempted to execute the general Masataro Fukuda twice, who was in the group which was responsible for the assassination of the most prominent anarchist writer of his time in Japan, Osugi Sakae.

At the first attempt, one of Osugi’s former comrades, Kyutaro Wada, shot Fukuda but he only managed to injure him and at the second attempt, a bomb was placed at his house by Genjirop Muraki and Futura, but unfortunately he was not there.

In 1924, the member of “Giroshin Sha” Tetsu Nakahama (among others) attacked the chairman of Kanedo Co. company and was arrested.

In 1925, Nakahama, along with his comrade and also member of “Giroshin Sha” Daijiro Futura, were executed for “anti – governmental actions”, including a bank robbery in 1923 and planning the execution of Prince Hirohito. Kyutaro Wada was sentenced to life imprisonment and he committed suicide in his cell.

The article’s research was conducted by the imprisoned members of C.C.F.


Translated by Inter Arma

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Posted in Cognitive Liberty

International revolutionary solidarity with anarchist companera Sol F. Vergara (Chile)

Monday, February 3rd, 2014

from refractario, transl waronsociety:

“Strength, Sol, we love you. We are proud of you.”
– Luisa Toledo, grandmother of compañera Sol, on entering the courtroom.

Our dear compañera Sol was pointed out by power and accused of the attack on the miserable Banco Estado security guard Rolando Vargas Fuentes, in which 4 bullets were fired as a gesture of revenge for the murderous shots that another of his colleagues fired months earlier at the body of the anarchist compañero Sebastián Overluij. (more…)

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Seventh communique from Individualists Tending toward the Wild (ITS) – Mexico

Tuesday, February 19th, 2013

received and translated by waronsociety:

“When the blood of your veins returns to the sea
and the dust of your bones returns to the ground,
maybe then you will remember that this Earth does not belong to you,
you belong to this Earth.”
– Native American saying

Before beginning this new text signed by ITS, we want to express our enormous gratitude to the anarchist portal “Liberación Total,” since over the years they have disseminated our communiques despite the many uncomfortable circumstances that have presented themselves; in a note attached to a November 27, 2011 text by the “Animal and Earth Liberation Front of Mexico” titled “Conspiracy Theories and the Ridiculous Saboteurs“  [Spanish link*] which we quote, they said, “we will keep disseminating the information which has to do with the ITS,” and that is what they have done.

Likewise we thank all the persons and groups (from Mexico as well as Canada, the United States, Chile, Spain, Indonesia, Costa Rica, Italy, Russia, Germany, etc) who have at their own times recognized our work and/or have spread our words in one way or another. These displays of acceptance will always be taken into account as ITS did in our fourth communique (September 21, 2011) in note E; but it is worth mentioning that the displays of rejection do not go unnoticed either, when they have solid foundations that merit the effort of a response.

The aim of this text is to make our stance clear, continuing the work of spreading our ideas, clearing up some apparent doubts and misinterpretations, as well as accepting mistakes and/or errors. In no way do we want to start an endless discussion that only takes up time and energy, nor do we want this text to turn into something other than what it is. Anyone who reads it will be able to interpret correctly (or incorrectly) what they are aiming to read; the intelligent reader will know to reflect and consequently do what seems right to them.


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Insurrectional Cell Mariano Sanchez Añon / FAI claim responsibility for an armed attack against police (Mexico)

Monday, September 24th, 2012

325 receives and transmits:

We decided to appeal to the call of anarchist groups and individuals that do not limit themselves to words and curses against the social peace and who take the decision to destroy the system of domination into their own hands, making direct solidarity in the practice with our sisters and brothers in prison.

For this, we claim a new attack against the uniformed shit, opening fire against the police patrol 282 of the Municipal police of the Valley of Chalco in Mexico State, killing all of those aboard.
We did not attack a public transport unit, we shot against a police car, meaning, against a well-identified objective for our struggle to the death against the system of domination and its executioners.

If it is true, how the mass media laments, that we only killed one officer and that the rest of those onboard were civil personnel and family members of municipal police, we still do not regret the act. We will attack again without remorse. In the struggle for the destruction of the existent, there are no guilty or innocent. All those who feed this system of death are our enemies.

Also we want to clarify that we don’t know anything about the transit police that they report has disappeared. We do not kidnap or incarcerate.
We don’t believe in prisons or in those who call for “prisons of the people“. We fight for total liberation and not to impose any other equally oppressive system.

We greet all of the informal and anarcho-invidualist groups that took part in this new coordinated action!

Chaos has return for all of those who thought it had died.

Direct solidarity with all of the anarchist prisoners in Mexico, Chile, Greece, Italy, Indonesia, United States, Switzerland and the world!

Against all domination! Fire to power! For the extension of the struggle!
Viva la Anarquia!

Insurrectional Cell Mariano Sanchez Añon (CI-MSA)
Fraction of the Informal Anarchist Federation Mexico (FAI-M).

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Armed attack against CEO Roberto Adinolfi of Ansaldo Nucleare by Nucleo Olga FAI/FRI (Italy)

Tuesday, May 15th, 2012

7 May 2012

Roberto Adinolfi, chief executive of Ansaldo Nucleare, a company linked to Italian defence conglomerate Finmeccanica, was shot in the street outside his house in Genoa in northern Italy. The bullet fractured his right knee but he is not in a serious condition. Finmeccanica controls Ansaldo Energia, the parent of Ansaldo Nucleare.

From the press via culmine, transl waronsociety:


“The government of science and of men of science cannot fail to be impotent, ridiculous, inhuman, cruel, oppressive, exploiting, maleficent. We may say of men of science, as such, what I have said of theologians and metaphysicians: they have neither sense nor heart for individual and living beings. In so far as they are men of science, they have to deal with and can take interest in nothing except generalities; that do the laws” Michael Bakunin

“In Japan we had over ten thousand dead, but not a single one to date due to nuclear accidents.” Roberto Adinolfi

“The environmental impact of nuclear energy is limited, considering that it does not produce CO2.”Roberto Adinolfi

Toward an imaginative way to destroy the existent

Ideas born from the fates, words accompanied by action carrying the mark of life. We have crippled Roberto Adinolfi, one of so many sorcerers of the atom with a candid spirit and a clean conscience. Roberto Adinolfi, nuclear engineer, administrator in charge of Ansaldo Nuclear; he has steered the Ansaldo-FIAT Consortium as its technical director, the consortium was created for the design of the Italian plants of Montalto di Castro and Trino Vercellese; in the past he has collaborated in the renovation of the Superphenix and has constructed the plants at Cernavoda in Romania. Before nuclear fell into disgrace, he was one of the most responsible together with Scajola for the return of nuclear energy to Italy. Member of the Unicen Commission for nuclear regulation and Vice President of the Italian Nuclear Society, part of the Governing Board of the European technology platform Sustainable Nuclear Energy.

Despite not liking violent-style rhetoric, it has been with a certain pleasantness that we armed ourselves, with pleasure that we loaded the magazine. Grasping the pistol, choosing and following the target, coordinating mind and hand were necessary steps, the logical consequence of an idea of justice, the risk of a choice and at the same time a confluence of enjoyable sensations. A little bit of justice, some lead in the leg to leave a lasting memory of what was to him a grey assassin. The target is a colorless scientist, a technician, a word sadly in fashion these days which behind a fictitious neutrality hides the long arm of capital, a director little inclined to appear in the spotlight, at this time a villainous responsible who has not only designed and renovated nuclear plants that have caused and are causing deaths around the world. Not only has he designed and collaborated in the creation of deadly plants, but he has also promoted nuclear plants and their exploitation with Ansaldo scheming with various governments; science, politics and economics in perfect union.

In past centuries science had promised a golden era, today it is being carried out toward self-destruction and more total slavery. The science-technology pairing has never been at the service of humanity, in its deepest essence it shows the imperative need to eliminate everything that is irrational, to dehumanize, to annihilate, to effectively destroy humanity. Capitalism with the help of science tends to annul conflicts, individuals today are free to realize their subjective selves only through the consumption and production of goods. The machine orders, the human performs. Capital orders, the consumer consumes. Science orders, technology kills. State and science, capitalism and technology are only one thing, one single Moloch.

Increasingly close accords between states, diffuse capitalism, scrupulous science, criminal technology are inexorably killing the planet. A few kilometers to the north in France, Switzerland, Romania the nuclear plants can no longer be counted. In the European Union alone there are one hundred ninety-seven, twelve within the Italian borders. Adinolfi knows well that it is only a matter of time before a European Fukushima reaps death on our continent. We are certain, engineer, that if even for just a second you felt jointly responsible for Damocles’ sword hanging over our heads. We have bad news for you: for each action there is an equal and opposite reaction, and your body shows it.

With this action of ours we return to you a tiny part of the suffering that you, man of science, are pouring into the world. Roberto Adinolfi, lead man of Ansaldo Nuclear, tentacle of Finmeccanica, monstrous artificial octopus. It is its tentacles that everywhere strangle, murder and oppress. Finmeccanica means Ansaldo Energy with its nuclear tombs. Finmeccanica means Ansaldo Breda with its high-speed trains that devastate the land. Finmeccanica means Selex Sistemi Integrati, Dirstechnical Service, Inc. Elsac Datamat with its equipping of the racist US police for the control of the Mexican border, with its delirious design of electronic walls at the Libyan border against migrants, and its sophisticated electronic supplies to the Chilean police. Finmeccanica means Avio Alenia, Galileo and Selex with their deadly F35 fighter bombers, and the terrible aerial drones without pilots. Finmeccanica means interforce range from Salto to Quirra in Sardegna. Finmeccanica means bio- and nano-technology. Finmeccanica means death and suffering, new frontiers of Italian capitalism.

Human beings are made of flesh and dreams. Our dream is that of a humanity free from every form of slavery, that grows in harmony with nature. A dream that we make live in the moment in which we fight to realize it. Our dream has for us a name, “anarchy,” and we are ready to gamble everything in order to realize it. We are not alone in this adventure, in the whole world a new anarchy is blossoming opposite of an ideological and cynical anarch-ism, an anarch-ism empty of any breath of life, which only finds its realization in theory and attendance at assemblies and manifestations, the whole cowardice of a citizenism that stinks of death. A new anarchy is rising from the ruins of this anarch-ism, thousands and thousands of cells that speak among each other through thousands and thousands of actions.

Damiano Bolano, Giorgos Nikolopoulos, Panayiotis Argyrou, Gerasimos Tsakalos, Michalis Nikolopoulos, Olga Ikonomidou, Christos Tsakalos, Haris Hatzimichelakis, the imprisoned members cell of the CCF/FAI are the brothers and sisters who gave their determination and courage to fight, their consistency and projectuality have made us strong. Camenish, Pombo da Silva, Eat and Billy, Tortuga, Silvia, Costa, Billy and so many other prisoners in the prisons around the world, Russia, Mexico, Chile, Indonesia, Switzerland, the United States, were the ones who taught us not to fear prison. De Blasi, Pinones, Di Napoli, Cinieri, Morales, Sole, Baleno and so many killed by state repression, were the ones who taught us not to fear death. It was the brothers and sisters and those who we do not know of the Italian FAI/IRF who have proceeded to give a concrete informal organizational perspective. With their determination, constancy and persistence, in spite of the general pessimism, against a critique — a critique always full of envy, against a realism without hope, against everyone and everything,  they have succeeded in keeping the flame of the new anarchism alive. A flame becoming bright like the sun when the sisters and brothers of the CCF have brought their contribution of courage-action-organization.

If we were realists we would not have armed our hands. If we were realists we would not take on such risks, we would live our existence producing and consuming, maybe being indignant. We are the crazy lovers of freedom and we will never renounce the revolution and the complete destruction of the state and its violence. In our anarchist and nihilist revolt, the hope of a future without borders, wars, social classes, economy, exploited and exploiter. The possibility of realizing this dream is for us like a gleam of light in the darkness. However dim this gleam may be, it is always worth reaching for, cost what it may, the quality of our life will be enriched.

To you anarchists who accuse us of being unrealistic, adventurist, suicidal, provocative, martyrs, we say that with your “social” struggle, with your citizenism you work for the reinforcement of democracy. Always in search of consensus, without ever crossing over the limit of the “possible” and the “rational,” the only compass guiding your action is the penal code. Willing to risk only up to a point, always ready to find infinite ideological justifications so as not admit to your own fears. We are sure one day you will have the last word on us, as in the past you have had with your last experience of armed struggle. In a few years you will write a good book on our story, criticizing our errors and our shortcomings; from the heights of your “coherency” nothing is revolutionary enough, but no one, not even you, will be able to take away the pleasure that today we have fully realized and lived, here and now, our revolution.

If we consider the lives of the vast majority of us anarchists we realize that we are not so distant from the alienation of those who produce, consume and die. We produce and consume radical culture and alternative music and slowly, ever so slowly, die without ever having taken arms against and shot an oppressor. All our revolutionary tension is unleashed in fiery articles for our journals and websites, in fiery words to our songs and the sporadic clash in the plaza, enough to silence one’s own conscience. It is clear that what we are making is a self-critique, we do not feel that we are something different from other anarchists. By holding a stupid pistol, we have only taken one step in many for escaping from the alienation of “Now is not the moment…” “The times are not ripe…”

Vanquishing fear was simpler than what we had imagined it. Doing today what only yesterday we thought impossible is the only solution that we have found for breaking down the wall of daily oppression, of the impotency and resignation that we have seen up to now as pawns in an insurrectionalist anarchism of mere facade that with its lack of courage legitimates power. We could strike while looking for “consensus” on where the tooth hurts, for example some functionary of Equitalia [tax collection agency in Italy, which is very unpopular these days – transl.], but with this action we are not looking for “consensus.” What we are looking for now is complicity. In the recent past, a cell of the FAI/IRF severely wounded a functionary of Equitalia, which has received a wide approval, something that the self-named “social” anarchists in recent years have tried countless times to achieve without much success. The brothers and sisters of the “Free Eat and Billy Cell” have shown with that action that in the end consistency pays, and that it is not necessary to limit oneself to action in order to get “consensus.” These comrades have shaken from our backs a malediction that has for too long been weighing on anarchists’ backs, the malediction of this badly interpreted search for social consensus that binds the hands of those who are aware of the urgency to act, here and now.

In these times in which so much certainty of the state-capital is sinking, the idea of freedom cannot be derogated: the idea of social struggle in which we recognize ourselves and we want to move ourselves is that of a people in arms against any form of state, political, or economic oppression. We do not consider ourselves representative of citizens indignant over some malfunctioning of a system that they want to continue to be part of. Exchanging rage and indignation in the place of a process of revolt against the status quo is a sign of a dangerous revolutionary myopia. With the entangling of comrades, even generous ones, into the cultivation of a field of dissenting democracy, with its own little cliques and consortia and its miniature politicians, generosity transforms into assistance, the spectacularization of the clash with relative manipulation by the media. Only the radicalization of the conflict can lead to paths of social and individual freedom.

Identify the target, “hit where it hurts most,” know to recognize the enemy even when it is playing the lamb. Make the arms of critique and the critique of arms work hand in hand. There is neither rhetoric nor spectacle in an action carried out with the appropriate selection of means and objective.

With this action we give rise to the “Olga Cell.” We enthusiastically adhere to the FAI/IRF, uniting with so many groups of the new anarchist international around the world, Mexico, Chile, Peru, Argentina, Indonesia, Russia, England, Italy, Spain, Greece… Projecting and carrying out this action were anarchists without any “military” experience, without any specialization, only the anarchists who with this our first action want to definitively mark a line between ourselves and that anarch-ism that burns only when chatting and is soaked in gregariousness. We have taken the name of a sister of ours from the CCF, Olga Ikonomidou because in her consistency and strength as part of the “Imprisoned Members’ Cell of the CCF”, she resides at the heart of the FAI/IRF. In our next action, the name of another Greek brother, an action for each of them. With Adinolfi’s wounding we propose a campaign of struggle against Finmeccanica, murderous octopus.  Today Ansaldo Nuclear, tomorrow another of its tentacles — we invite all the groups and individuals of the FAI to strike this monstrosity with all necessary means.


Olga Cell FAI/IRF

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CCF – Bullets of words for the bullets of FAI/FRI (Greece, Italy)

Monday, May 14th, 2012

From athens indymedia via contra-info:

It is a wonderful moment, the moment that the enemy kneels and falls from the determination of your brothers and sisters. A few days ago Roberto Adinolfi, CEO-magister of the nuclear energy company Ansaldo Nucleare, was shot by our brothers and sisters of the Olga Cell of the Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI)–International Revolutionary Front (FRI).

Roberto Adinolfi is a high priest of the new totalitarianism of science and technology imperatives. Science has become the modern religion of our time, promising an apathetic society the lethargy of a stuffed belly and artificial paradises in exchange for the coldness of an empty heart drowned in compromise.

The empire of scientific totalitarianism is fed by the vanity of an anthropocentric authoritarian civilization. A civilization imposed on our desires, our choices, the nature and animals, turning life into a quantitative scale to fit its miserable statistics. At the same time, contemporary people end up unable to even dare to live authentically, without hypocrisy, and as they sink deeper into their reliance on technological substitutes of real life they create illusions and superficial relationships. Now, with their scientific discoveries, they can ‘offer’ us more time to grow old but deprive us of a way to live authentically. So, science generates the coldest of all monsters of the human folly. It lays the technological fascistization of our lives. It lays genetic testing, electronic monitoring, laboratory animals, research statistics, the dictatorship of machines and numbers. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy