Posts Tagged ‘Prague’

Imprisoned anarchist Martin Ignačák is bailed (Czech Republic)

Wednesday, October 5th, 2016

Martin was released from remand! WELCOME HOME!!!

The supreme court denied the confidential file written by former criminal police chief about his sister as an anarchist organizer and criminal element whom the court deciding about Martin awaiting trial outside of remand should not trust. Therefore the court had to decide to “free” Martin. The struggle is not over at all. In contrary it is in its beginning and Fenix 5 (people being charged of a conspiracy of preparation a terrorist attack against the train with military equipment – prepared by two undercover/infiltrated state agents) will face another series of court hearings on October 3rd to 6th.



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Posted in Prison Struggle

Igor Sevcov trial in the court of appeal will take place July 20th (Czech Republic)

Tuesday, July 5th, 2016

The poster above is hand made by comrade Igor.

The court of appeal of Igor Shevcov will take place on July 20th in High court of Prague. Support an anarchist sentenced to exile for two years because of video recording of spray painting. Share, come, be creative!

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Operation Fenix: Solidarity to anarchist comrade Martin on hunger-strike (Czech Republic)

Friday, June 17th, 2016

As “Czech” Anarchist Black Cross and the AntiFenix Collective, we call for international solidarity actions against the repression of anarchists in the so-called Czech Republic. This repressive wave is labeled Operation Fenix – 8 people are accused or charged, some with possible life sentences, and with many more harassed by police, interrogated, raided, devices confiscated.

Our call for international solidarity is to support all of charged and affected, but also in particular to support Martin, an anarchist who was entrapped and accused of preparation of a terrorist attack, all planned by two state infiltrators. He has been locked away already almost 14 months in terrible conditions, and in response, he has just gone on hunger strike. Especially in places where you have Czech embassies or consulates, you can show that borders can’t stop anarchist solidarity.

Although Martin’s English isn’t very good, he will be very happy to receive any mail, here is his address:

Martin Ignačák 10.8.1986
V.V. Praha – Pankrác
P.O.BOX – 5
Praha 4
140 57
Czech Republic

On the antifenix website there are already some pictures from solidarity actions from foreign countries.

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Communiqué from Martin Ignačák about his hunger strike (Czech Republic)

Monday, June 13th, 2016

We have already informed about the fact that Martin, unlike us, has not been aware of the decision of the court. He hasn’t received the official decision to this day (June 9th, now he has gotten it) but has been informed about the court decision by his family and his lawyer who visited him yesterday. The court had decided that Martin is to remain in custody. Therefore today Martin officially begins the hunger strike. Here is Martin’s statement.


The hunger strike is my free reaction to the circumstances that concern the approach of the police in the Fénix case.

The situation is unbearable for me due to the slander through which R. Šlachta has demagogically been ling to the Higher court. I consider it unlawful that my family is being monitored, their private lives are being interfered with, their opinion and feelings of the Fénix case are being judged. This indirectly shows that any criticism is an impulse for the monitoring of the dissenting persons and the recording of details of their private lives. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Victory to Network of Revolutionary Cells in fight against boss of Prague restaurant Rizkarna (Czech Republic)

Thursday, May 26th, 2016

Source : SRB

The fight of The Network of the Revolutionary Cells (SRB) against Prague restaurant Rizkarna lasted over a year. The owner of the restaurant Vladimir Krulec didn’t pay wages to his employees. He finally admitted defeat. After pressure of SRB he payed owed wages to some of the employees who worked there.

SRB organized different sabotages of the restaurant since March 2015. Four times restaurants’ cars were set on fire. Few times the restaurant was disrupted with the Butiric acid. There was also dozens of forced evacuations which caused enclosure for the public. The sabotages were an extensive loss for the business. The threat of more damages finally made Krulec to admit his defeat. He did what SRB wanted him to: to pay those owed wages.

The victory of SRB was a product of enforcement. We defined the goal of the struggle and through the direct actions we made Krulec to accomplish it. There was no space for concession. There was no mediation through bureaucracy or politicians. No negotiation or concessions in order to find a compromise. This we commit to others. We prefer the logic of permanent conflict that makes our enemies to do what we need.

There were other direct actions before SRB started its actions. Protests, happenings, pickets or occupations of the restaurant. These were organized by other groups and under specific circumstances it could’ve been successful. But it didn’t lead to a success and that was the reason why SRB started their actions. It was designed to intensify the pressure on Krulec. The autonomous actions and used methods were enforced by circumstances but are not the universal model for all situations.

Organizing pickets can be sufficient for some other struggles. In that case there is no need to set cars on fire. But where the moderate protests are not working the sabotages can be a good way how to win such fights. This one is a good example. Let it inspire ourselves and let’s take advantage from the gained experience. Let’s analyze it and utilize it for the future fights.

Network of the revolutionary cells (SRB) – 23. 5. 2016

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Posted in Autonomy

Prague: Network of Revolutionary Cells take responsibility for incendiary attack against police vehicles in solidarity with imprisoned vegan anarchist Martin Ignačák (Czech Republic)

Monday, February 29th, 2016

Communique: Police cars set on fire with solidarity with anarchist Martin Ignačák.

A fire of two police cars took place on 14th February 2016 right by the police office at Nad Úpadem street. The fire itself was initiated by time flammable device. The Network of Revolutionary Cells (SRB) – Solidarity Subversion Cell, is responsible for this sabotage. The cars were set on fire in solidarity with anarchist Martin Ignačák. He is being held in Prague – Pankrác prison, where he is being tortured.

Martin, as a fighter against capitalism is facing attacks from those, who want to keep the continuity of capitalism exploitation. Imprisonment is one of those attacks. The other one then is refusing to give him the food he needs. Martin is vegan and he has good reasons for being so. He doesn’t want to eat bodies of unnecessarily killed animals. He also doesn’t want to eat eggs, milk and other products from which the animals suffered. Before he was taken into custody he was eating only plant based food, that means vegan food. And the prison administration doesn’t respect it. They’re refusing to give him vegan food, although vegan food is a part of the prison administration’s rules, not to mention that the other imprisoned vegans are being given vegan food with no problem at all. Martin is in no doubt being tortured, and it can lead to a very serious health problems or death.

These torturing methods that are used against Martin Ignačák are unacceptable. We don’t believe that it will help if we just ask the institutions of the state, because they’re part of the problem. So anarchists are rather choosing direct action. Solidarity expressed in subversive activity against structures, that torture our comrade and makes sure that capitalism continues. Police is a part of these structures. That’s why the sabotage was on their cars, because the cars are technologies that help with oppression.

Martin Ignačák is now waiting in prison for the official court process. A spectacle where the society will be scared away by terrorism and extremism – the words, that the state’s servants like to use when they speak about anarchism so that the substance of emancipation would be hidden from people that otherwise have a lot of reasons to rage alongside us.

The official court process will for sure be a big demonstration of power. Theater scene in which the main character will be a big monster that everyone is afraid of. This role will be played by the states and their servants. There are no doubts, that the verdict was already said a long time ago. Martin Ignačák was sentenced to die. And it’s starting off by not giving him the food he needs to survive. The Network of Revolutionary Cells will not tolerate this. Our subversion will be present as long as we don’t get what we want. In the short term horizon, we want dignity for Martin Ignačák. In the long time horizon, we want to destroy the system that makes us and Martin lose our dignity.

Solidarity with Martin Ignačák!

Solidarity with everyone who is facing oppression from the state!

Solidarity Subversion Cell / Network of Revolutionary Cells (SRB) – 14. 2. 2016

Links: 1, 2.

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Posted in Direct Action

Prague: Network of Revolutionary Cells claim responsibility for several acts of sabotage against Řízkárna (Czech Republic)

Friday, January 22nd, 2016

Network of Revolutionary Cells (SRB) has sabotaged cars of the Řízkárna restaurant
in Prague four times this year. Space for reaction of the thief Vladimír Krulec was
given. He could have reacted in several different ways. For example, he could have
made some calculations and realized that paying his people for work would cost him
less than covering sabotage losses. He failed at these simple calculations though.

He used various tools against the SRB and other parts of the anarchistic movement.
He tried to ridicule, demonize and threaten us. His threats however cause exactly
what a reasonable person would expect. More resistance against his restaurant. Thief
and bully who likes to make himself look like a victim in the press is giving,
through this behaviour, massive amounts of energy to those who don’t want to see his crimes against the working class go unpunished. This very same energy started the second wave of the Řízkárna resistance. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Antifenix – Financial help needed (Czech Republic)

Monday, July 20th, 2015

Hello everybody,

Since we are still under the pressure of repression, there are quite big expenses in theFenix case and we are somehow unable to pay all these things (lawyers, support of the family of one imprisoned guy, food for prisoners, packages for the prisoners, etc.)

We would like to ask for any financial help possible. First we though that we will be able to do it ourselves and also we were already supported from some groups from other countries, but now it seems to be harder then we expected.

If you would like to donate/do a benefit event, please let us know.
Every amount of money is valuable for us..

Info in English is here on the website http://antifenix.noblogs.org

Thanks to everybody!


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Posted in Social Control

Network of Revolutionary Cells take responsibility for two arson attacks against police vehicles in the context of the fight against 'Operation Fenix' (Czech Republic)

Wednesday, July 8th, 2015

SRB (Network of Revolutionary Cells communique: Police car torched in response to Operation Fenix

In the early hours of Saturday, July 4, 2015 we torched a police car outside the Praha-Bubny police station. This was in response to the police and state repression against anarchists. Since April 28, 2015 when the police launched ‘Operation Fenix‘, four anarchists have been arrested and held in custody. Wild Heart Cell sends a message with this sabotage: We will not tolerate such violence by the state and we will fight against it!

With the launch of ‘Operation Fenix’ cops have declared war against the anarchist movement. They thought they could scare us into giving up. They have made a mistake, we will never give up. We are moving into counterattack.

They want to suffocate the resistance but they only add more fuel to the fire.

Wild Heart Cell – Network of Revolutionary Cells (SRB)

SRB (Network of Revolutionary Cells) Communique: Police car torched in solidarity with Alešem Kočím

On Wednesday, July 1st, 2015, a police car was set on fire in Prague. It occurred on the outskirts of the park near the Srašnická metro station. As part of the ongoing struggle an SRB cell attacked the police car to send a fiery greeting to Alešem Kočím. For his anarchist beliefs in class warfare, Alešem fell into the hands of the state. On the 28th April, 2015 he was detained by the police during ‘Operation Fenix’ and was subsequently charged with possession of illegal weapons. He now sits in custody as a prisoner of the state.

The state and it’s institutions have a huge arsenal of weapons and have created a monopoly on their use. They constantly use them in order to keep the capitalist construct in motion – the network of exploitative and oppressive relations. Anarchists do not accept the state’s monopoly on weapons. Anarchist praxis confronts the values the defend and reproduce state violence. State violence against anarchists builds insurgent violence.

Alešem Kočím is an anarchist who disrupted the state’s monopoly on the use of weapons by being armed. SRB supports such a stance. While Alešem is in the hands of the enemy this limits his potential for future struggle but we do not intend to accept this situation. Incendiary words, fire, weapons and explosives – it’s all part of our struggle. Revolutionary struggle against the violence perpetrated by the state to preserve the misery of capitalism. So far we have only used fire to ignite cars. Next time however will not be the same.

Fire Greeting Cell – Network of Revolutionary Cells (SRB)

via revolucnibunky & insurrectionnews.

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Posted in Direct Action

Prague: Comrade I. is arrested in new detention case (Czech Republic)

Wednesday, July 1st, 2015

Yesterday, 29.6.2015, the district court of Prague 6 ruled to put Comrade I. in custody.

I. was accused in another case of repression of ‘ultra-left extremism’.
He was taken on Friday in and charged on Sunday.

According to the police, I. took part in the ‘attack’ on the house of the minister of defense of Czech republic with Molotov cocktails. (8.6.2015)

There are no photos nor videos of this ‘attack’. There was no actual fire, despite 4 bottles having been thrown.

No other evidence of the ‘attack’ has been made public, nobody claimed responsibility for it.

With the knowledge, that the alleged planning of an attack on a military train was staged by infiltrated police agents, this ‘attack’ looks suspicious.

The fact that I. is a Russian citizen, plays into the context of political discourse rather suspiciously well.

I. got the worst type of custody with very strict conditions.

More info in English soon.


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Posted in Social Control

Prague: Network of Revolutionary Cells take responsibility for car arson attack against exploiter (Czech Republic)

Tuesday, June 30th, 2015

SRB Communique: The fourth arson attack on Řízkárnu

Network of Revolutionary Cells / SRB have conducted another arson attack at a Řízkárna restaurant in Prague. At dawn on Friday, June 26, another car was torched at Řízkárny. Responsibility for the sabotage is claimed by N95 Cell. V. Krulec acquired cars and other equipment for his restaurant via the unpaid work of his employees. The sabotage was carried out in order to decommission the car so that he could not use it for the further exploitation and robbery of workers.

Sabotage is both a means of defense and of attack. It is one of many methods that can be accessed by angry proletarians in the fight against the capitalist filth.

N95 Cell – Network of Revolutionary Cells / SRB


via insurrection news.

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Posted in Direct Action

Report about Operation Fenix (Czech Republic)

Friday, May 29th, 2015

Police crackdown on anarchist movement in Czech Republic

Arrests, home searches, interrogations, intimidation, confiscation of servers and other persecutions are results of recent wave of repressions against anarchist movement in the Czech Republic. Early on Tuesday of the 28th April, 2015 the Counter Organised Crime Unit of the Czech police (UOOZ) commenced operation Fenix targeting various individuals and organisations connected with anarchist movement across the country. Police operation was aimed on anarchist and left wing radicals who were supposed to commit series of arson attacks. Based on the information provided by the police, local news source Lidovky.cz has speculated that Network of Revolutionary Cells is responsible for the attacks.

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Posted in Social Control

Prague: SRB – 'Network Revolutionary Cells' claim arson of police car (Czech Republic)

Friday, May 29th, 2015

On Friday 15th May a cop car parked outside the police station on Hostivařska Road in Prague was set on fire. This is the result of premeditated sabotage carried out by the M.A.P. cell. We were following the actions of the Network of Revolutionary Cells, but hesitated before turning our anger into direct action of attack. For a long time we were tormented by fear and indecision.

Then a change of direction happened. On 28th April the police launched an attack on the anarchist movement of the country we live in,and this facilitated our decision to act. We think other choices of this kind will follow. Perhaps a burnt out police car represents just a small step compared with what must be done to put an end to capitalism. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Police operation "Phoenix" against anarchists continues (Czech Republic)

Wednesday, May 6th, 2015

Police have just announced that 3 people being held in custody were accused of terrorism. According to Czech law the minimum penalty for this crime is 12 years and it is one of the very few crimes with possible life sentence. Two other people are accused of not reporting this crime and the last two of illegal arms (police reported they found an explosive timed device made of a steel tube). The case is apparently very serious. Terrorism charge gives the police some extra power and rights.

Other people arrested are being investigated for “supporting the movement seeking to violate human rights and freedom”, which is a crime designated for use against hate movements [racist/far-right].

Police released this story to the public: those accused planned an attack with Molotovs on a train transporting Hyundai cars. Two of them should have obtained
the “explosives”, two others should actually attack the train, the last three should work as scouts. The attack should have taken place last November but never happened for an unknown reason, it is possible it was just delayed.

The police say that all of them belong to “Conspiracy of Cells Of Fire”. All people were under surveillance at least since last September.

From ABC.

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Posted in Social Control

Prague: Squatted centre Cibulka is raided and evicted by police (Czech Republic)

Wednesday, May 6th, 2015

Today police evicted the only squatted place in Prague, Cibulka. In a massive raid 200 cops with water-cannon and even a helicopter arrested at least 12 people, at least 4 people were injured. There were around 50 people present in the place when the police came, most of them left the premises voluntarily. Four people occupied the roof but were forcibly removed. It is still unclear what exactly happened as police closed off the whole surrounding area. At least four people are in hospital now. At least 12 people are being held.

Cibulka was occupied by squatters two years ago. Soon they managed to sign an agreement with the owner, semi-public company Autoklub. For two years it was used legally, but that did not prevent police from raiding the place several times. Last month the contract was recalled by the owner. Yesterday evening the owner made a formal complain to police, today the place was evicted. It is an unprecedent speed of police work in the country where it is usual to wait 8 or more years for a court verdict and generally the justice system is very slow and ineffective…

From ABC.

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Posted in Social Control