Posts Tagged ‘Kevin Garrido’

Communique for coordinated arson attacks against energy multinational RWE (Germany)

Thursday, January 12th, 2017

In the late hours of 25-11-16, we carried out coordinated arson attacks against the German energy multinational RWE in the vicinity of the Hambach opencast lignite mine. We have delayed this communique until now (11-1-17) for strategic purposes.

After a scout of the area, we split up and set fire to six pumping stations, two electrical transformers, one digger and a substation of the electrical grid.

Pumping stations are key pieces of the mines infrastructure used to lower the water table and prevent the flooding of the mine. They most often resemble a section of exposed pipe and an electrical box surrounded by construction fence. We prised open the electrical boxes using a crowbar and placed simple timed incendiary devices and a bundle of bicycle inner tubes inside to ensure the flames caught nicely.

The incendiary devices were composed of a candle secured to a firelighter cube with a strong rubber band. The candles burnt down slowly, then ignited the firelighters once we were safely away from the area. After smashing a window to gain access, we used the same devices to burn out the cab of the digger. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Hunger strike communiqué of comrade Kevin Garrido (Chile)

Thursday, May 26th, 2016

‘We will ensure that there is not one safe place left for them. Our weapons are charged and ready to talk… if words make them sweat, actions will spill blood’ Sebastián Oversluij.

Today I write to you from captivity, Mauricio Morales. These words are from and for you and I hope they reach you.. How many years have passed since you physically abandoned this disgusting modern world? Does it really matter? Not to me. Time is just time and the future is uncertain, the attack is here and now… There’s the present to be set on fire and blown up! The present war!

For me you didn’t ‘fall in battle’. Because, dying while attacking authority is falling? no, in my opinion, and I believe that many repeat this phrase mistakenly. For me you died attacking authority, with dignity and pride. You died with the courage of the warrior you are, amidst the triumph of Power and the respect of those who consider you a comrade. I don’t idolise you or any other, even less do I cry for you. I honour your courage, your acting in total coherence with your words, ideas and practices; a fighter of praxis. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Imprisoned anarchist comrade Joaquin Garcia attacked the former boss of the dictatorship’s intelligence police inside prison (Chile)

Sunday, March 13th, 2016

Comrade Joaquin Garcia, who was arrested on November 2015 accused of bomb attacks, some days ago has attacked the former boss of the dictatorship’s intelligence police, a bastard who is condemned for ‘human rights violations’ in the same prison that the comrade is in.

Joaquin was arrested with Kevin Garrido, and they are accused for the attacks against a school for prison guards and against a police station, this last action was claimed by ‘International Conspiracy for Revenge/Gerasimos Tsakalos Cell’.

The comrade beat the bastard, hitting him in the head, hurting him in the face. The bastard was sore, claiming to be a poor victim.

Solidarity with Joaquin and Kevin!
Long live anarchy!

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Posted in Direct Action

Bombing of the Prison Training School of the Gendarmerie (Chile)

Sunday, November 22nd, 2015

From Noticias de la Guerra Social:

During the morning, about 03.30am of November 19th 2015, one loud bang surprised a bastard jailer who was on guard at the Prison Training School of Gendarmerie. A homemade bomb made of compressed black powder starts a fire after being activated by a detonating fuse at a side gate of the guards school in the municipality of San Bernardo. The blast leaves no wounded, causing some damage to the infrastructure of the enclosure. Quickly Colonel Christian Alveal, Director of the School pointed to the press: “Always anarchist anti-systemic groups have threatened the School of Gendarmerie, its facilities and staff, and we permanently take safeguarding measures to effectively prevent events like these happening to people and damage to facilities.” For his part, Vice President Jorge Burgos said that “The investigation process is in full swing and I understand there has been policing results. This action will not go unpunished, which is important.”

After the explosion, comrade Kevin Garrido was arrested in a nearby area by the DIPOLCAR, who also stopped Joaquin Garcia, who is accused of this attack and the attempted bombing of the 12th Commission. Both were remanded in custody.

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