Posts Tagged ‘Hasan Çınar’

Anarchist prisoner Osman Evcan resisted and won his fight again (Turkey)

Sunday, December 20th, 2015

Osman Evcan and Hasan Çınar gained the victory from the determined
struggle which they put their lives against the state inside the thick
walls of prison which they are enclosed. Osman and Hasan, got what they
demanded through this hard period. Osman Evcan ended his indefinite
hunger strike which took 39 days against intimidation and extermination
politics against prisoners in prison and again he proved us that how he
is right about his call to raise struggle.

We celebrate Osman Evcan who has proved that the thick walls that are
built in order to revitalize the new “terrorist” wave that the Turkish
state needed and legitimize further operations cannot be an obstacle to
anarchists at all. The “punishment” system and their officials that made
comrade Osman Evcan suffer hunger for 39 days and tortured him are our
enemies. The recognized demands of Osman Evcan and Hasan Çınar are not a
matter of grace, instead that is the end of torturous practices. Torture
is the state policy. We are grateful to everyone who have held
demonstrations, spoken up, and support for Osman Evcan’s cause. Osman
Evcan is now trying to get over the adverse effects of the hunger strike
process, and his present health condition is fine. We will share the
message from Osman Evcan and Hasan Çınar soon.

With anarchist solidarity,

ABC Istanbul

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Istanbul: Demo for Osman Evcan, vegan anarchist on hungerstrike (Turkey)

Saturday, December 19th, 2015

video & pictures

A demonstration took place in Taksim (Istanbul) to show solidarity with
vegan anarchist Osman Evcan who is on hunger strike for 37 days, and
with the political prisoner Hasan Çınar who is on hunger strike for 15
days. The demo continued by constant threats by the riot police and
ended by police attack after the public statement.

Public statement

Vegan anarchist prisoner Osman Evcan- who is resisting against authority
in prisons for 23 years- is demanding total freedom against the
ecological destruction and slaughter, hunger, poverty and war politics
that state, civilization and capitalism created.

Osman’s first hungerstrike was at 2011 to access vegan food in jail
which lasted 42 days. During his hungerstrike the anarchists, animal
liberationists all over the World and in Turkey supported Osman’s fight
to access vegan food in prison. After 42 days of hungerstrike the
government took a step back and made regulations for the vegan and
vegeterian prisoners in prison: ”Vegan or vegetarian prisoners demands
will be accepted as long as its limited by subsistence allowance”

After his hunger strike for 33 days on June 2015 he took vegan food
supplies one step further and he gained the right to get vegan food from
outside the prisons. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Osman Evcan is on hunger strike for 35 days – Hasan Çınar is on hunger strike for 10 days (Turkey)

Tuesday, December 15th, 2015

Osman Evcan continues his indefinite hunger strike to protest Kocaeli no.
1 F Type prison and other prisons of oppressive, authoritarian, retributive,
unjust practices. He is on hunger strike since 10th November 2015. Also
Osman Evcan’s cellmate Hasan Çınar started an indefinite hunger strike 10
days ago to support Osman. He is suffering from stomach cancer. Due to
his health condition this hunger strike might be really dangerous for
him in a really short time period.

We got the information that Osman Evcan’s health condition is good for
now and he continues his hunger strike with strength. He also told us in
his letter that the prison administration and prison prosecutor is
putting pressure on him by going into his cell, yelling at him with
threats so that he brings his hunger strike to an end. But he
underlines that he is determined to continue the hunger strike. Besides
that he says that he is thankful to everyone who is supporting him by
sending letters, by protests, by creating a public opinion. He sends
everyone his love and greetings. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle